A perfect gift for Valentine's Day. The most unusual gifts that were made on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is an excellent reason to buy and present your boyfriend with an original gift that will be pleasant and unexpected. On this holiday, it is customary to say gentle words, confess love and express your caring attitude. Each girl wonders what to give a man for Valentine's Day so that her beloved husband or boyfriend will be completely delighted.

Today we will try to present you a list of the most original ideas for a presentation that will help make the holiday as pleasant as possible for everyone.

"Made with love" or DIY gifts

If you do not know what to give a guy on February 14, then a handmade present will be the best solution. It will symbolize your sincere attitude towards your soul mate, and will not leave indifferent any man. You can:
No expensive gift can replace the warmth, sincerity and cozy atmosphere at home. Therefore, try to spend Valentine's day alone with your beloved, never ceasing to amaze him with your attention and care.

Decorate your bedroom with balloons, make a collage of joint photos, or order pillowcases featuring your couple. Such a gift to your beloved boyfriend on February 14 will definitely like it, cheer you up and set you in a romantic mood.

Gifts for real men - will not remain indifferent

If you are choosing a gift for your beloved husband for Valentine's Day, then our following tips are guaranteed to help with this. We offer to buy:

An exclusive date is the best holiday for two

If you decide to spend Valentine's Day together, you can come up with a themed evening. As an idea, you can choose:
  • joint passage of a romantic quest in your city;
  • purchase of a certificate for attending a master class in a pottery shop, where you can make your own pottery with your own hands under the guidance of an experienced specialist, tickets for a trip to a dolphinarium, a zoo or a circus, or a certificate for something extreme, such as a joint go-kart ride;
  • visiting a restaurant where you will be invited to participate in the process of making pizza, sushi or other gastronomic masterpiece.

It could be dinner at an unusual restaurant, where you have not been together - a place where food is served in complete darkness, a restaurant with molecular or Korean cuisine, a raw food cafe.

Go hunting for some of the most delicious burgers in town, or sample Mojito in every bar in your area (and then rank).

Saint Valentine patronizes lovers, so you can arrange a joint vacation. February is a cold month, so the ideal option would be to purchase a three-day sea tour. Agree that this will be an unforgettable pastime that will forever remain in your memory and strengthen the relationship within the couple.

Here is a more budgetary option - a trip around the city in a limousine or a joint visit to the sauna with billiards. The guys love it!

If you do not want to spend money, then arrange a romantic dinner at home. You can diversify the evening with a 18+ board game and watching your favorite movie.

Simple and pleasant gifts that every man needs

You can purchase a whole set of nice little things that will please even the most demanding guys. Choose from the list:
  • leather belt or purse;
  • wireless headphones, training gloves or a dedicated heart rate watch ideal for workouts
  • a portable speaker, a large-capacity flash drive or an original keychain for a bunch of keys;
  • if your man has nowhere to put his tools, then you can pay attention to men's cases. They are designed for storing little things, personal care products or all kinds of men's stuff.
Pack everything in a beautiful box and complement the gift with a cup of aromatic coffee in bed with scrambled eggs in the shape of a heart!

Unusual presentation of gifts - making up a calendar of surprises

If you have purchased several gifts for your man (cinema or KVN tickets, a diary and portable speakers), then it would be wrong to give them all together. These objects are too far from each other. Agree that in this case, the young man may be confused by the number of surprises and will not appreciate each of them.

We came up with a way outfrom the current situation - to present presents throughout the day, never ceasing to amaze your soul mate.

To do this, wrap all gifts in colored paper or foil, stick pieces of paper on them with time, into which the box can be opened. You need to display your presents in a prominent place so that your man can see them immediately. He will be able to unpack the next gift every hour.

The joy and anticipation of surprises for the whole day will be provided, and your boyfriend will appreciate your creative approach.

"Your best gift is me!" - we give ourselves

Option number 1

Arrange an unforgettable game for your partner so that Valentine's Day will remain in his memory for a long time.

For this surprise, sign all gifts with numbers from 2 to 10, and leave the first number with you. Give your partner a statement indicating that:
  1. you need to look for gifts throughout the apartment;
  2. if you have not found present # 1, then you cannot open other gifts.
When your boyfriend gets tired of searching and finds all the packages with gifts, attach the number under the first number to your neckline. When he sees him, you can start hugging, kissing and unwrapping other surprises.

Option number 2

Another original presentation presentation - "I twist, twirl, I want to confuse", for which you need bright adhesive tape.

For this surprise, you need to prepare in advance:
  1. a note should be attached to the beginning of the ribbon indicating that this thread will lead to the most desired gift;
  2. the man's task is to untangle the ribbon and find a gift;
  3. as you tangle the tape throughout the apartment, you can leave small tips or notes, as well as small surprises;
  4. at the end of the search operation, you will have to hide in a secluded place, holding the final end of the tape.
Advice!Try to wrap the tape around as many objects in the room as possible, creating a kind of maze. This will allow you to increase the search time and fully enjoy the fun show!

At the beginning of the search, you can freely move around the room with your beloved, but closer to the end, you need to take quietly its strategic location and take the end of the tape in your hand.

