Carnival history is brief. Children briefly about Shrovetide

Probably each of us is looking forward to the wonderful national holiday called Maslenitsa. Every self-respecting housewife strives to bake as many pancakes as possible, stuff with cheese, honey, cottage cheese, sour cream, cabbage, mushrooms, etc. Here the flight of imagination is unlimited. In addition, women scurry around the stove to cook a lot of amazing dishes and decorate the table with stewed vegetables, fish, sweets, pies, pies, baked pike, caviar, and pickles. Moreover, with the onset of the last days of winter, the majority of people feel better, have a desire to have fun, get out of the "shackles" of the cold and take walks, chat with friends face to face.

Modern people continue to observe the rituals and traditions of Maslenitsa with great pleasure, do incredible things - climb a wooden pole, jump over a fire, and arrange loud festivities. Why is this happening, what are the joyful days and fuss in the kitchen dedicated to? Let's find out about everything in order, and in addition, we will stock up on a couple of other excellent pancake recipes that have survived from our ancestors.

Shrovetide history

Great artists and writers dedicated their creations to this holiday, the best directors made films about it. Let us recall, for example, Kustodiev's stunning painting "Maslenitsa". How beautiful she is. I really want to be in the world that the artist has reflected and enjoy the true Russian winter, incredible dishes made according to Russian traditions. But before delving into our fantasies, let's study the history of the many-sided and ours, only the Russian Maslenitsa holiday.

It should be noted right away that the celebrations we are describing have nothing to do with the Orthodox religion. This holiday was given by us by our ancestors who worshiped pagan gods. Perhaps this is one of the few manifestations of paganism that survived with the transition to Orthodoxy. To avoid any disagreements, our Church included the holiday in its list, but called the period of celebrations Cheese Week (Meat Week). This period of time passes just before the beginning of the next Great Lent.

When did Maslenitsa arise

There are several versions of the occurrence of special celebrations. Judging by one of the interpretations, this week it was no longer possible to eat meat dishes, but it was still allowed to eat dairy products. Among the people, the celebrations, which lasted for seven days, were called differently: Kasatochka, Tselovalnitsa, Obedukha, Merry, Perebuha, Honest Maslenitsa, Sugar Mouth, etc.

During the celebrations, incredible traditions were performed - they rode horses, which they tried to decorate with the most expensive and beautiful harness. A sleigh rushed along the streets, and in front of us was the very "Bird-Three", which the great artists undertook to personify on their canvases. Young people were drinking, singing songs, merry-go-rounds were launched. On the squares, fairs were stunning in terms of the richness of the assortment, where you could buy goods at a bargain price. On the hills still preserved with snow and ice, people descended on large sleighs decorated with beautiful ornaments. "Snow" battles were arranged, fortresses and cities were built from snow and ice.

How was Maslenitsa

In the 17-19 centuries, a crowd of not only adults but also children gathered in the center of the square. These seven days were to be the most generous of the year. The children were given sweets, pies, toys. And in the center of the squares, stages were set up on which performances took place. The main characters were the mummers - Maslenitsa and her companion Voevoda. Of course, the plot for the comedy was the days of Maslenitsa, its treats. She said goodbye and promised to return next year. Other performances could also take place on the stage, which reflected the works of great creators, stories based on real events.

Despite the past centuries, the Maslenitsa week celebrations did not stop. And the main message remained - the desire to drive away Winter. So that warm days would come faster, they sang songs of praise, turned to god Yarila and asked him to show himself as a solar disk and its rays. The symbol of the festive celebrations was a large straw scarecrow, on which a woman's sundress was worn. On the last day of the festivities, he was either burnt or "buried" by putting a big pancake in his hand.

Why damn it

Many are interested in the question - why exactly a pancake is a symbol of Maslenitsa. After all, they are baked throughout this week by all the housewives, and in incredible quantities. We have already mentioned the fillings, there are also a huge number of them. Fortunately, the Russian land is rich in gifts, and people have always been distinguished by high diligence and had everything they needed for excellent food in their farmstead. But back to pancakes and the history of their rise.

