What damage is done to an ugly face. What is damage to beauty - how to identify and remove it? A young woman can be jinxed, or they can spoil beauty

Damage to the face

Human life is a raging ocean of passions, which not everyone can cope with. Especially frequent.

Quarrels, betrayal, divorces - someone is going through these difficulties on their own, clenching their teeth from mental pain and torment, and someone is looking for help from otherworldly forces.

Most often, women with broken hearts turn to magicians and sorcerers. One wants, the other to beat off the beloved man from the rival, the third has other problems on the love front, and the fourth darling of her son did not like it. Facial spoilage is the method often used by black magicians to help women solve their problems.

Damage to the face, what does it give?

The effect of such damage is aimed at losing beauty. A person who has undergone its influence has a face change, a variety of problems that spoil the appearance appear:

Acne, age spots, papillomas, warts, acne may appear;
The skin may take on an earthy tint;
The eyes may become dull and lifeless;
Wrinkles may appear.

If you do not remove the damage to the face, gradually a person will lose their visual appeal.

How is the ritual performed?

Damage to the face is directed to the waning moon. This is the most favorable period for the ceremony.

To begin with, the magician conducts a ritual, the purpose of which is to weaken the protective aura of the person who is targeted by the damage. Only then damage is induced on the face.

Who is the ritual performed by?

They are in great demand among the fair sex. Often women, girls try to damage them on their own.

Conducting any occult rituals carries a risk for an uninformed person, therefore all activities should be carried out exclusively by masters who know how, when and what to do. If necessary, they will put up a defense, and if a problem arises, they will "take the blow".

In this article:

Damage to beauty, like any other type of black witchcraft, is a destructive negative effect that is aimed at causing harm to a person. Damage is of a ritual nature and has a powerful force of influence up to the death of the victim.

Damage is more often directed to female beauty than male. This type of damage is mainly used by women who have fallen into complex, intricate love relationships, for example, when a beloved man is carried away by another woman or a spouse has a mistress. There are several types of damage to female beauty - this is witchcraft aimed at the face, hair, attractiveness, voice, slim figure, face change, body odor and the loss of beauty in general.

Targeting female beauty

Most often, in order to bring such damage, women turn to magicians and sorcerers, since harming another person will require a lot of energy and effort, which the customer does not always have enough. The magician first performs the appropriate magical actions in order to weaken the victim's energy protection, and then proceeds to conduct certain rituals and ceremonies.

The most convenient time to target damage to female beauty is the waning moon period. However, at other times it is also possible to conduct a ceremony, but in this case the magician will need to expend a lot of effort and energy.

Conducting occult rituals to impose this type of damage requires great care and skill, since there is always a danger of getting a rollback, that is, a back blow. This is when what was sent to the victim returned by a ricochet to the customer or performer.

Signs of damage to beauty

If a person is spoiled, then his beauty begins to disappear, as it were, the victim ages and fades away in a short time, the skin color becomes pale, even slightly grayish, pigmentation spots appear on the face, neck, arms, chest.

Also, various formations appear on the skin - acne, acne, warts, papillomas, etc. The victim's eyes grow dull and look like that of a seriously ill and old person, luxurious hair loses its silkiness and shine, looks greasy, dirty, unkempt, becomes brittle, thin, and begins to fall out.

Sudden problems with appearance are a clear sign of a negative program.

The figure of a person who has undergone a magical attack also suffers, the weight rapidly increases or decreases to complete exhaustion, the metabolism is disrupted, as a result of which the body odor is noticeably worsening.

In addition, women can fall under the influence of the so-called "spoilage for face swap". At the same time, the victim is "removed from her face" and transferred to another person, and she is "put on" an exhausted old ugly alien face. A woman who has become a victim of the black forces of magic, as a result, begins to age quickly and unnaturally, not only with her face, but also with her whole body and soul.

How to eliminate damage done to beauty

The question of how to remove damage done to beauty is of interest to many women who have been magically attacked by black forces. You can try to get rid of the effects of witchcraft on your own at home. To do this, after the full moon, during the waning moon at sunset, light a church candle on the table. Put 4 cotton napkins next to it, and put a towel and soap next to them. All listed attributes must be new.

“Lessons are terrible tracts, the embarrassment of other people's faces, no matter who you are, melt like foam melts on water, wax on a candle, dew on the grass, and let all the dirt go off my face and body, and it will go to the windblown sore. It will burn in fire, lose its strength, fly back to the one who sent it. Amen".