When your man comes to the end of the ribbon, he will receive his most coveted gift - you!

How exactly to present your chosen one with a spicy gift in the form of yourself? Buy beautiful lingerie and fishnet bows to stick all over your body and clothes. Well, what your sweetheart will do with such a present is up to you!

Making a "fairy tale" for two

We have prepared 2 bonuses for you, two creative gift ideas for February 14th.

Surprise your spouse or boyfriend with a collectible book by decorating the sheets in the shape of a heart. To do this, you do not need to cut anything, because the leaves are simply bent. Such a book will look unusual, luxurious and romantic. Watch the video:

Present him a picture of threads and nails in the shape of a heart - it looks like a full-fledged gift to your husband or boyfriend on February 14, while very inexpensive.

Or create a FLIP BOOK (a small picture book that gives the illusion of movement when flipped).

Hello my dear subscribers and guests, Ekaterina is in touch with you!

How are you? What do you do? I’m thinking that you’re probably already starting to slowly think that the long-awaited day will soon come, which is considered to be Valentine's Day, it is celebrated every year on the same day, namely February 14.

What are your thoughts on this? What are you going to give your soul mate? Let me think, I guess you guessed right? Perhaps yes, but maybe not, let's approach this issue more thoroughly, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this note, I hope you will see something useful and interesting for yourself, and most importantly, take note of it.

Every year, loving hearts puzzle over this question, I think that the most important gift on Valentine's Day will be your meeting. Make it memorable, arrange a romantic candlelight dinner for example, or nothing else.

Of course, the most popular and famous gift on this day will be all sorts of things. But I will start this article with the simplest product in my opinion, I will show you a master class on how you can make a large heart out of foam and how beautiful it can be designed. By the way, last time you and I also made such a tree, only twisted flowers out of paper a little differently.

We need:

  • corrugated paper or colored napkins
  • foam plastic - 1 pc.
  • ballpoint pen rod - 1 pc.
  • pVA glue
  • kebab stick
  • scissors
  • flower pot

Stages of work:

1. The first thing you need to build is to cut out a 4 cm thick symbol of love from one piece of foam - a heart. Then cut rectangles or squares 1-1.5 cm from corrugated paper, preferably all of the same size. We need a lot of them, I won't even say the number. First, cut the paper into thin strips, and then chop it with scissors.

The heart will need to be stuck on a kebab stick so that it does not spin on it, you can grease the tip with glue or liquid nails.

2. Then take the rod and start twisting the prepared workpieces on it.

3. And then dip the end in the glue and stick on the foam. Do this quite tightly so that the base is not visible.

5. And you can get such a wonderful invention for a holiday, and it can be two-sided, or on the other side you come up with something else, for example, write a poem or something else.

You can also make a topiary from coffee beans, it looks just awesome, the best present for coffee lovers.

The next craft I propose to do is to express my love for your family, for example, your mother or sister, brother. To do this, take a candle and glue your photo on it.

Look and repeat, there is nothing difficult at all, but how creative it will look. By the way, you can do such work together with preschool children or schoolchildren.

We need:

  • thermal transfer paper
  • a4 white sheet
  • candle white
  • parchment paper
  • scissors
  • scotch

Stages of work:

1. The first step is to take the thermal transfer paper and attach it to the photo, cut it with scissors to make the same size. After that, you need to combine this paper with paper for a regular color or black and white printer.

2. Then send it to print, it will work out great.

3. Now take the picture and attach it to the candle, carefully do this work so that it does not look crooked or oblique. Next, attach parchment paper and turn on the hair dryer, direct a stream of hot stream evenly over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe image.

4. Tadam, what a beauty it is, remove all unnecessary! Well, it's just super gorgeous, and so quickly and easily that they didn't even have time to blink an eye.

Another option that can be presented to a girl, or to anyone, even for some other holiday, is flowers in the form of scarlet red roses, and inside there will be a surprise in the form of a delicious candy.

We need:

  • corrugated paper of red, green colors
  • wrapping paper
  • round candy
  • glue stick gun
  • kebab sticks
  • scissors
  • ribbon

Stages of work:

1. You need to cut from corrugated paper blanks of 7.5x8.5 cm in red and green - 5x7.5 cm. The quantity will be as you want. There are so many flowers and details.

2. Now take the red figurine and cut the corner a little with scissors, that is, make it semicircular, it will be a flower bud.

3. After that, make leaves out of green paper, fold the blank with an accordion, and then cut it off along the edge.

4. This is what should come out, well, just like a fence or grass. In fact, all this is required to decorate our bud beautifully.

5. Take the red blank and put the candy in the very center, take the round candy.

6. Begin to twist and hide the candy clockwise.

7. You get such a flower.

8. Then insert a kebab stick into the bud, since the ends are sharp, use this, pierce the candy. Then apply the glue from the gun to the place shown in this photo.

