Therapeutic fasting is a voluntary abstinence from food carried out according to certain rules in order to restore health. Orthodox fasting: "the miracle of starvation", diet or ascetic feat? Fasting forgives sins

The ancient Egyptians, according to the testimony of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus (425 BC), believed that the basis was systematic (three days a month) fasting and cleansing the stomach with the help of vomit and klystyr. And the Egyptians, he noted, were the healthiest of mortals. There is also evidence that the ancient Egyptians successfully treated syphilis with dry fasting. Looking ahead, let's say that in the 19th century, or rather in 1882, during the occupation of the territory of Egypt, the French recorded numerous cases of getting rid of this disease in this way.

As you yourself understand, if people for a long time did not know the cleansing and healing value of dry fasting, then they would not insist on fasting with such persistence in all cultures and religions. The healing value of meaningful fasting for human life has always been masked by its religious meaning. And what, in fact, is surprising in the fact that nature better than human knows its benefits? If you ever take a course of therapeutic dry fasting, then you yourself will understand how the doors to a closed society of those who are purified before nature will open for you. Yes, all people are outwardly equal, they all have two arms, two legs and a head. However, just as outwardly identical bottles can have excellent wine in one and vinegar in the other, so the inner content of people is fundamentally different. The quality of some people is clearly more valuable and sustained than others, especially with age.

The Old Testament, called Tanakh in Hebrew literature, reports starvation 75 times. in "Exodus", the second book of the Old Testament and the Hebrew Pentateuch, it is said that Moses, before receiving the Ten Commandments from God, starved on Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights (Exodus 34:28), and only then God granted Moses' attention. the Bible also mentions fasting. So, Moses starved without water on the mountain for 40 days, moreover, more than once. After the starvation "his face began to shine with rays," so that "they were afraid to approach him." after such prophylaxis, Christ discovered supernatural abilities. Buddha starved for 40 days, Muhammad starved for 40 days. and nothing happened, it only went good. as a reward - a connection with heaven, a conversation directly with God. And our medicine still does not want to take this into service. You clean and wash the dishes, why don't you want to give your body the same opportunity? If we are attacked by disease, then there must be a natural, natural way of getting rid of. Every force must be opposed. In times of danger or social calamity, the Jews had a custom and considered a religious duty to impose on themselves fasting, that is, to abstain from food and water, to pray and to offer sacrifices. Fasts were observed by the Jews with particular rigor and differed not only by abstinence from food, but even from all other sensual needs. Thus, the word "fasting" means "prohibition". in our sense, it means the refusal to take any food for a certain period of time. There could be no question of any lean food during this period. Eating lean food during fasting is a gross violation and perversion of this concept.

Fasting was an essential part of Judaism. Entirely one treatise of 64 volumes of the Jewish Talmud "Megillat Taamit", which translates as "Scroll of Fasting", is devoted exclusively to fasting. This treatise examines in detail about 25 days for which Jews are required to starve. When danger was impending on the people, the Sanhedrin the wise men of Zion“Had the power to impose a universal starvation to ask for salvation. These mass fasts usually lasted for several days, up to a week. Until now, Orthodox Jews, marking the days of tragic events in the history of Jews, do not drink alcohol at all, but they are sure to go hungry. All modern religious Jews starve on the most sacred day of Judaism, Yom Kippur, the day of purification, which falls at the end of September, when they do not eat or drink for 24 hours.

In Christianity, everyone knows the legend that Jesus Christ, like Moses, before starting to preach God's message, went into the wilderness and did not eat or drink for 40 days and nights. Jesus Christ did this fasting in full accordance with the laws of Judaism, to which he himself belonged by birth and within which he was brought up. in those days, fasting was of great importance in the life of the land of Judea, and members of the Pharisee party were on a regular basis for two days every week. It was at the end of his 40-day fasting that Jesus Christ said:

“Man does not live by bread alone, but also by what the Lord God says to him” (Gospel of Matthew 4: 4), thereby, like Moses, confirming by his personal experience that the Lord God himself begins to speak with the hungry.

In Russia in the Middle Ages, fasting was widely practiced in monasteries. in those days, as we have said, fasting most often meant complete abstinence from food, and often from water. in the XIV century, the so-called deserts appeared in Russia, many of which later turned into monasteries. Peasants settled around them, especially to the north of Moscow, away from danger from the Tatars. Sergius of Radonezh's contemporaries described how he very often starved himself, encouraged monks to fast, but they were strong in body and strong in spirit.

