Monkey fist weaving pattern. Monkey fist knot

Many inventions, having passed through the centuries, have found application in the modern world. One of them is the Monkey Fist knot. The diagrams and videos below will teach you how to weave this knot step by step.

Pirate legacy

The "Monkey Fist" knot was invented back in the 19th century, in the distant times of the first "gentlemen of fortune" - pirates. And it was used when mooring the ship, serving as a kind of fastener for the cannonball, which made the entire locking structure heavier and made the throw more accurate. This made it possible to quickly land ashore during a storm and accelerate the process of seizing a merchant ship.

The knot got its name "monkey fist" by analogy with the method of catching monkeys. A bait was put in a jug with a narrow neck to lure the animal. The monkey, seizing the bait, could no longer part with the delicacy and drag the paw with the prey, clenched into a fist, through the thin neck. And she herself became the prey of hunters.

For the knot to turn out smooth and beautiful, the choice of material is of great importance. You need to pick up a rope or cord with a slippery surface. Since in the process of weaving, and most importantly, the final tightening, the elements of the knot should slide freely relative to each other. For this, paracord is the ideal choice.

It is a lightweight and durable nylon cord with a multi-woven core. Initially, it was used only in the construction of parachutes, from which it acquired its name (from the English Parachute Cord - "parachute cord"), but having no analogue, it became popular all over the world and was widely used in many fields of activity. Weaving a knot from a regular rope is also possible, but it is more laborious.

Compress the cam

For work, we will prepare:

  • nylon cord;
  • small ball made of any material (metal, glass, plastic);
  • knitting needle for aligning turns while tightening the knot.

We put the cord on the thumb and press it to the palm with the little finger. The other end of the cord must be passed between the ring finger and the little finger.

The turns must completely close the ball inside, so their number can be calculated by wrapping it with a cord beforehand. We make the required number of turns, as shown in the photo below.

Then we wrap the little finger with a cord.

Now we wrap the first batch of turns the same number of times.

We make the next batch of turns from the bottom up around the second entanglement.

Place the selected ball into the resulting "nest".

Remove the loops from the thumb.

And we begin to tighten the knot around the ball. We do this without haste, carefully, loop by loop.

After tightening the first turns, remove the loops from the little finger.

And again, gradually tighten all the loops.

So we tighten each batch of turns, one by one.

Using a knitting needle, align the cord and tighten the last turn in several stages.

The Monkey Fist is ready!

We cut off the remaining ends or continue to weave further, for example, a keychain or an amulet.

Having learned to weave an ordinary "monkey fist", you can move on to a more complex modified knot with a lot of weaves. The video below shows the entire process in stages:

It is worth trying to make another interesting knot option - two-color:

For all occasions

The ability to weave the "Monkey Fist" knot will find its application both in the practical side of life and in the decorative one.

  1. During a hike, it is often necessary to throw one end of the rope over a branch of a tree, in which case this knot will come in handy. Any stone of suitable size is perfect as a weighting agent. At a construction site, a brick shard can play this role.
  2. A keychain woven using this technique will be an excellent souvenir for a gift to friends.
  3. Any interior will be adorned with an original soft pillow woven with this knot.

It is easy to do it yourself.

To work, you need a strip of elastic fabric (fleece, plush, velvet, knitwear) 6.5 m long and 20 cm wide, holofiber or synthetic winterizer for stuffing.

Fold a piece of fabric along the right side inward and sew on a sewing machine along the entire length.

We turn the stitched strip onto the front side and on one side we insert, twisted with a tube, several sheets of thick paper to make it easier to fill the blank with filler.

You need to stuff it tighter so that there are no unnecessary folds in the finished product. Having thus prepared a fabric blank, we proceed to weaving the "Monkey Fist" pillow.

This will help the diagram and video instruction below:

  1. Also, this knot is used in interior decor made in a marine style;
  2. The original use of it as buttons;
  3. But the most unusual way to use the knot is as an amulet.

If difficulties have happened in life or a new big difficult business is planned, weave a "Fist of the Monkey" knot for yourself, read the mantra of the Monkey King Hanuman over it 21 or 36 times. After that, the amulet will be charged to achieve goals and eliminate problems. Will give strength to achieve what you want.

Could the brave pirates know that in hundreds of years their invention will be so popular and used exclusively for peaceful purposes.