9. This is necessary in order to glue the sepals.

10. To add completeness, take another green blank and lay it down so it will be a receptacle.

11. Glue again to hide everything.

12. After that, proceed to further work, make a bunch of roses, in other words, a bouquet of sweets.

13. Connect the stems by wrapping them with the same corrugated paper, you can tie it with a ribbon.

14. To complete and make it look beautiful and elegant, put the bouquet in wrapping paper, as if you were making a bag.

15. What a charm it turned out, oh yes, make a bow on the bouquet, where the stems are. Give such a miracle and please your loved ones.

And here's another funny idea with cards, it comes out incredibly interesting!

Also excellent solution work in the form of a paper napkin will surprise your soul mate.

Another option is a masterpiece of ordinary wooden matches, paint them with gouache. And fun and cool.

Unusual gift ideas for Valentine's Day for your beloved wife or girlfriend

I think it is easiest for men to make such souvenirs or surprises on this day. You can decorate a room very impressively using ordinary balloons.

Write a message or letter, but unusual, but with confessions.

By the way, we girls really like such cute things. I also really liked this funny idea to make a kinder. Look, we all loved them very much in childhood. Carefully remove the wrapper and cut the chocolate in half. You can put a ring in a yellow container or cut strips and write wishes and tender words or love jokes.

And then rewrap everything as if nothing had happened.

Or you can make a flipping postcard in the form of a notebook from the symbol of love.

Also buy candies, but not just ordinary ones, but arrange them and put them in a jar.

If you are a wood craftsman, you may be able to make a figurine or a small composition.

If you have a very limited budget, then you can make a scarlet heart out of paper using the quilling technique.

Or express your feelings in signs))).

In general, you think about it and you will definitely come up with something, because you can make a bunch of all sorts of things from improvised means, there would be a desire.

Look at ordinary sweets, and how unexpectedly you can arrange a gift.

Or use coffee beans.

If you are not a creative person at all, then for you, there are the most common options, these are toys from balls.

Or the most primitive is to buy a bottle of champagne or wine with sweets.

But, nevertheless, make at least some small efforts to please your halves, because your own product with your own hands is always more expensive.

I propose to make a vytynanka, remember last time we decorated the room, the window in the bedroom. You can make a picture out of them.

If you liked this creation, then I have a lot of other prototypes on this topic, so write at the bottom of the article and I will send you these layouts for free. And you can easily make your own unique masterpiece.

What can you give your beloved man or boyfriend by February 14

This question is much more complicated than the previous one, but still, here's what I suggest, you can make a list of gifts in advance, and then implement them. You can decorate an ordinary candle in a rather original way using an ordinary sheet of paper, look at the picture and translate it into reality.

What's more, all sorts of cute things can be scattered throughout the room.

You can take these recipes for making any such cute toys for room decor as a basis.

Even when you have tea, you can easily express your feelings without words.

Or make funny little animals or little people who hold something nice in their paws.

Well, of course, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. You can arrange a romantic evening, or you can bake it. I conducted a survey with my husband and asked him if he would be offended if I baked pancakes for him that day, he would say that he would be very happy).

So bake, and you can take the recipe for such gourmands

Even berries and fruits can be used to make a delicious composition. Remember that it is difficult to please men only at first glance, in fact, everything is much simpler).

We arrange a surprise at home "Flowers in hearts"

Well, and one more model that I think many will be interested in, I propose to look at this small video and take this thought for yourself:

Master class of souvenirs for February 14 for children

I want to tell you right away that I will soon publish other ideas for gifts and crafts for this day on this blog. So, who is interested, add the site to your bookmarks and at least occasionally visit me, because there are still a lot of holidays ahead).

The most elementary activity that can be done with children is painting with paints, that is, applying painted palms to a large Whatman paper. You can even hang this miracle on a stand or a notice board and write different wishes if such a newspaper is made at school.

If you approach this issue more seriously, then from cardboard you can offer the kids such funny mice.

We need:

  • scissors
  • cardboard or paper
  • felt-tip pen

Stages of work:

1. Make blanks so that the children will then make one bigger heart over them, which will be cut in half, this will be the torso. Two are medium and four are small.

2. Glue the largest halves together. Do the same with medium blanks, they will make a stand. From small ones, glue the ears. Draw the nose and eyes, and don't forget about the mouth.

I propose to make an application with a child, because it is she who develops fine motor skills hands and creative imagination. You can do this even in kindergarten, even at school. The main elements will be hearts. And here is what can be laid out and glued, for example a butterfly.

Or a kitty, a mouse, and even a bunny.

The main thing is that it resembles someone's image, some animal or animal.

Then you can make felt toys from a stencil. You can look at the finished blanks and use them for your work, there I showed them in paper form, in principle there is nothing complicated and you can do this yourself.

It will be delightful if you tailor and sew a soft toy (a cat in love or a cupid.).

Well, in conclusion, you can make a general craft in the form of a photo frame or, like a wreath, using a sea of \u200b\u200bred hearts. Decorate with beads or a scrapbooking kit.

How to make a card for Valentine's Day

Friends, on this topic I have, they are so gorgeous, do not pass by. But, in the meantime, I propose to watch the video. Present this heart with a message.

And keep some more stencils so you can print them out as little valentine cards and give them to all those you love so much.