But at the same time, a sensible post without extremes healthy person does not harm. Here you can also recall examples from Holy Scripture (at least three youths who, eating only vegetables in captivity in Babylon, were stronger and healthier than their peers who ate meat), but even more striking are examples from the lives of holy ascetics of the Orthodox Church, who truly showed the whole world that the flesh can be subordinated to the spirit.

Rev. Macarius of Alexandria ate (bread and vegetables) only once a week during Lent. He lived for 100 years. Rev. Simeon the Stylite ate nothing at all during Lent. Lived for 103 years. Rev. Anfim, too, did not eat anything during the entire Holy Fourtecost, and lived even longer - 110 years.

However, in general, in the Christian environment, starvation has degenerated into a kind of self-sacrifice, suitable only and only for special people - monks, and that for an ordinary person, they say, is not necessary. It so happened that in Christianity, some "professionals" were instructed to atone for the sins of others, while the rest could relax without looking back. This purposeful policy, which, they say, there are special people who will forgive sins for them and, naturally, not for free, will be released, and led the Christian world to complete decay. A reminder of the once serious attitude to starvation among Christians is the period of Great Lent, when believing Christians adhere to certain restrictions in food, having eaten pancakes before that on Shrovetide.

Muslims strictly observe the monthly fast of Ramadan. in this month all Muslims do not strictly eat or drink from dawn to dusk. The beginning and end of Ramadan are great folk festivals. Ramadan is so serious that people who are unable to observe it due to illness or pregnancy must observe Ramadan later, that is, repay the debt. Strictly speaking, during the hours of Ramadan, nothing should enter the gastrointestinal tract - one should not even swallow saliva. Private Muslim canteens and restaurants are open but empty during Ramadan. After sunset, however, Muslims consume modest foods such as beans, spiced lentil soup, and dates. Therefore, this month the shops where Muslims trade are inundated with dates. Muslims believe that fasting helps a person avoid sin. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad believed that a true Muslim should abstain from eating two days every week (like the Pharisees).

American researchers have indirectly confirmed the benefits of Muslim fasting. They were able to uncover the cellular mechanism that explains the link between starvation and longevity in humans and other mammals. Islam prescribes abstaining from food and liquids during daylight hours during the month of Ramadan. Scientists David Sinclair and his colleagues have found that during fasting, the SIRT3 and SIRT4 genes are activated, which prolong the life of cells. Perhaps this information can be used to create drugs for diseases associated with aging.

Hello dear friends.

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So, what is curative fasting? For many people, this phrase may seem absurd. At least most of the people in my offline environment looked at me in amazement when I did this.

After all, many remember the words of their grandmother: "eat, granddaughters, otherwise you will become weakened and get sick" or something like that.

Therapeutic fasting is a voluntary abstinence from food carried out according to certain rules in order to restore health.

The procedure for medical fasting is conventionally divided into 3 three parts:

  1. Preparation.
  2. Immediate abstinence from food.
  3. Output.

What "certain rules" are we talking about?


In preparation for therapeutic fasting, you must:

Go to the so-called " ", Which contains 80% natural natural food (fruits, vegetables, nuts, honey, herbs, ); I would recommend the period of the preparatory period as long as possible, but not less than the period of abstinence from food itself;

The second stage of preparation is bowel cleansing (enemas, shankh prakshalyana);

Third - cleansing the liver (especially before a long fast);


During direct abstinence from food DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING INSIDE , except for pure (ideally distilled) water, in some cases, a weak solution of honey is possible. If you eat vegetables or fruits, then this will mean a way out of fasting. If you eat anything proteinaceous - meat or dairy - you will harm yourself up to death.


Output. This stage is very individual. Someone goes out on citrus juices, and everything is fine. This method is suitable for people who have been practicing this lifestyle for a long time. This method didn't work for me. You can also get out of medical fasting on combined fruit and vegetable juices, as well as on vegetables, fruits, salads themselves. You can even use cereals or sprouted wheat or buckwheat seeds. This is a broad topic.