The tradition of baking them has appeared since ancient times, precisely from the era of paganism. Worshiping those gods, people turned to the main of the pantheon - Yarila. And he was nothing more than the Sun, which heats the earth with its rays and thus gives life to all living things. With his bright arrival, winter gave way to spring and arable land started, bread was sown, people took off their heavy sheepskin coats and enjoyed the warm air. And what is so similar in shape to our warm sun? And what can you taste while enjoying its taste? Of course damn it. A thin loaf, in which there is nothing but flour, eggs and milk, was prepared both in rich houses and in poor huts. Thus, the hostesses tried to embody the image of Yaril with their own hands and treated their children, friends, relatives with their creation. In addition to wheat, buckwheat, corn, oat groats were used for the production.

Representatives of the poor class, not having reserves of meat and milk, and derived products, put semolina, pumpkin, pea porridge, etc. as filling.

Shrovetide customs

For a long time, there were customs that were obligatory performed in every home. For example, the first made loaf had to be given to a poor person so that he remembered the deceased from this house. If there was no beggar nearby begging for alms, they threw the product through the window. And while Shrovetide week lasted, they ate soft bread throughout the day and week, changing fillings, dressings. Each new day of the solemn week had a certain meaning, and rituals were performed specifically for this day.

Before the onset of Maslenitsa on Sunday, it was necessary to go on a visit to relatives, dear friends and close neighbors. You also had to invite guests to your place and set a rich table. This was the last "free" day before the strictest fasting when natural meat was consumed. It was also called “Meat Sunday”. There was even a funny belief - the father-in-law goes to the son-in-law to finish the meat.

Monday - Meeting

The day of the celebration is called "Meeting". In the daytime, all people gathered for festivities. Large snow slides, fortresses, cities of ice and snow were erected. People rode on merry-go-rounds, huge tables were laid on the market squares, samovars were boiled, herbal teas were poured, honey, cream, etc. The kids together made a straw doll and put on a sundress and kokoshnik. From the very morning, the kids walked around the courtyards and sang songs, and they, in turn, were treated to pancakes and sweets. This lasted until the middle of the day, then everyone ran to the snowy hills and rode on homemade sleds. Adults were an exception; they had the right to such pleasures only from the middle of Shrovetide week.

Tuesday - Flirting

This day was meant for the spouses. It was on Tuesday that weddings were held in the villages, and after a rich feast, all the newlyweds and those who had just joined, went downhill skiing. Naturally, they continued to bake bread and enjoy themselves with the people. Also, on the day of the flirtation, young people looked closely at the opposite half and picked up a pair for themselves.

Wednesday - Gourmet

This day can truly be considered the moment of the “Great” truce, the mother-in-law specially “invited” her son-in-law to the pancake meal. No wonder there is a saying "To the mother-in-law for pancakes." Young people should put on the outfits that they wore on their own wedding day, and unmarried girls rolled down the hills. And over the single guys who could not find a mate last year, everyone made fun and teased. They came up with all sorts of punishments, and the guys had to pay off.

Thursday - Walk

It was also called Fracture, Rampant, Quarterly, Wide. This is a central event. All honest people gathered in the squares, staged performances, fistfights, all swings and merry-go-rounds were spinning, snow fortresses and cities were under siege. Remember Surikov's masterpiece of art "Taking the Snow Mountain". From clothes they put on whatever came to mind. And a stuffed animal made of straw - Shrovetide was raised to the highest hill.

Friday - Mother-in-law Vecherka

On this day, the opposite story takes place. It is the turn of the son-in-law to treat his beloved mother-in-law with pancakes. He invites a relative into the house and sets a rich table at the same time. But the products and accessories for making pancakes were given by the mother-in-law: a frying pan, a tub, flour - a whole bag, butter. Thus, due respect was given to relatives on the part of the wife. And the festivities continue, people triumph in the markets, drink, tea and ride on merry-go-rounds.