That's all for me, I'm finishing writing this short post. See you soon, so see you soon. Visit us more often, write your comments and suggestions. Bye everyone!

Best regards, Ekaterina Mantsurova

On the eve of the holiday of lovers, you begin to think, guess, look for how to please your sweetheart, what you can give your beloved. You always want to present something original and unusual, romantic and pleasant. In this article, we tried to find a variety of gifts and surprises for men and women, so that each of the readers could choose something suitable and please a loved one. So, here are 101 Valentine's Day gift ideas that you can take on board.

Gifts for loved ones: 101 ideas for a guy and a girl

  1. Perfume. A gift that will appeal to everyone.
  2. Romantic candlelight dinner. In any case, it will be a mutual gift, just someone will have to take over the organization.
  3. Personalized sweets or drinks. Packaged in an original box with an inscription, they will please the soulmate.
  4. SPA certificate for two. If you want to arrange a romantic gift for a boyfriend, book a joint session at a cool salon.
  5. SPA care program. And this is a good gift for a girl on February 14th. Let him spend a few hours enjoying the pleasant treatments and get ready for an evening tête-à-tête dinner.
  6. Handmade soap. A good gift for both a girl and a guy. The product will keep it clean and fresh.
  7. Beard grooming kit. If your man is bearded, this is a great Valentine's Day gift.
  8. A bouquet of socks and sweets. A creative gift for a man: useful and tasty. Socks will always come in handy on the farm, and sweets will appeal to those with a sweet tooth.
  9. Set of scented candles. It is useful for home relaxation, will bring a sensual atmosphere.
  10. Elite alcohol. Both a woman and a man will like such a gift. Choose not just expensive drinks, but consider the preferences of the halves.
  11. Appearance care kit. A woman can be presented with creams, lotions, foams in a festive design, a man - shaving products or after-shave cosmetics.
  12. Purse or wallet. A girl will like a leather wallet with hearts or kisses, a guy - a laconic version with a surprise inside (a valentine card or a note of recognition). Don't forget to include the banknote.
  13. Yin-Yang cups. A cute pair of cups symbolizing masculine and feminine beginnings will remind of feelings during joint breakfasts.
  14. Panties in hearts. Give your man panties with cute hearts, let him wear and think about you.
  15. Yearly stock of socks. A set of accessories packed in a creative box will save a man from frequent washing.
  16. T-shirt with original print. Pick up a design with a meaning that only you two can understand and order a print on a regular T-shirt.
  17. Business accessories. A serious and useful gift can be made romantic and unusual by decorating the pages with hearts, confessions, kisses.
  18. Wrist Watch. This is a gift that can be presented to both a man and a woman. It will be cool if you choose the same style.
  19. Decorations. A woman can be presented with any jewelry that she loves: earrings, pendant, bracelet, ring. They can be made of precious metals, and high-quality jewelry is also suitable.
  20. Shirt + cufflinks. Accessories should be of an unusual shape, for example, in the form of hearts, spears, soccer balls etc. - there are many interesting offers in stores.
  21. Tie + clip. A similar option, look for an original tie clip, pack a gift in a themed box.
  22. Pink slippers with pom poms. Lovely romantic girls who adore everything "cute" and pink.
  23. Heart pillow. You can put an inscription or your photo, it will be very pleasant to lie on such a pillow.
  24. Toy with a plaid. An interesting and at the same time useful gift: a cute bear or bunny is holding a folded blanket in its paws. On a cold evening, they will warm your soul mate.
  25. The original cup. It can be a cup with wishes, confessions, your photo that changes color when heated, etc. - there are actually a lot of options.
  26. Thermo mug in the car. Such a gift will please every motorist, regardless of gender. Feel free to give to the other half if he or she spends a lot of time behind the wheel.
  27. New tablet or smartphone. This option needs no comment, modern people keeping up with technology will be delighted.
  28. Gadget case. She can look for a cute version in hearts, for him - with a tie. You can buy two in the same style (for example, bride and groom) and "dress up" your devices.
  29. A pet. If the second half has long dreamed of a purebred, cat, dog, hamster or rare aquarium fish, you can safely give them for Valentine's Day.
  30. Orchid or other flower. If a woman is fond of floriculture, present an exotic flower in a pot.
  31. Something for the collection. These can be collectible cars, figurines, vases, coins, stamps, etc.
  32. Photo Frame. Insert your favorite photo into it or make an unusual collage.
  33. Homemade cake. Bake his favorite “Napoleon” or “Drunk Cherry”, of course, in the shape of a heart - a delicious and original gift.
  34. Ball for making decisions. An unusual gift for a person with a sense of humor. A cute balloon will help you make important decisions, for example, is it time to get married?
  35. Confession box. A beautifully decorated jar or box with the inscription “100 Reasons I Love You” will interest both. Fill it up to the eyeballs.
  36. New shoes. Remember the girl dreamily looking at the shoes in the shop window? So give her an unexpected surprise!
  37. Nice dress. Can be given separately or as a set with shoes. If you are planning a romantic dinner as a surprise, a new dress will be the best gift, because women always have "absolutely nothing to wear."
  38. Clutch or handbag. The final touch to the romantic image, a woman does not have many handbags, and a new one never hurts.
  39. Favorite book in a gift cover. Maybe he was looking for it for a long time and could not buy it? Then turn everything over, but find the coveted volume!