Therapeutic fasting is a natural method of healing and rejuvenating your body. It has been known as long as life exists. Animals, when they are sick, do not eat anything. Most likely, this is what most people used to do. However, for some reason, this method is "littered". Forgotten the principle of therapeutic fasting and inspired by the theory of chemical drugs.

I almost forgot. In addition to the three 3 parts, there is one more condition. It is necessary to perform the following set of measures:

  1. Provide yourself with a source .
  2. Eating natural food during the winter (how to keep vegetables and fruits natural for the winter in an urban setting).
  3. Refusal from drugs (including smoking and alcohol) FULLY!
  4. Refusal of junk food (fast food, soda, hormonal meat, yeast bread, etc.).

Even if you do not delve into the practice of medical fasting, but simply adhere to at least these four points, your body will already become much easier to live. The fulfillment of these conditions is the foundation

Fasting is a process of increased physical regeneration, renewal of all cells, their molecular and chemical composition... After starvation, a significant renewal of the body occurs, a kind of rejuvenation.

For a long time, people have known about the cleansing power and health benefits of fasting therapy. However, the rejuvenating significance of meaningful fasting for human life has often been masked by its religious significance.

It is believed that for the first time fasting was prescribed by God to the forefathers of mankind, Adam and Eve, who were forbidden to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (forbidden fruit).

In Hinduism, various currents and sects actively use fasting as a means of purification. Of the 64 volumes of the Jewish Talmud "Megillat Taamit", one is fully devoted to this topic and is translated as "Scroll of Fasting".

The treatise examines in detail the features of each of the 25 days of the year on which Jews are required to starve.
In ancient times, when a real threat to the state arose, the supreme authority, the Sanhedrin of the Elders of Zion, had the authority to declare a general starvation in order to ask the Lord for salvation. These mass fasts usually lasted from a few days to a week.

Orthodox Jews still celebrate the days of tragic events in the history of Jews by starvation, in contrast to other peoples who, in most cases, prefer abundant feasts with alcoholic beverages.

All modern religious Jews go hungry on the most sacred day of Judaism, Yom Kippur, the day of atonement that falls at the end of September when they do not eat or drink for 24 hours. Members of the Pharisees' party must fast regularly for two days a week.

The Bible in the book "Exodus", the second book of the Old Testament and the Hebrew Pentateuch, says that Moses, before receiving from God the ten commandments and tablets for Israel, twice starved on Mount Sinai (Horeb) for only 40 days and nights, and only then did God honor Moses.

In Christianity, everyone knows the legend that Jesus Christ, like Moses, before starting to preach God's message, went into the wilderness and did not eat for 40 days and nights.

Jesus starved in full accordance with the laws of Judaism, to which he belonged by birth and upbringing.

It was at the end of his 40-day fasting that Jesus Christ uttered: "Man does not live by bread alone, but also by what the Lord God tells him."

Thus, he confirmed by his personal experience, like Moses, that the Lord God Himself begins to speak with the hungry.

Confirmation serious relationship for Christians to starve are periods of fasting.

Orthodox Christians refer to fasts of many days - Great Lent, Peter's Fast. Assumption Fast and Christmas Fast. Thus, a true Christian can fast up to 220 days a year.

Muslims strictly observe the monthly fast of Ramadan. In this month, all Muslims do not eat or drink from dawn to dusk. The beginning and end of Ramadan are great folk festivals.

Ramadan is so serious that people who cannot observe it due to illness or pregnancy must observe Ramadan later, that is, repay the debt.

During the day, nothing can enter the gastrointestinal tract - you cannot even swallow saliva.

However, after sunset, Muslims eat modest lean foods such as beans, spiced lentil soup, dates, etc.

According to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, fasting helps a person to avoid sin, therefore a real Muslim should abstain from eating two days each week, like the Jewish Pharisees.

Fasting is an integral part of Yogi practice. In particular, for Hatha yoga practitioners, monthly fasting is recommended for a period of 1 to 3 days and fasting before kris (5 to 12 days) from 1 to 4 times a year.

For many peoples, fasting was part of not only religious but also traditional cultural practices. For example, the American Indians viewed starvation as the most important and indispensable test in the transformation of a young man into a warrior.

Usually boys who reached a certain age were taken to the top of the mountain and left for four days and four nights without food or water. Fasting was seen as a means of fostering will, purification and strengthening.