Saturday - Seeing off (sister-in-law gatherings)

This is one of the most beautiful traditions - the young daughter-in-law invited relatives to her new home and treated them not only to pancakes, but also to other dishes. And people raised the Scarecrow of straw - Maslenitsa in their hands and carried it through the village streets and “buried it: they collected a lot of logs, set the Scarecrow up and set it on fire. Round dances were arranged around a large fire, songs were sung. Despite the humor of the show, many people cried - after all, another year was leaving, the holidays were over, and it was necessary to start taking care of it.

Sunday - Forgiven

On the eve of fasting, everyone wanted to be cleansed from sins. People asked each other for forgiveness and said the following words: "Forgive me, please, if I am guilty of something before you." The answer was the usual for all of us "God will forgive". The ritual was not of a formal meaning, indeed, people forgave each other for insults, insults, forgot about the troubles and shook hands. Also on this day it was necessary to visit the cemetery and "treat" the dead with pancakes, leaving them on the graves.

Fortune telling was very popular these days. And, as a rule, the fair half is more interested in this occupation. So, the girls arranged the following rituals:

  1. Taking the first pancake in her hands, the girl went to the street and treated the first guy who met on her way. His name meant that this would be the name of her betrothed.
  2. Before going to bed, the girl had to hang out a towel outside the window and utter the words in a whisper: "The betrothed come, wipe yourself with a towel!" The next morning she checked - if the towel turned out to be wet - then this year was to get married. Dry - on the contrary, you should not expect a betrothed.
  3. For the third rite, you need to collect branches of coniferous trees (pine, cedar, Christmas tree, fir). It is better to collect it in the forest and spread it out on the floor at home. Invite a friend, tie handkerchiefs over each other's eyes and choose branches at random:
  • if a girl picks up a thick branch with thick foliage (needles), she will marry a strong and respectable man.
  • a flat and smooth surface portends an attractive spouse.
  • if there is a thick and strong bark on the branch, the husband will be a wealthy person.
  • if all the bark has peeled off, then a simple guy will become a spouse, perhaps a small employee, a locksmith, a carpenter.

Is it worth believing fortune-telling - decide for yourself. But it is unlikely that a towel or a spruce branch can predict your future. In any case, the rituals were invented by people and they are needed only as entertainment. And you need to believe only in the positive, no prediction should leave a residue of uncertainty in the soul.

On Forgiveness Sunday one could drink alcohol for the last time before Great Lent.

The best pancake recipes

So, before we start baking pancakes, let's find out another story about Maslenitsa. The legend originates from the northern regions of Russia, where winters have always been rich in snow and blizzards. So, according to this story, Her Majesty Maslenitsa appeared in the North, where Santa Claus ruled. One peasant was looking for needles and saw a little girl behind the trees, Shrovetide and asked to return warm days and joy for people. And she agreed and appeared before people not in the form of a little girl, but as a strong, beautiful and ruddy beauty. With her contagious laughter, she carried the people into festivities, arranged round dances and sang songs.

To make it pleasant for you to spend these days before Lent, here are some of the best pancake recipes. Believe me, if you follow the recipe, then not a single pancake will be lumpy.


This is the most popular type of pancakes that will not take a lot of time from the hostess. For cooking we need:

  • half a liter of milk;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 200 grams of flour;
  • 2 table. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 table. a spoonful of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

The ingredients must be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that they reach room temperature. Beat eggs in a bowl, add sugar, salt, pour in milk and mix thoroughly.

Mix flour with a small portion of milk until sour cream, mix until the lumps disappear.

Pour into the main composition and beat for a short time. Pour in vegetable oil, mix and set aside for half an hour at room temperature.

On kefir

The option is economical for zealous housewives. You can also use sour milk. For cooking, we need:

  • half a liter of sour milk or kefir;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 200 grams of flour (wheat);
  • drinking soda (half a teaspoon), the same amount of salt and sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons (tablespoons) of vegetable oil.

Beat eggs, pour in kefir and mix thoroughly. The mixture must be heated to 60 degrees so that after adding the salt and sugar are completely dissolved. Gently pour the sifted flour into the composition and mix so that there are no lumps. Dissolve baking soda in a tablespoon of boiling water and pour into a bowl of dough, then pour in oil, mix and set aside for one hour.