  40. Bouquet of balloons. An original funny surprise for your beloved. You can put a note with pleasant words in each ball.
  41. Thematic photo session. Organize a joint love story photoset with a professional photographer. Your beloved will be delighted!
  42. Concert tickets. As an option - to the cinema for a romantic comedy, KVN, football match, depending on the preferences of the second half.
  43. Name tattoo. If you don't want to make a permanent one, you can apply a temporary tattoo with henna or paint. They last from a month to two.
  44. Poems of my own composition. Such a declaration of love will not leave indifferent even the most severe heart.
  45. SPA bouquet. Flower soap can be used for bathing. A beautiful and original gift for a girl.
  46. Composition of fresh flowers. Come up with something interesting and original, adding your favorite sweets, fruits, or better with a diamond ring.
  47. Bath set. If you are a fan of baths or saunas, you can purchase bath sets in the same style: towel, bathrobe, slippers and hats.
  48. Trinkets with a heart. You can give a very inexpensive, but nice gift in the form of a heart: a keychain, a USB flash drive, a mouse for a computer.
  49. A trip to an interesting place. It can be a romantic walk for two, a vacation in an exotic country, an excursion to the old town, etc.
  50. Home dressing gown with ears. This soft, fluffy and cool robe will appeal to young romantic girls.
  51. Sexy lingerie set. Pamper your beloved and yourself, of course, with frank and beautiful underwear. Valentine's Day is just a great occasion for such a presentation.
  52. Large candles for romantic evenings. This gift will be mutually pleasant and useful.
  53. Certificate for the master class. It can be a course of erotic massage, making soap at home, studying aphrodosiacs, etc. Think about what the second half will be interested in.
  54. Fur. No woman will refuse a new coat or vest!
  55. Diamonds. Girls' best friends, can be attached in addition to a fur coat.
  56. Basket with fruits, sweets, flowers. You can also put your favorite wine or a bottle of champagne there. Tie a huge bow and an original Valentine's gift is ready.
  57. Public congratulations. It could be a billboard poster or a radio greeting.
  58. Favorite heart-shaped dish. Prepare rolls, scrambled eggs, heart canapes for breakfast or dinner.
  59. Credit card razor. A practical and interesting gift for a man who is often on the road.
  60. Beer cake. A birthday cake made of canned beer will delight your sweetheart.
  61. Scratch card "Kamasutra". A man on Valentine's Day can be presented with such an unusual gift, let him fulfill all your desires every day.
  62. Mini-bar for lovers. A heart-shaped stand and two glasses are the perfect setting for a romantic evening.
  63. SMS with confessions. You can write nice SMS to your half all day in anticipation of the evening.
  64. Wine tasting for two. An interesting day spent together will cement your relationship.
  65. Fish massage. Go together for a Garra Ruffa fish massage - healthy and enjoyable!
  66. Manicure set. This is a great gift for February 14 for a guy and a girl.
  67. Gift Certificate. Shopping in your favorite store is the best surprise for a woman.
  68. Peignoir + panties. This gift will delight not only your beloved, but also your eyes.
  69. Jewelry box or watch box. Presentation option for her and him.
  70. Cosmetic bag organizer. It will be useful for both a woman and a man, it will help to keep accessories in order.
  71. Video congratulations. A selection of your favorite photos and video cut from the family archive in the original design.
  72. Love horoscope. Order a compatibility horoscope from a professional astrologer.
  73. A romantic collage of your photos. Remind you of the best moments of your relationship.
  74. Computer accessories. Useful gifts for modern couples.
  75. Electronic cigarette, hookah, cigars. This gift will delight the smoker.
  76. Romantic quest. You can organize at home, outdoors, or even in the city.
  77. Subscription to the gym. The gift will please the active and sporty, otherwise it may be perceived as a mockery.
  78. Fishing gear. What better tackle for the avid angler?
  79. Organizer for cars. Unisex gift, will love motorists.
  80. Hammock for legs under the work table.
  81. Chamomile for fortune telling. Mono buy a ready-made souvenir, you can do it yourself.
  82. Kama-sheet, sex toys. Live your and your partner's fantasies.
  83. Smart watch. Fashionable modern trend.
  84. A huge gingerbread in the shape of a heart. A gift for those with a sweet tooth.
  85. Champagne bucket. Add champagne, ice, fruit and candles to it.
  86. Erotic massage session. You can do it yourself or sign up for a pair session.
  87. Pillow with your photo. You can assemble a set with different photos.
  88. Projector starry sky. An attribute for romantic nights and evenings.
  89. Stones for cooling drinks. For fans of elite drinks.
  90. Sweater or longsleeve with hearts.
  91. Gift board games. Checkers, chess, backgammon are gifts for connoisseurs.
  92. Leather belt. The girl will also be delighted with the stylish leather strap in the original design.
  93. Tea set. An interesting cup and a chocolate card with the words “To my beloved” or “beloved” will significantly improve your mood.
  94. Electric shaver, hair straightener. Or other electrical personal care products.
  95. Subscription to your favorite magazine.
  96. A set for needlework. If your loved one is fond of hand-made, buy her a fresh new product.
  97. Extreme driving or test drive a cool car.
  98. Electronic congratulations. Do it yourself or use specialized sites.
  99. Romantic photo stand. The girl will be pleased to keep her favorite photo in a stylish and creative stand.
  100. The original umbrella. There are many options in stores: color changing, double-sided, with photographs.
  101. Brand cosmetic set. You do not have to worry that you have not guessed right with the color - they have everything and in large quantities.