Fasting as a meaningful mass method of treating diseases and purifying the body became popular at the end of the 19th century. simultaneously in America and Europe.

In ancient times, people in Russia knew very well what fasting was. Nowadays, this concept has been lost or greatly distorted, and now many people do not understand the essence of Orthodox fasting, reducing it to a simple abstinence from certain types of food. And there are those who confuse the concept of fasting and diet or even fasting. In this, a significant role is played by various books by modern authors, in which completely incompatible concepts are mixed. So, at the scientific conference "Traditional medicine and nutrition" in 1994, a report was read "The value of short-term fasting for the treatment of colds" - obviously the misuse of the word "fasting" which has become fashionable. Let's try to figure out what fasting and therapeutic fasting are.

In medicine, there is the concept of "curative fasting". This is a non-drug method of treating some diseases, which is possible only with the participation of a specialist. Fasting with a medical purpose has been known since ancient times; Pythagoras, Socrates, Hippocrates and Avicenna also resorted to it. In the Middle Ages, the idea of \u200b\u200bfasting was supported by Paracelsus and F. Hoffman. In Russia, the idea of \u200b\u200btherapeutic fasting was developed in the middle of the 17th century. At the beginning of the twentieth century. the founder of this method was S.V. Botkin professor V.V. Pashutin.

Since the 1940s. in practice, the method of unloading and dietary therapy of Professor Yu.S. Nikolaev was successfully used (he introduced the term RDT). According to this method, which is still popular today, is being treated for neuropsychic diseases, alcoholism, asthma, hypertension, and patients with drug intolerance. According to Yu.S. Nikolaev himself, RDT is “not a specific method for any disease or group of diseases. This is a general strengthening method that mobilizes the body's defenses, and therefore has a wide range of indications. " But in the book of this author, you can again observe the confusion of the concepts of fasting and medical fasting (dietary nutrition). He further writes: “In Russia in the Middle Ages, fasting was widely practiced in monasteries ... Sergius of Radonezh very often starved himself. ... Fasting, in essence, was an expression of folk wisdom, the instinct prompted the need for periodic cleansing of the body helped to maintain health. " It remains to be wondered how they “kept health” and “cleansed the body” in Russia before the adoption of Christianity with its system of fasts? In addition, Nikolaev's system is not quite a scientific method, it is rather a naturopathy that calls for a return to "nature", giving preference to natural food that has not undergone chemical processing, and sees the cause of diseases in "departure from nature and violation of its laws." This is already quite far from the Orthodox teaching, especially from the Orthodox concept of fasting.

Medical therapeutic fasting is complete ("wet") and absolute ("dry"); partial ("malnutrition") has no therapeutic value. The most widespread and studied method of complete ("wet") fasting. "Dry" fasting, without drinking water, is carried out less frequently and is limited in time. Fasting therapy has its limits. So, the loss of body weight should not be more than 20-25%, the period of fasting - no more than 40 days, the extreme age of the hungry - from 17 to 60 years. With EAD, the excretory systems of the body are activated, regularly carried out cleansing procedures ensure the elimination of toxins. Changes in metabolism occur, and "internal reserves" begin to be consumed. One of the most important conditions for EAD is the correct "way out of fasting", i.e. strictly gradual restorative nutrition. There are contraindications to conducting RTD, therefore, it is unacceptable to engage in "amateur performance" here.

As you can see, the RDT technique is scientifically based and is carried out in specialized clinics under the supervision of specialists. However, there are still various author's methods, of which the most famous are the systems of healing and starvation by P. Bragg, G.S. Shatalova and G.P. Malakhov.

Paul S. Bragg - American physician (1881-1970). He attached the main importance in the improvement of man's health to medical fasting and proper nutrition. We published his book The Miracle of Fasting, which had a wide response. Bragg considered a vegetarian diet that is optimal for human health, based on vegetables and fruits, the consumption of meat and eggs is limited, sausages and canned food are not recommended - anything that contains food colors and preservatives. Sugar is replaced by honey and juices, salt is completely excluded from the diet. For some diseases, Bragg recommends a daily - 24-hour - complete abstinence from food, once every three months fasting for 3 days, once a year - 7-10 days.