You need to read the plot 7 times. During the reading, crosses should be placed over the napkins each time. After the conspiracy words, it is necessary to wipe your body from head to toe 3 times with each napkin in turn, carefully folding them into a bag.

In addition to the proposed rituals, you can also perform cleaning-rinsing

Then take the package with napkins to the intersection and burn, if it does not burn, then you can first pour it with flammable liquid. During burning, you need to stand so that the smoke does not go to the performer of this rite. You have to stay at the crossroads until everything turns to ash.

At home, you need to wash and dry yourself with the said soap and towel for 12 days. At the end of the specified period, the towel should be treated in the same way as with the napkins, that is, burn it at the intersection.

If the damage was introduced recently, then the victim will be able to remove it on his own using this magical ritual. And if the magical effect has been sent for a long time, then it is better to seek help from a professional sorcerer.

You also need to remember that not everyone will be able to remove damage to the house. Firstly, this person must have a strong energy, and secondly, it is imperative to know all the rules of black magic and, thirdly, to believe in what he is doing. Otherwise, the black forces will not retreat, but can only increase their negative impact.

If a person who has become a victim of magic is not confident in his abilities, then it is better for him to turn to a magician who, observing all the rules in a short time, will help eliminate the negative witchcraft influence.

For some reason, it is believed that damage to beauty is a tool that is used exclusively by fashion models and photo models who try to use such witchcraft to fight competitors, removing them from their path. But believe me, most of those who are targeted by damage to their faces are not photo models, actresses or singers, because almost always damage to beauty is induced not in order to remove someone from their path, but to avenge offenses or annoy out of envy or jealousy.

From here are some examples to explain why you can become a victim of magic. Damage to the face can be targeted if:
- someone decided to take a man away from you, knowing that if you lose your beauty, he will leave you;
- or as revenge for taking someone's husband or lover away from someone;
- or it may be the intrigues of the wife of the person with whom you started a romance that seemed frivolous to you;
- you can be spoiled if you interfere with someone at work, and how well your career will turn out depends on your appearance;
- if someone just envied your family happiness, and decided to destroy it - and half of divorces today happen precisely because the spouse is losing her beauty;
- if you laughed at your ugly girlfriend, who decided to teach you a lesson in a similar way, or made it so that damage to youth fell upon you.

But damage to youth can also be imposed on you in the event that someone (for example, a strong black magician) decided to rejuvenate at your expense. In this case, he performs a ritual that literally sucks all the strength out of you. The magician himself, as a result, gets your youth, forcing you to age ten times faster than it was destined for you by fate.

How is facial and beauty damage diagnosed?

Damage to beauty is terrible, first of all, because even the magician who implements it never knows what effect it can have. After all, every time it “blooms” in a different way. So the victim of spoilage may develop acne and boils, eczema and allergies. Abnormal tissue growth may begin (just imagine, your ears or nose will start to grow!). Papillomas, warts, eczema, dermatitis, rash and itching may appear .. And in some cases, a magical effect can be exerted on the eyes - squint or pop-eyed, on the teeth - up to their complete loss. An erysipelas or a huge number of wrinkles may appear, or a huge birthmark in half of the face may rapidly grow. And sometimes damage to the face can twist the muscles, making its victim simply unrecognizable.

It is very easy to diagnose such damage. And for this it is enough to look in the mirror and see how quick and unpleasant changes have happened to you. And if all of a sudden, and for almost inexplicable reasons, you suddenly lost your beauty, or you have one of the described problems, which doctors are not able to cope with, contact me immediately! After all, damage to beauty (as in the opening and any other) can be removed from you without a trace, with a complete return of your attractiveness, only if the fight against it begins immediately after it is imposed on you!

What is terrible damage to youth and beauty?

The same applies to those cases if you are targeted by damage to youth. But to her, my dears (and I turn not only to women, but also to men), I strongly recommend that you take much more seriously, because such a curse is much more dangerous than the most severe damage for beauty.

So damage to the face almost always leads only to purely external changes, while the classic damage to youth affects the internal organs of its victim. It can lead to rapid deterioration of the heart and kidneys, to a variety of diseases. digestive system, including cancer unusual for you due to young age. But, perhaps, the most terrible effect that spoilage has on youth is that it leads to an obligatory change in the hormonal system of those who suffer from it. Because of this, she leads men to mandatory and complete hormonal castration, since with such damage, young men become carriers of incurable senile impotence! Or to the fact that young women, despite all the efforts of doctors, lose the ability to bear children!