When choosing a gift for the second half, do not forget that the main thing is not its cost, but attention. And be sure to think over the packaging, on Valentine's Day it cannot be boring and ordinary: more hearts, bows and other festive paraphernalia. Let this small but pleasant holiday bring even more romance and sensuality into the relationship!

Useful Tips

It is believed that this holiday was named after one of the two martyrs - Valentina Interamnsky and Valentine Rimsky.

On this day, people give their loved ones and loved ones flowers, sweets, cards (valentines) with poems and declarations of loveand many others gifts symbolizing love.

But a gift handmade, will make no less impression than the purchased gift.

Here are some DIY Valentine's gifts:

DIY Valentine's Day poppers with candies and confetti

You will need:

Cylinders for paper towels or toilet paper




Candy or other small gifts.

1. Cut the cardboard cylinder in half.

2. Fill each half with candy and confetti.

3. Fold the halves back and secure them together with tape.

4. Cut off a sheet of wrapping paper, wrap it around the joined cylinder halves and secure with tape.

5. Tie two pieces of tape to both ends of the cylinder. You can curl ribbons with scissors.

To get the contents, you need to break the craft in the center (where the halves of the cylinders join).

DIY vase with hearts and roses for Valentine's Day (master class)

You will need:


Strong thread

Red felt

Glue and tape.

1. Cut out small hearts from felt.

2. Pass the needle and thread through the hearts. Leave about 5-7 cm between hearts.

3. Tie a knot on one side of the thread.

4. Attach one end of the thread to the jar with glue or tape and start wrapping the jar with the thread with hearts.

The vase is ready, it remains to pour water into it and place flowers.

DIY Valentine's Day (photo): a bouquet of pompons

You will need:


Green felt


Multicolored threads

White acrylic or spray paint

Hot glue.

Making a pompom

1. Wind the thread around your fingers 50 to 75 times. For a large pompom, you need to wrap around 4 fingers, and for a small one around 2. Cut the thread.

2. Cut another piece of thread 15-20 cm long and wrap it around the lump that you wrapped around your fingers. Tie a knot.

3. Carefully remove the thread from your fingers and use scissors to cut the loops on the right and left.

4. Make the pom pom more lush by straightening the threads. It is also worth trimming the thread a little with scissors to make the pompom more even.

Cooking flower stems and connecting parts

1. Take twigs and paint them white. Let the paint dry.

2.Use hot glue to attach the pom-pom to the twig.

3. Cut leaves of any shape out of green felt and glue them to the branches.

4. Make some flowers to make a bouquet.

5. Wrap the bouquet of flowers with ribbon and twine. You can add a note of congratulations to the bouquet.

Crafts for Valentine's Day with your own hands: puzzle cube with hearts

You will need:

4 wooden cubes

Acrylic paints and brushes

PVA glue

Sequins in different colors

Heart pattern


1. Place 4 cubes on a flat surface as shown in the image.

2. Place the heart template on the cubes and trace around it with a simple pencil.

3. Start using a brush to apply PVA glue to the cubes, namely to the places marked with a pencil.

4. Carefully sprinkle glitter of the same color onto the glue. Remove the excess with a brush. You can apply a layer of glue on top to keep the glitter tight. Let the glue dry.

5. Rotate the cubes and repeat steps 1-4 to make another hearty one, only this time use a different color of glitter.

6. Cover all sides of the cubes with heart details.

You can put all the cubes in a fabric bag, which can also be decorated with a heart.

DIY Valentine's Day gifts: 52 reasons why I love you.

You will need:

Deck of cards (36 or 52 pieces)

Binding rings

Colored cardboard

Double-sided tape

Hole puncher

1. Punch two holes in each card with a hole punch.

2. Place all the cards in a stack and thread them through the holes in the binding ring.

3. Cut out several small rectangles from cardboard, one should not exceed the size of the card.

4.Use double-sided tape to glue the rectangles onto the cards.

5. On each rectangle, write one reason why you love your soul mate. You can write something humorously for a change.

DIY gift for a guy on February 14: a picture of kisses

You will need:

White cardboard


Frame for painting or photography

1. Cut out a piece of cardboard slightly larger than your frame.

2. Apply a few "kisses" to white cardboard.

3. Place cardboard in the frame and write a personal message on the back.

DIY gift for February 14: a heart made of cones

You'll need:

Red thick paper (in this example, 7 sheets of 30x30 cm are used)


Hot glue or PVA glue

Strong thread.