On the water

This is perhaps the most popular pancake recipe. It does not contain milk, which is not suitable for everyone in terms of physical indicators, kefir, which can cause bloating. There are fewer calories in such a test, which means there is a chance to keep your figure during the Maslenitsa period. So, we need:

  • half a liter of water;
  • 320 grams of flour (wheat);
  • 2 testicles;
  • 2 table. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

Beat eggs, salt and sugar in a bowl, pour in water (warm) and gradually add the sifted flour. Beat until smooth.

We find out the nature of the fillings

Of course, eating pancakes is also a pleasure. But how much more nutritious and satisfying are pancakes with mushroom, curd, cabbage, sour cream filling. There is a popular belief that the filling should correspond to the male character. Let's find out how true this is.

  1. Just butter pancakes. Such a product is preferred by reserved and calm individuals. They strive to be and communicate only with decent people. Men with this taste, as a rule, are good fathers and loving husbands who guard the reputation and well-being of the family.
  2. Creative, intelligent natures are preferred with caviar. They are pragmatic, caring, the affairs of the family and its well-being come first. They are not capable of romantic actions, if they decide to do something pleasant, they will rather take practical steps.
  3. Delicate and sensitive types feast on sour cream. Such men are very vulnerable, touchy. Even an inadvertently thrown word can lead to hysteria and mood spoilage. So be careful and decide whether to connect your fate with him.
  4. Emotional and romantic men love honey. This type will be able to create a holiday even from a banal meeting and will delight his soul mate with pleasant surprises with or without. These men are monogamous and can give the last penny for a bouquet, if only the beloved is happy.
  5. Face pancakes with extreme focus are preferred with salmon. These are travelers, parachute jumpers, etc. So life with such a friend is hectic, every now and then he will present another surprise in the form of hiking to the highest mountain, or flying on a hang glider.
  6. The cottage cheese filling is loved by men who will remain children until the end of their days. They love everything sweet, and the spouse will be a mother. Get ready - making decisions, paying bills, clarifying the relationship will fall on your fragile shoulders.

How to bake pancakes properly

And now let's move on to the process that some housewives are concerned about. It is because of the moment of baking that women are ready to refuse to cook such a delicious and light dish like pancakes. And everything is just one thing - they stick to the pan, become lumpy. To get around all this, we suggest acting according to a proven plan.

  1. The pan needs to be put on fire and heated well.
  2. Lubricate with vegetable oil (a thin layer, 1-2 drops and a brush are enough).
  3. Reduce the intensity of the fire by half.
  4. Mix the settled dough, as a sediment always forms at the bottom.
  5. Take a small portion with a ladle (it is better to use a special for pancakes).
  6. Pour the dough into the pan, which must be kept in an inclined position and twist so that it completely covers the surface.
  7. Bake for a maximum of 2-3 minutes, turn over with a special spatula. After a couple of minutes, transfer to the prepared dish.
  8. Grease the pancake with butter or cover with a large lid to keep the edges soft and not break.

The Maslenitsa holiday, beautiful in its course, is not only festivities and celebrations. In this way, people wanted to get closer to the secrets of the universe, to slightly open the curtains of death. According to another version, the shape of the pancake reflects not the Sun, but life, that is, existence without beginning and end. In these days, people understood that the earth should increase its wealth and in their songs they sang the melting of snow, which nourishes the soil with fertility.

Another sacred basis of the holiday is the commemoration of the dead. Three components were included in the funeral - crying for the dead, offering a sacrifice and a rich feast. It was believed that the dead came to each of the celebrations of people and invisibly took part in them.

Whatever it was - but Maslenitsa is a favorite and unlike anything in the world holiday of the Slavs. Let it be remnants of a pagan time or Cheese Week according to the Orthodox religion. The main thing is that it is tasty, fun and very useful, of course, if you know when to stop!

Shrovetide is a pagan holiday that has survived to this day. People believed that Spring needed help to overcome cold winter and for this they organized massive merry festivities with chants and various games. The celebration of Maslenitsa begins a week before Lent and 7 weeks before Easter, and lasts 7 days.