Therefore, as soon as you begin to notice signs of old age in yourself that do not correspond to your age, contact me immediately! Indeed, in your case it comes no longer about attractiveness and beauty, but about the duration of your life itself, which someone decided to shorten at times !!!

How can I - the witch Olga - help everyone who suffered from damage to youth and beauty?

It doesn't matter what brings you to me - damage to beauty, damage to your face or damage to youth. I will instantly find out, thanks to the magic that I possess in perfection, what kind of curse is imposed on you. In addition, I can easily establish the reasons why you were spoiled, and even who exactly spoiled you. And not one of your offenders can hide from me, no matter where in the world he lives. And if you want, then multiplying it, we will send him everything that he sent to you - let him know how to become ugly or start aging quickly.

I will completely cleanse you from corruption, returning you to the state that you had before you were corrupted. After all, the damage to beauty, removed according to all the rules, will return you both external attractiveness and prettiness, and removed damage on the face will return the skin to youth and beauty faster than any plastic surgeons and cosmetologists. But if you trust me to remove the damage to youth from you, then you will be surprised that you can become young and beautiful in just a couple of days.

And besides, I will definitely perform some very powerful protective rituals. After all, once becoming a victim of someone else's magical influence, you run the risk of experiencing it again and again on yourself. Therefore, I will definitely do everything to completely protect you from any damage, evil eye and other influences from black magicians and those who turn to their services, so that nothing else can ruin your life or the life of your loved ones.

Well, we will talk in more detail about the details of the magical work that we have to do in person. Write or call me, and I will tell you how to prepare yourself for the rituals to cleanse the damage to youth, face and beauty, and most importantly - are you really a carrier or a carrier of one of these damage. Or are you simply afraid to come to terms with the fact that, like all people, you, too, will go through aging.

But in this case, I can still help you, as I own the magical secrets of return and youth and beauty!

Damage to beauty is not uncommon. After all, envy sometimes takes on such forms that a normal person only wonders where such strange thoughts come from.

This evil feeling can affect any area of \u200b\u200blife. And the consequences will be very unpleasant, at best.

Let's take a look at the one that envious women use the most. This means damage to beauty.

This kind of influence is not at all so obvious. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to determine, and a person will suffer greatly.

Does this exist?

Many people generally believe that such an impact does not exist. In vain.

Agree that someone else's beauty is not only admirable. She is often the subject of anger from less naturally gifted competitors.

After all, all women are waging a hidden struggle for the attention of gentlemen. This is completely natural, it is so laid down by nature.

And not everyone understands that the beauty of a woman is not always in a beautiful figure or facial features.

The soul is also worth considering. But often it escapes attention, people think only about appearance. And offended rivals believe that if you make a woman ugly, you can turn the man away from her.

Naturally, no one rushes at an opponent with a knife. But the guidance of damage is a secret matter. There are those willing.

Beauty taint can work in different directions. It can lead to poor health.

Damage can be targeted, for example, on hair or skin, on the face, and so on. How can you define it?

Signs and symptoms

Naturally, if damage is directed to beauty, then events should occur that affect the appearance of a woman. After all, it is usually the weaker sex that is exposed to this effect.

It is directed at men much less often.

The most characteristic signs:

  • Hair may begin to fall out all of a sudden.

  • Often, the victim develops an allergy that affects the skin of the face.

  • It greatly affects the mood. Despondency is the best state in which a beauty is.

  • The eyes stop shining.

  • All energy literally instantly flows out of a woman. She doesn't want to dress up and take care of herself.

  • Appetite disruptions appear. Either you want to eat all the time, or you can't even take a piece in your mouth. All this leads to either obesity or malnutrition.

  • Another woman, who was spoiled by beauty, is aging rapidly. The skin becomes flabby and becomes earthy.

Hovering: an example of a rite

In order to inflict an energetic blow and spoil the beauty, they use photography.

If you do it on a different day, then the likelihood that the blow will not reach the target, but will hit the one who performs it, increases.

In general, it is believed that this ritual is very complex. If you do not follow the instructions exactly, then you can damage yourself.