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"Monkey Fist" appeared in the distant past, in the days when there were pirates. At that time, if the ship was wrecked, it was necessary to throw the rescue rope. But it is known that during a storm it is quite difficult to do this without a weighting agent, so this type of unit with a weighting agent was invented for similar purposes. It has been a long time since then, but this site has not lost its popularity. Only now its meaning and scope have radically changed. It is now a decorative item. It does not have any functional component, but it looks very impressive as a decoration.

There are many videos that have a complete and detailed description of how to complete it, and if you try hard, then you can easily recreate the exact same knot with your own hands.

How to make a knot "monkey fist"

This knot has a decorative character rather than a useful practical use. It belongs to the category of locking knots. It consists of three sets of mutually perpendicular turns, that is, three sets of turns located in mutually perpendicular planes. The set and number of turns can be different: from 1 and higher. This node is described using the example of three turns, that is, 3x3x3.

  • Your own fingers are taken as a base, and a rope is laid on them. Coils begin to gain. Remember that the knot has three turns in each plane. The end of a loop is a full turn.

  • After dialing three turns, you need to dial three more turns in the perpendicular plane. To do this, you can remove one finger and, in order not to lower two loops, they are left on two fingers. The turns continue to gain. The next three turns should be outside the first three turns. The first, second and third turns are made alternately.
  • The final stage of the set of turns is done in a perpendicular plane. This set will take place inside the first three turns, but outside the second. To do this, the lead end is introduced into the first set and begins to wind around the second set of turns. This should be done carefully so as not to drop the already dialed turns.
  • The end of the knot is hidden inside the knot itself, that is, it must be inserted inside.
  • Inside, the node turned out to be empty. And if you start to tighten it in this form, then all the ropes will break and will lie ugly, that is, they will not lie like a ribbon. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to put something inside this node. It could be a ball from the old computer mouse or a small ball of thread. At the end of the rope, since the margin is quite good, you can tie a knot and put it inside the knot. After that, all the turns are well tightened. Such a knot in the middle can hold its shape.
  • After that, you should begin to tighten all the turns, moving in the opposite direction, that is, from the end.
  • At first, it will be difficult to achieve the ideal shape of the knot, and in general it is impossible to tighten the knot completely in one step, so it will be 2-3 steps, but the knot turns out to be beautiful, and it is worth it. At the first stage, you do not need to tighten the knot strongly, because all the turns will immediately slide down and bunch together. If during operation the knot inside was hollow, then it would already be deformed and have an ugly appearance.
  • After all the turns have been tightened, a neat ball-shaped knot is obtained. With a little practice, you can achieve the perfect knot shape.

The meaning of the "monkey fist" knot

In addition to decorative purposes, the monkey fist knot also has a special meaning. He became a symbol of brotherhood and mutual assistance. It was used as a weapon. For this, a metal ball was placed inside the unit, and such a projectile was thrown at the enemy. American vagabonds wore such a knot on their chest as a protective amulet.

The very same name originates from the moment when the capture of monkeys began. It was a long time ago. To do this, they put a jug with a narrow neck, put a delicacy inside and set such a trap in the habitat of monkeys. When the monkey smelled the bait, it approached the jug, stretched out its hand, grabbed the prey in a fist, but it could not stretch its hand back, because the fist did not pass through the narrow neck of the vessel.

Application area

The scope of such a knot is common in modern decor. Since the balls have the correct shape, they are often used as a beautiful pendant and with their help beautifully complete any kind of weaving. If you make a lot of such nodes, then with their help you can make a beautiful garland and decorate any room with it.

Jewelry made in this style looks very nice. The earrings are solid and original, and the necklace or necklace will have an exquisite designer look.

Another fun idea is the monkey fist style pillow weaving. In this case, instead of cords and ropes, they take soft wool or other soft and dense material.

These knots are easy to do. A special weaving pattern will be especially useful. On it, you can make weaving exactly according to the instructions.

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The knot got its name due to its similarity to the fist. Its standard name is monkey's fist, but the name monkey's paw may also appear. The monkey fist is a knot that is tied to the end of a rope to serve as a sinker.

The story of the monkey knot

The knot appeared relatively long ago on sailing ships, for which we must again thank the sailors of the past. It is known that already in the 19th century it was also used as a melee weapon among gangs of pirates and sailors in street fights and taverns. The rope was shortened and tied around the wrist so that the weighted knot could be carried in the hand or pocket. Such a weapon has received the name "slingshot", although it does not look like it at all.

Even American President Abraham Lincoln was famous for being present at a trial where a man was tried for murder. And this murder was committed precisely with a slingshot (because of this, slingshots were prohibited in the 19th century)! So this situation speaks for itself, that the monkey fist was a pretty reliable and strong knot.