Maslenitsa traditions and customs

Pancakes were the main treat for Shrovetide at all times, as they symbolize the Sun. Ready-made pancakes were topped with butter and served with various dairy products. It was believed that in order to convey warm feelings to the guests, the dough must be kneaded in a good mood and with good thoughts.

The celebration of Maslenitsa in the villages was very fun. People arranged various competitions, danced and sang songs. The most common pastimes were fist fights, eating pancakes for a while, swimming in an ice hole, playing with a bear, sleigh rides and ice slides.

The culmination of the holiday was the burning of a scarecrow, this rite is observed today. A large doll was made of rags and straw, representing Winter. Women's clothing was worn on the scarecrow, and throughout the celebration it adorned the main street. On the last day of the holiday, the doll was solemnly removed and taken out of the village, where it was torn into pieces, burned or drowned in an ice hole.

Features of the celebration

Every day of Maslenitsa is celebrated in its own way, as it has its own special meaning. Celebration begins on Monday - Shrovetide Meeting. On this day, they were finishing preparations for the holiday, making a stuffed animal and already starting to cook pancakes. According to legend, the first baked pancake was given to the beggar so that he remembered the dead.

Tuesday was named Zaigrysh. From him they began to hold walks, rode down the ice slides, invited the first guests to pancakes.

The third day is called Lakomki, it is symbolic by the fact that it was on Wednesday that the mother-in-law invited her son-in-law and other relatives to visit.

On Thursday, it is still called Shiroky or Razgulay, mass festivities, merry carnivals and noisy feasts began.

On Friday, it is the son-in-law's turn to invite the mother-in-law to visit and regale her with pancakes and other pickles, thanks to which this day was called Mother-in-law's evening.

And on Saturday, the daughters-in-law showed their hospitality to the sisters and other relatives of the spouse. That is why Saturday is Zolovka's gatherings.

On the last day, according to tradition, the effigy of Winter was burned. In addition, on this day, they ask forgiveness from loved ones for the wrongs inflicted, which is why it was named Forgiveness Sunday.

Brief information about Shrovetide.

UDC 39

Pancake week. The history of the holiday and its traditions.

Maslenitsa. The history of the holiday and its traditions.

Annotation: This thesis is devoted to the examination of the traits of the Russian national character through the prism of Russian traditional holidays on the example of Maslenitsa. The history of Maslenitsa goes back to pre-Christian Russia. Maslenitsa, as the brightest, funniest, widest and most spectacular Russian holiday, is popular among the Russian people. Today Maslenitsa is a symbol of Russian folk holidays with a thousand-year history.

Annotation: This thesis is devoted to consideration of features of the Russian national character through the prism of Russian traditional holidays, for example carnival. The history of carnival rooted in pre-Christian Russia. Carnival, as the bright, cheerful, wide and spectacular Russian holiday, is popular among the Russian people. Today, Maslenitsa is a symbol of Russian folk festivals with a millennial history.

Keywords: Maslenitsa, Russian national holiday, national character, traits of Russian national character

Thekeywords: Maslenitsa, a Russian national holiday, national character features of Russian national character

National character is a combination of the most stable for a given national community features of the emotional and sensory perception of the surrounding world and the forms of reactions to it. It is expressed in emotions, feelings, moods and manifests itself in national temperament.

Since ancient times, since its inception, Russia has established itself as an unusual, unique, attractive and incomprehensible country. About Russia F.I. Tyutchev (1803 - 1873 ) said:

The mind of Russia does not understand

A common yardstick cannot be measured:

She has a special become -

You can only believe in Russia.

These lines are certainly relevant to this day. Russia is a country that does not fit any standards, patterns and laws of logic. Her character is the character of her people, it is complex and contradictory.

Many factors influence the formation of a national character that has been developing for a long time in history. Among these factors, the most important are culture and history. Traditional holidays, as an important component of the national culture, are considered carriers, reflecting and inheriting the national culture; the process of accumulation and coagulation of national history and culture over a long period of time; a combined indication of national character and national culture; a true profile picture of the nation and state. Therefore, with the help of Russian national traditional holidays, it will be useful to further and deeply research and analyze the Russian national character.