1. Cut out some red paper (in this example 14 pieces) 7x7 cm squares for the inner part of the heart, and 10x10 cm (in this example 47 pieces) for the outer part.

2. Cut a heart out of cardboard. In this example, the widest part of the heart is 40 cm.

3. Make cones out of all the squares.

4. Start gluing the cones to the cardboard heart. Large cones on the outside and small ones on the inside.

Here's another option:

Gifts for Valentine's Day: a heart embroidered on an envelope or postcard

You will need:

Colored thread for knitting

Thick paper envelope or colored cardboard

Needle (large enough for thread)




1. Draw a heart on a cardboard or envelope.

2. Use a needle to make several holes along the line of the drawn heart.

3. Start threading through the holes in different directions. Tie a knot at the end.

DIY gift ideas for February 14: hearts with confetti and an arrow

You will need:

Paper tracing paper

Colored cardboard (white, red, pink)

Confetti (you can buy ready-made or cut from colored paper)

Black marker

Red thread

PVA glue or hot glue


1. Making a heart template. Draw a heart on the cardboard and cut it out. To make it symmetrical, you can fold the cardboard in half and draw half a heart and cut it out, then unfold the paper.

2. Place the heart template on tracing paper and trace in two places to cut out two identical hearts.

3. Make the feathers of the arrow.

3.1. Fold the red cardboard in half and draw half the feathers for the arrow (see image) and cut them along the line with scissors.

3.2. Straighten the paper feathers and cut along the fold line. On each half, back off the edge by 0.25 cm, make a fold.

Repeat this with the pink cardboard so that you end up with 4 pieces for the arrow.

4. Making the arrowhead.

4.1. Use scissors to cut about 6 cm from the skewer.

4.2. Cut two identical triangles out of red and pink cardboard.

4.3. Glue the triangles together so that they cover the tip of the skewer.

5. We collect the heart.

5.1. Use a black marker on one of the tracing paper hearts to write something nice for your significant other.

5.2. Fasten both hearts with red thread and a needle. Leave some space to fill the inside of the confetti.

6. Fill the heart with confetti.

6.1. Confetti and small secret notes can be added inside the heart.

6.2. Sew the hearts together and tie the knot.

6.3. Carefully slide the skewer through the heart between the seams.

7. Glue the paper feathers to the arrow with PVA glue.

Gifts for February 14 (photo): heart-shaped boxes with a surprise

You will need:

Colored cardboard


Stationery knife


PVA glue

Paper clips

Corrugated paper

Seals (optional)

Jewelry to taste.

1. Cut a strip of colored cardboard. Its size is 28x4 cm.

2. Fold the strip in half.

3. Bend the ends of the strip towards each other so that the outside of the ends touch.

4. Glue the mating ends of the paper tape together and secure them with two paper clips.

5. Cut a square out of cardboard that is larger than the size of the paper heart.

6. Apply some glue to the edges of the heart and glue it to the square.

7. Using scissors, cut the square around the outline of the paper heart. You now have a small box.

8. Place a piece of crepe paper on the box and cut out a heart slightly larger than a heart out of cardboard paper. Use scissors to cut the fringe.

9. Pour sweets or scraps into the box, apply a little glue to the edges and glue a heart made of corrugated paper. You can glue another corrugated paper heart on top (for strength).

10. Decorate the box with braid, hearts, feathers, etc. You can add the inscription "Don't break my heart".

How to make a gift for February 14: a heart made of pompons

You will need:

Ready-made pom poms or red knitting thread to make



Thread and needle

Fabric adhesive (if required).

In this example, 22 pom-poms were used. The size of the pillow is 40 x 40 cm. The size of the resulting heart is 20 x 20 cm. One pompom has a diameter of 5 cm.

How to make a pompom with your own hands (video)

1. Cut a heart out of felt.

2. Prepare the pom-poms and use the thread to sew them to the felt heart. To find out how you can make a pompom, check out our article: 10 cute crafts for kids and adults , section "Spring DIY crafts"

3. Sew or glue the pom-pom heart to the pillow.

One of the most romantic holidays of the year is just around the corner - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day.

For more than one and a half thousand years on this day, people confess their love to each other. Accordingly, gifts for Valentine's Day are the most romantic and desirable surprises for lovers. An original gift can be the perfect way to declare your love.

What to gift

There are only a few days left before the holiday, and choosing a gift is not easy. Therefore, turn on your imagination and choose original gifts so as not to miss your chance to tell the object of adoration about your feelings - after all, the "holiday of love" happens only once a year.

Valentine's Day is considered the symbol of Valentine's Day - cards in the form of hearts with poems and wishes.

© photo: Sputnik / Evgenya Novozhenina

Ice sculpture "Valentine" with roses inside

You can please and surprise your loved one or your soul mate both with the help of useful and practical gifts and with symbolic trinkets.


Valentine's Day gifts can be very different - flowers, toys, candy, balloons, and many other things that are heart-shaped. On Valentine's Day, a gift is valued more for the romantic spirit than the value.