From a medical point of view, P. Bragg's system contains many controversial points. The brief fasting recommended by him does not lead to the restructuring of the body for internal nutrition and cannot have a therapeutic effect, promoting, rather, a simple "rest" of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, he paid insufficient attention to cleansing the body during fasting and the correct "exit" from it. And in general, the Bragg system is practically inapplicable in our conditions of a limited labor regime, a limited choice of plant foods and an increased content of toxins in it.

You can also see in Bragg's system a lot of points that do not correspond to the Orthodox faith. In his "commandments" and "moral principles" he reveals a worldview that is alien to Orthodoxy in its spirit. So, those who want to cleanse the body should: "... honor your body as the greatest manifestation of life ... devote years of devoted and selfless service to your health ... keep your thoughts, words and emotions pure, calm and elevated." At the time of fasting, Bragg recommends moving away from everyone, fencing off from the outside world, not talking to anyone about your abstinence, in order to "avoid the influence of other people's negative thoughts." P. Bragg himself in the preface to his book says that he appears in it "as a teacher, not a doctor." There is a call to “follow the natural laws of life”, ie nature is elevated to a cult. Bragg insists on the need to “cultivate positive thoughts ... Consider your thoughts as real power. Through fasting, you can create the person you would like to be ”(The Miracle of Fasting”). This can already be attributed to visualization techniques, and the author himself is blamed for the fact that he goes beyond the framework of popular science work on physical health and claims to have some kind of control over the minds of readers, imposing various mystical views on them. In the book in question about a certain "vitality", and the main concern of the hungry is the extension of human life. However, in Orthodoxy, the cause of death is not a violation of the laws of nature, but sin - a violation of man's connection with his Creator. Mixing the concepts of diet, fasting and fasting, P. Bragg cites Moses, David and Christ Himself as an example of “curative fasting”, which, of course, comes from a complete misunderstanding of the essence of fasting as an ascetic feat. We also know that the life force for a Christian is Divine grace (Acts 17:28), which does not depend on the properties of the food eaten. The Christian does not elevate the health of the body into a cult, which is what P. Bragg does; we remember that the body does not exist for food, but food for the body. Thus, we can conclude that Bragg's system is inherently unacceptable for an Orthodox person.

Another author of the popular method of healing the body using fasting and diets is Galina Sergeevna Shatalova (born in 1916), candidate of medical sciences. There is already an obvious reference to "solar energy products". It is proposed to completely exclude meat and dairy products from the diet (meat is considered a source of troubles, such as acceleration in children, and milk is completely harmful to health, after 3 years the body no longer needs it), eat vegetables, herbs, fruits collected according to the season. At the same time, it is advisable to use those fruits that have grown "in your climatic zone." However, WHO experts have established that a person needs animal protein in an amount of at least 1 g per 1 kg, otherwise unwanted changes begin in the body. GS Shatalova also recommends “to chew food at least 50 times”, “not to mix vegetable and animal food”, “not to reheat cooled food again”, not to use pans and pressure cookers.

If you take a closer look at this system, you can find here the same anti-Christian elements of deification of nature that are present in Bragg's systems and Nikolaev's reasoning. According to GS Shatalova, her system is based on “the indissoluble unity of man and the nature of the Earth, the Universe as a whole. The idea of \u200b\u200ba rational beginning of Nature was expressed in ancient times. " According to Shatalova herself, her system is based on oriental teachings about human health (including yoga, qigong) and the experience of "folk healers" (for example, P. Ivanov), i.e. far from traditional medicine. The disease, according to Shatalova, is a violation of the "man-nature" connection, and its treatment, accordingly, will consist in restoring this connection. Fasting is recommended as an integral part of species (i.e. separate) feeding. In the first place in the system of natural healing is "the achievement of a positive mental attitude." The system itself is openly declared as “a transition to another way of life, life in unity and harmony with nature and oneself”.