Letters from our readers

Subject: My life has changed for the better!

From whom: Larissa(lu ****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Larisa and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to change my life for the better and get rid of the constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries ... and a constant lack of money. You will not buy toys or new things for children once again, nor will you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has no money work.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for your current needs.

Of course, in the family we have learned to live and live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this, I asked myself. Look, others have money, bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is wealth.

I was already beginning to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across an article on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that the article would change my life so much!

I have money! And not just a small change, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Per last year we made an excellent renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not got to this site.

Don't scroll past. Find a couple of minutes for this information.

So, to spoil it, you need to take four black candles.

  1. Light at midnight by placing it in four corners.
  2. Put a photo in the middle and read a plot on it:

“The black raven hovers at night. It is darker than darkness! Let the beauty (name) turn into the disgrace of blackness! Casting a spell on the light! I curse the eye of the dawn! Casting a spell on hair, blood and body! The dark matter will persist! Black crow, fly! Take the beauty (name), take it to the churchyard! Let him stand there in full growth! The word is strong, pour, do not spill! For a century, a man will be terrible! "

Now you need to take black paint and with a brush (required) cross out the photo crosswise. When the paint dries, it is placed in a black envelope. Seal.

On the reverse side, you need to put a seal from each candle. As soon as it is sealed, you need to go to the intersection, throw a brush there and say:

After that, within seven days, give the beggars the same amount at the same time.

When the damage begins to take effect, the photo must be burned, the ashes must be scattered near the victim's threshold in order to consolidate the effect and cause damage.

How to remove

You will have to work hard to regain your attractive appearance and remove damage. This process is quite long. The most important thing is to be able to tune in correctly.

They begin to remove damage from going to the Church. You will have to do this every morning.

In total, you need to make as many trips as a person is full years old.

In the Temple, candles are lit for health in front of the Icons of the Theotokos, their Angel and Nicholas the Wonderworker. At the same time, it is necessary to pray to the Saints that they help a person restore the harmony of the soul!

You can also ask for appearance, but this is not the main thing. It is necessary to talk with the Saints about a harmonious soul, such as the Lord created it.

Only after having gone to the Temple as many times as necessary can a ritual be performed to remove the damage to beauty.

For him you will need:

  • towel;
  • chamomile flowers (if not, you can use dried ones);
  • scallop.

The ritual is performed outdoors. You can open the windows indoors if there is no way to go to nature.

It is best to do this on a sunny day. It is not advisable to spend it during the rain, and completely prohibited during a thunderstorm.

  1. You need to spread a towel, put a comb on it.
  2. Now you need to walk around and sing (you can sing out loud) like this:

“Holy Heavens! My beauty is gone! The raven has arrived! Pecked out the light! Black took my best dawn! Holy Heaven! Who has my beauty? Let the pigeons fly both in the forest and in the field! Let my light that sits in captivity find it! You will return the little eye warmth, the clarity of the face, let it return without crying! I throw the flower to the leaf, the trouble will turn into joy! As a dove is faithful to a dove, so be a charming smile! As a stream gurgles, so beauty will return to my threshold! Holy heaven! The beauty has returned! Amen!"

Every time you read it, throw a chamomile flower on the towel. So you have to throw thirty in total. And read the spell exactly the same number of times. Then sprinkle everything with holy water.

Roll up a towel with all the contents and put it under the pillow overnight. Flowers can be thrown away in the morning, and a towel and comb can be used every morning.

This ritual can be repeated several times to remove damage.

If you think that the first time did not quite work out, then do it again. The towel will last until you wash it. Then the energy of the conspiracy will be erased from him.

It will be possible to repeat the whole process so that the damage to beauty ceases to act.

For a woman, as well as for a man, their appearance is very important. Therefore, when it comes to how you can take revenge on an opponent or rival for your soul mate, many decide to use damage to beauty.

Damage to beauty is a fairly strong and effective rite. With its help, you can seriously spoil the appearance of your opponent. It can be common pimples, serious changes in the skin, as well as health problems.

Damage beauty, you can do it yourself. But, it is advisable to address this question to knowledgeable magicians, healers and sorcerers. If you decide not to seek outside help, think very carefully about whether it is worth doing. If the ceremony is not performed according to the rules, you can harm not only your opponent, but also yourself.