Women are romantic natures and love everything original. For example, girls who spend more time at the computer than near the mirror can buy a USB flash drive in a beautiful case with pebbles, a mouse with patterns or headphones with rhinestones as a gift.

For Valentine's Day, you can give your girlfriend a camera, a beautiful frame for photos or a mobile phone.

© Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

As a gift, cosmetics, perfumery, a bag, a cosmetic bag, a manicure set, a scarf, and so on are suitable - there is a great choice, but if you do not know her preferences, it is better not to experiment.

Exquisite lingerie can also please a woman on this holiday, but if you do not know the exact size, it is better to limit yourself to a beautiful negligee or silk robe.

You can also please your beloved with a romantic mini-trip, as well as a certificate for a trip to the SPA-salon or your favorite store.

But the best gift for Valentine's Day is gold or silver jewelry. It is difficult to find a woman, regardless of age, who does not like jewelry, so jewelry is not only a beautiful, but also a pleasant surprise on Valentine's Day.

On this day, a woman can be presented with earrings, a pendant or a chain. To avoid misunderstandings, rings should only be given to legitimate wives or potential brides.

If you are not married, but are planning to offer your beloved a hand and a heart, Valentine's Day is the best time to present an engagement ring. Such a surprise will cause indescribable delight in the woman you love.

A beautiful car, presented on Valentine's Day, will inspire any woman to exploits, if, of course, you have the means to do so.

© photo: Sputnik / Vladimir Vyatkin

Of course, not everything in life is valued by money. The cost of the gift is not the most important factor. Sometimes even the cheapest trinket, presented with love, turns out to be more expensive than diamonds and gold.

There is still time to think and make an interesting choice, just remember that on this day, a woman should not give kitchen utensils or other household items that will remind her of her daily routine.


On Valentine's Day, you can give your loved one almost anything - a wallet, an umbrella, an original keychain, a cigarette case or a lighter, if he smokes, and much more.

On Valentine's Day, you can and should give intimate gifts. For example, beautiful panties with a cool picture or a declaration of love, which can be ordered in a photo studio.

A pleasant gift will be special glasses that help preserve eyesight for those who spend a lot of time at the computer or USB-cards, made in a strict business style.

If a man spends part of his life driving a car, then a silver keychain or a functional keychain that can measure tire pressure or defrost locks will be a great gift for him. Take care of him by purchasing a massage cape or orthopedic pillow for the car seat as a gift.

© photo: Sputnik / Evgeny Biyatov

A universal gift would be a good eau de toilette, a set of shaving cosmetics, a set of shampoo and shower gel, a cream for men's skin or a manicure set for men.

When choosing a gift, it is worth remembering the preferences and hobbies of a loved one. If a man loves extreme sports, you can present a certificate for parachute jumping or horseback riding. For a calmer person, you can choose to go to a romantic movie or theater together.

A gift made with your own hands will especially delight your loved one - a warm sweater or scarf knitted by your hands will warm him on a cold winter evening and remind him of your love and care.

Everyone knows the truth that the way to a man's heart lies through the stomach, so a delicious romantic dinner will be a great alternative to any gift.

The main thing is to set the table beautifully and prepare his favorite dishes and serve them to the shape of a heart. Do not forget about candles, which will turn an ordinary evening into a romantic dinner.


You can spend a holiday with your best friend if your heart is free and you haven't tied the knot yet.

You can give a friend for Valentine's Day sweets, a plush toy or a beautiful postcard, with the wish to meet true love as soon as possible. You can also give an original mug, keychain, pen, headphones or a computer mouse.

A beautiful frame with your joint photo, a lamp powered by a computer USB port, a board game or souvenir cards, a business card holder or any other symbolic gift that will remind you of your friendship will do as a gift.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Kryazhev

Choose a gift for a friend based on his hobbies - an inveterate tourist will find some kind of camping item: a thermos mug, a set of dishes in a special case, a lantern, and so on.

And for a friend who is fond of cooking, you can present a large recipe book with beautiful illustrations, baking dishes or a set of natural spices.

In this case, the choice is also great, only you need to strain your memory and imagination.


Some people are superstitious and believe in omens, so do not forget about this when choosing gifts.

There are several things that cannot be gifted, as they carry negative energy. People include a handkerchief, pearls, books, a mirror, knives, scissors and other fragile and piercing objects as dangerous gifts.

People believe that the sharp will bring a heart wound, and the fragile - there is a danger of breaking or splitting, which will entail parting.

According to superstition, one should not give a watch on Valentine's Day, as it symbolizes separation. It is believed that the hands on the presented watch will begin to count down the time until parting.

© photo: Sputnik / Maxim Blinov

Romantic action "Knight of Love"

Books should not be donated, as it is believed that a donated book can provoke treason.

Pearls, according to superstitions and ancient legends, symbolize the tears of inconsolable widows and orphans. Such a gift attracts sickness, tears, and loss.

The handkerchief symbolizes worries and sorrows.

When choosing a gift, remember that it must be from a pure heart. Only then will he be welcome. And don't forget that the negative effect of a dangerous gift can be avoided by giving the donor a coin in return.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

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