What does a monkey knot look like?

The monkey fist is the covering knot. It consists of 3,4,5,6 or 7 turns around a spherical core, then an identical number of right-angle turns, and then finally another number of turns again at right angles to the first two. Therefore, it covers the core, which can be a stone or a lead ball, or something heavier. The number of turns around the core is determined by the thickness of the cord and the diameter of the core.

Apart from its use on ships, the monkey fist can also be used for decorating purposes, as it really does look graceful.

Attention! The thickness of the rope for weaving the knot should be 1.5-2 meters.

Where is the monkey knot applied?

The main application was to provide weight at the end of an uplifting rope. When the ship entered the port and docked next to the dock, the sailors threw her onto the port dock. The weighted knot of the monkey's fist flew out onto the shore, attached to the light line. It was attached to a heavier rope, which could then be pulled ashore. In turn, the second rope was attached to the last mooring lines or bends, which could be pulled ashore and secured to posts on the bank. The system is still in use today when it is necessary to walk the path to the shore.

As mentioned above, the node was used for self-defense, but now it has become obsolete. In addition, the knot is often used in rock climbing as an anchor.

For decorative purposes, its use is very large, for example, jewelry, clothespins for curtains and curtains or key rings. By taking a sturdy rope and then tying two monkey fists at both ends, you can make an excellent and sturdy toy for your dog.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Monkey Knot

As for the pros and cons of using the knot, there is almost nothing to say about them, given the narrow specialization of the monkey fist. For nautical purposes, its performance was excellent, and no knot can be replaced to create weight at the end of the rope. So, everyone will find their advantages at this site.

The monkey fist can also be used as a stopper knot to stop the knot from passing through the hole.

A little about the shortcomings - the node still has them, so we list some of them:

  • high knitting complexity;
  • takes a lot of time and effort.

Monkey fist diagram

You will have to spend a lot of time and effort to tie not only a reliable, but also a graceful monkey fist. As a core, you can use a ball of any diameter, a tennis ball or any other object around which you can fix turns. So let's get started:

1. Get a rope that is long enough and an object to be used as the core.

2. Wrap three turns around the core (use a piece of metal here).

3. Pass the end through the middle.

4. Make three more turns around the first three.

5. Pass the end through the middle again.

6. Make three more turns to lock the previous turns and remove the fingers.

7.Tie a knot at the end and tuck it into the center.

8.Then tighten each turn.

9. If necessary, using a crochet hook, tighten the outer loop and the knot is ready.

Advice! You can use two different colored ropes to knit a monkey fist.

Having studied the process of weaving a monkey fist, you can safely be sure that another one has appeared in your piggy bank. Of course, we are sure that you will not be able to use it when fishing or hunting, but it is very good for general development.

Weaving knots is an important part of our life, because maybe it is the monkey's fist that will help you out in an awkward situation or save your life. After all, one of the points of using this knot is survival, as it is often used in the field of rock climbing. Rather, look for a long and strong rope, a core and start practicing.

The knot under the original name "monkey fist" is an excellent gift or talisman that can be made quickly and with your own hands. But, this beautiful knot has an interesting history, some attribute some magical properties to it.

How to independently weave a knot of a monkey fist with your own hands

There are several legends of the origin of the knot called the monkey fist, and each of them has the right to life:

  • several hundred years ago, when pirates ruled the seas, sinking ships were not uncommon. People who escaped from the ship tried to throw rescue ropes on other ships, but the light end of the rope simply did not reach the target. Then the sailors decided to weight the rope with a cannonball. In order to attach the core to the rope, the pirates came up with such a knot;
  • in some countries, a metal ball hidden in a knot served as a weapon. The weapon is quite dangerous, not every bone can withstand the blow of such a weapon;
  • in the United States, this knot has become a symbol of brotherhood and mutual assistance. Popular with the hobo gang. They wore it as a talisman around their necks.

The significance of this knot comes from the way monkeys are caught. Monkey delicacies were thrown into a vessel with a narrow neck and left in places densely populated by primates. Interested, the monkey thrust its paw into the vessel and clenched the food into a fist, driving itself into a trap. It was impossible to get a hand with food in a fist from a jug. This is how greedy monkeys were caught in ancient times.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a monkey fist.

This knot is still used today in sailing. Today we are going to create a small, decorative knot. It can be used as a keychain or decoration for a bag, backpack. In order for our knot to better keep its shape and have a certain weight, any ball that suits the size can be inserted into the middle. A ball from an old computer mouse is ideal.