So, you seriously thought about it, and decided to damage your opponent (or rival) and your choice fell on spoiling the beauty of your opponent. In this case, it is very important to remain completely calm, not worry and be able to analyze the current situation. This type of spoilage can not only take away health and beauty, but also bring your soul mate back home. The main requirements for the ritual are knowing the name of your rival (or rival), as well as a photograph.

How to determine if you have been damaged

There are several main signs by which you can understand that damage has been done to you:

  • You long time there is a tired and dull appearance (this concerns the color of the skin and the condition of the hair);
  • You have been ill for a long time, and the medicines do not help you;
  • You have dull, lifeless hair that falls out in large quantities;
  • Your skin is dull and the blush has disappeared, wrinkles have appeared,

After making sure that you have been corrupted, the first thing you need to do is go to the temple and pray. Of course, provided that you are a baptized person. Pray, partake and place a candle in front of the holy image.

Remove spoilage on beauty with a chicken egg

This is one of the most popular and most effective rituals. To do this, you need to purchase a chicken egg on the market that has not been stored in the refrigerator. Before performing the procedure, you need to wash in the bathroom, and then pray, asking for help from the holy face.

The following words must be pronounced three times:

"Dryness, yes, nausea, but envy, and slander, and the lining of enemies - everything is in this egg, not on my face!"

At the same time, rolling the egg over the bare body (start from the head and roll from left to right).

When the whole body has been rolled in with an egg, it must be broken. The contents of the egg are poured into a glass of holy water, and the shells are wrapped in a piece of paper and crush. The paper with all its contents must be set on fire with the words:

"Flame-fire, bring out the unclean, bring back my beauty!"

The water with the egg must be poured into the sewer, and the glass must be thoroughly rinsed. Such a ceremony is performed at least three times in a row for one week.

Remove spoilage with a towel and soap

For the ceremony, you need to prepare the following: three large white paper napkins, a candle bought in the temple, baby soap and a white bath towel.

All the props prepared for the ritual must be laid out on the table and a candle is lit. Then they read the "Our Father" three times. After praying, you need to read the following conspiracy seven times in a row:

“Bela the swan swam on the water, drank the water, and left it to me. Voditsa is not simple, rejuvenating, key. Alien whispers, insults and malicious envies, glaring glances, familiar and forgotten to me, but completely unknown, let them burn in the fire, lose their strength, but return to the owner. Key, lock, amen! "

Every time you read the words of the conspiracy, cross the napkins lying on the table.

After reading the prayer and the conspiracy, you need to wipe the body of the conspired person from left to right. Wrap the used napkins in a bag and burn them so that no one can see.

With the soap that you also spoke, wash yourself and dry your body with a charmed towel. This procedure is repeated throughout the week, every day. Soap is used until it is completely washed off. The towel used for drying is burned in the same place where the paper towels were burned.

If these actions do not help you, you need to contact an experienced folk healer, magician or sorcerer.

Damage to beauty using "lining"

This is a fairly simple and easily accessible method that will quickly nullify your rival. It is advisable that you are familiar with your "victim" so that you have the opportunity to throw a spell at her. For the ritual, it is not necessary to memorize a certain set of words, you can simply express your wish. It is advisable to direct damage with the help of a mirror (but you can use any other object). A mirror is a very powerful magic item.

Take the object that you are going to "plant" on your opponent and, using all your energy, say all your wishes on it. Hold it in your hands for a while, thereby charging it.

When you have charged the desired item, you need to present it to your opponent, mentally expressing your wishes to her. If this is not possible, you need to "plant" the charmed object in the opponent's house. It will be important here that she does not notice him.

Damage to beauty with "lining" is very common. And, if you are afraid that you may be spoiled, try not to accept pocket mirrors and various suspicious objects from your friends and just acquaintances.

How to spoil obesity

For the ceremony, you need a photo of your rival, a small piece of bacon, preferably with bristles, as well as black threads, a black candle and rusty needles.

There is no definite conspiracy here, but the main wish is something like this: "to look like a pig." "Lining" for this type of damage is not necessary. The waste material left over after the ceremony must be buried in the ground, where there is no vegetation.

If the ceremony was performed correctly, your rival will not only seriously gain weight, become unattractive to the opposite sex, but also forget about your man forever.

Damage to beauty is a very serious and powerful ritual. Before doing it, you need to think carefully and make the right decision. Remember, an incorrectly performed ceremony can turn into a "boomerang" for you.

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