Another popular technique in our country is the “separate feeding” technique, popularized by the American physician Herbert Shelton (1895-1985). He wrote the book “Orthotrophy. The basics proper nutrition", In which he outlined his views on the problem of the correct human diet. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that this system is erroneous and built on ignorance of the processes of digestion. So, it is assumed that the digestion of proteins occurs in the acidic environment of the stomach, and carbohydrates - in the alkaline, greens and fruits are digested in any environment and are "compatible" with everything. But these ideas are wrong! In the stomach, food, firstly, is mixed under the influence of peristalsis, and secondly, digestion takes place in the small intestine, where the medium is alkaline, while in the stomach only proteins are prepared for this process. You should also take into account one more important point - there are no "monoproducts", i.e. proteins and carbohydrates in their pure form, these include only salt, sugar and oil, the rest consist of a harmonious mixture of different substances. Thus, Shelton's claims are medically untenable. The system of separate feeding has two drawbacks: psychological discomfort (fear of eating something "wrong") and restructuring of enzyme production (with a systematic adherence to the system), so that at a certain time, only certain enzymes are produced for digesting protein or carbohydrate foods. A power failure in this case can lead to very serious consequences and threaten human life. The Shelton System was developed in the southern states of the United States, where the diet of the inhabitants was overloaded with meat products, so that this led to serious digestive problems. However, meat consumption in Russia is much lower (approx. 62 kg per year versus 180 kg). Instead of separate meals, it is enough to reduce the level of protein consumption to 100 g per day.

Encyclopedia of rituals and customs.
Medical and hygienic aspects of nutrition during fasting (
Yu.S. Nikolaev, E.I. Nilov, V.G. Cherkasov. Fasting for health. - M., 1988.
Therapeutic fasting. Guidelines doctors (
Yu.N. Kudryavtsev, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Critical analysis of P. Bragg's method (
P. Bragg. The miracle of starvation (
"Miracle of fasting" as the eighth wonder of the world (
St. John of Damascus. An accurate exposition of the Orthodox faith. - M., 2002.

“Fasting, or Unloading Diet Therapy (EAD), is a very powerful therapeutic method that can heal severe bodily and mental illness, - considers senior Researcher, Research Institute of Psychiatry, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Valery Gurvich... - But it should only be used by doctors - specialists in RDT. Amateur performance is extremely dangerous. "

Stronger than a scalpel

The concept of therapeutic fasting is associated with Paul Bragg and Herbert Shelton. This fashion came to Russia in the 70s. And Shelton's adherents did not suspect that a scientific one had long existed in Moscow, which was created by the doctor of medical sciences, psychiatrist Yuri Nikolaev.

“Russia is still the leader in the scientific study of fasting,” says Valery Gurvich (he is a student of the professor). According to him, the best schools operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Buryatia, Rostov-on-Don, Tyumen.

Not fully understood. But no one doubts that the most important moment is the transition to endogenous nutrition. Animal sugar - glycogen - runs out on the second day, and the body begins to break down fat. In this case, toxic substances deposited in adipose tissue - preservatives, drugs, dyes - are released into the blood. You need to be prepared for headaches, nausea, feeling of weakness and malaise. An aggravated sense of smell (habitual aromas become unbearable), the smell of acetone from the mouth, a tongue coated with an unpleasant coating - these are obligatory companions for cleansing the body. To reduce self-poisoning, enemas and showers are used. Those who managed to survive the crisis will be rewarded. Somewhere on the 10th day, there is a sharp improvement. There is a sparkle in the eyes, the energy is in full swing. A person easily tolerates fasting as long as the body has reserves of fat and protein. First of all, diseased tissue is "eaten away" - tumors, adhesions, scars.

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The most important thing is to carefully follow the rules for exiting the RTD.

“It is necessary to spend as many days on it as it took itself,” recalls Valery Gurvich. - They use fresh, initially diluted fruit and vegetable juices, then add cereals, vegetable broths, kefir. "

At this time, meat, eggs and fish are completely excluded. During EAD, the stomach and intestines do not contract, and the liver and pancreas do not produce enzymes. If you immediately eat protein food, it will decompose in the stomach without being digested, which will lead to poisoning of the body. Fatal outcome is possible.

EDS was so successful that it was officially approved by the Ministry of Health as a treatment for mental illness, including schizophrenia, epilepsy, and depression.

And bodily ailments. It is used for hypertension and asthma, diseases of the digestive system and diabetes, arthritis and arthrosis. It is believed that during fasting, a dominant is formed in the brain, which displaces painful symptoms. We can say that the body is “rebooting”. After coming out of fasting, he begins to work without remembering the disease. True, if a person has been sick for a long time and seriously, one-time fasting will not cure him, but it will improve his condition. To maintain the effect, you will need to fast again. For how many days and how many times a year, the doctor will decide.

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