To create a knot, you will need the following materials:

  • rope. The size of the knot will depend on the thickness of the rope;
  • a ball that will serve as a shape and weight;
  • the tool with which we will tighten the knot (a knitting needle works great).

The knot is knitted on the left palm. Press the end of the rope to the palm with your little finger. We throw it over the protruding thumb and lead it between the ring and little fingers.

Next, we begin to wind the thread around the thumb and little finger. You need to make so many vertical turns to completely hide the ball in the rope. If your weave is without a ball, then the number of turns depends on the desired knot size. In our example, there are five of them. We take the sixth turn by the little finger.

Now you need to make the same number of horizontal turns around the vertical ones.

Now is the time to put the ball into the resulting basket. Tighten the ropes carefully so that the ball does not fall out, but do not tighten them too much ahead of time. Otherwise, the knot will be uneven.

We make five more turns between horizontal and vertical, as if wrapping our ball. The knitting pattern is shown below. It is very important at this step to hide the end in the ropes, which was originally under the little finger.

Next, the most responsible and difficult work begins. We start to pull the ropes. We take out the thumb from the structure and begin to slowly and gradually pull the upper turns.

By tightening the upper turns, you can release the little finger, now we tighten the lower loops. Do not tighten the ropes strongly in one jerk, you need to do it smoothly, gradually.

We tighten the third five loops.

We take a knitting needle and finally tighten all the strings. Here, too, do not rush, we pull up one rope at a time, otherwise the knot will be crooked.

All the monkey knot is ready. The ends of the ropes can be hidden inside, cut or left. It all depends on the further use of the product.

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Knitting this knot is not difficult and not long, it only takes a little practice. When creating it, you can use different ropes and fillers. Today we told you how to make the simplest version of the node. But there are several more techniques. The main thing is to remember that using it as a weapon in the modern world is prohibited by law!

In the video master classes below, we will show other, more detailed options for creating this node.

The Monkey Fist was originally used exclusively by sailors. This is a rather fashionable and original "bauble", woven by hand.

Node history

The knot got its name "fist of a monkey" in ancient times by filibusters, that is, the first "gentlemen of fortune" - pirates. Served as the end of the throwing cable.

Throwing a simple end when mooring a ship in distress during a storm is a tricky business. Without resorting to weighting the rope, it is almost impossible.

Cannonballs were one of the first items to add weight to throwing ends. To install such a ball, a kind of fastener was invented.

This method (instead of the core, other inserts are used) is still used when mooring ships.

The name of the node was given by the method of catching monkeys. Primates were caught using jugs with a narrow throat. By putting a treat there, people attracted animals.

Having thrust its paw through the neck, the monkey could no longer unclench the fist with the bait, and fell into the hands of the hunters.

The knot used by the American "hobos" has become a symbol of their brotherhood. Worn as an amulet, a talisman around the neck.

The knot was also used in the form of a fairly effective melee weapon. Such a brush, in various versions, is still used today.

How to knit a monkey fist?

You can make a knot using several options:

Method of knitting from one rope

A cord, about 1 meter long, is taken in the left hand, the end is clamped between the fingers.

3-4 turns are made from the base of the fingers.

After the last turn, the end of the cord is wound across the wound turns.
3-4 turns are done.

After the end, the cord is wound inside the initial loops.

It is removed from the fingers, holding the wound loops.

3-4 turns are done across the wound loops.

The knot fixes its shape.

For a more beautiful knot shape, it is recommended to put something round inside. It is also possible to tie a knot at the running end and hide it inside the resulting Monkey knot.

The "monkey fist" is tightened by alternately tightening the loops until it is tightened.

Method of knitting from two cords

In the second case, two segments of the same size are used. You can, for beauty, take ropes of different colors. The knitting method is shown in detail in the video:

To give the knot a voluminous, round look, you can insert a ball inside. For this option, an ordinary iron ball or a ball taken from an old computer mouse is well suited. In this case, it is best to do four turns of rope on each side.

A decorative knot of a monkey fist, it is best to weave from paracord.

It glides well, which makes it easier to form, tighten the knot. Use the knotted product as original jewelry, key rings - a lanyard is attached to:

  • bags;
  • clothes;
  • keys;
  • backpacks;
  • lantern;
  • wallet.

You can also hang it with a lanyard. This is a self-woven paracord lace.

The shape and volume of the nodes will depend on what dimensions and what part is inserted into the structure being manufactured.

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