The history of Maslenitsa goes back to pre-Christian Russia. Maslenitsa, as the brightest, funniest, widest and most spectacular Russian holiday, is popular among the Russian people. On the days of Maslenitsa there are a number of rituals: burning a straw effigy of Winter, cooking and eating pancakes, sleigh rides and an echo of pagan rituals. Today Maslenitsa is a symbol of Russian folk holidays with a thousand-year history. No country celebrates anything like this.

This thesis is devoted to the examination of the traits of the Russian national character through the prism of Russian traditional holidays on the example of Maslenitsa. It consists of an introduction, main text, conclusion and references.

The introduction includes a statement of the relevance, purpose, objectives, significance and research methods of this thesis. The basic concept of the Russian national character is briefly noted.

The main text is divided into two chapters. The first chapter explains general information about Maslenitsa: its origin, traditions of celebration, and its impact on modern Russian society.

The second chapter outlines the main features of the Russian national character, manifested in the customs and traditions of the Russian traditional Maslenitsa holiday, analyzes in detail such features as religiosity, belligerence, hospitality and collegiality.

In conclusion, we came to the conclusion: the Russian national holiday Maslenitsa is an effective way to study the traits of the Russian national character. Maslenitsa can clearly reflect the main features of the Russian national character.


Chapter 1 General information about Maslenitsa

1.1. The origin of Shrovetide.

1.2. Shrovetide traditions

1.3. The impact of Maslenitsa on modern Russian society

Chapter 2 Traits of the Russian national character through the prism of Maslenitsa

2.1. Religiosity

2.2. Militancy

2.3. Hospitality

2.4. Collegiality




Everyone knows that every people inhabiting our planet does not arise from niotkut. Over the course of thousands of years, with the development of society, each nation has gradually developed peculiar customs, established traditions and the most incredible and exotic rituals, which constitute the invisible, but purely individual cultural baggage of each nationality. Customs and rituals are an integral part of life. Every nation is a complex world. The members of the people have the same language, a common environment of politics and economics, common sources of history, a common territory and the accumulation of culture. Thus, they have many common features, which are called national character traits.

About national character, in different areas of research there are different terms, such as the main personality types, national traits, social character, ethnic characteristics, national mentality, national individuality, in fact, they all indicate national character. National character is a unique national color of emotions and feelings, ways of thinking and actions, stable and national features of habits and traditions that are formed under the influence of living conditions, the characteristics of the historical development of a given nation and manifested in the specifics of its national culture. It changes with changes in faith, natural environment, social regime, etc. In the ethnic consciousness of each people in a stereotyped form there are ideas about the typical ideas of a particular nation: the British are conservative, the Germans are neat and hardworking, the Spaniards are proud, etc. ... A lot and in very different ways have been written about the Russian national identity as the Russians themselves.

Russia, a vast country, has the largest area in the world, a special geographical position, and even a harsh climate. Therefore, Russians have a mysterious soul, resilience, a tendency to extremes, the ability to survive under any circumstances, generosity, self-confidence, courage, honesty, kindness, love of freedom, hard work, humanity, cordiality, compassion, selflessness, striving for justice, etc.

Writer A.N. Tolstoy wrote: “The Russian character is light, open, good-natured, compassionate ... when life does not demand him for a heavy sacrifice. But when trouble comes - a Russian person is harsh, two-stricken in work and merciless to the enemy, not sparing himself, he does not spare the enemy either ... In small things, a Russian person can be unfair to himself and others, to get off with a joke ... But justice is in big ideas and big deeds lives. It is ineradicable in it. In the name of justice, in the name of the common, in the name of the Motherland, without thinking about himself, he will throw himself into the fire. "

An invaluable contribution to the study of the Russian national character was made by the book of the Russian philosopher N.O. Lossky (1870 - 1965) "The character of the Russian people." In his book, Lossky gives the following list of the main features, like religiosity, sociability, feeling and will, love of freedom, inherent in the Russian national character.

The importance of N.A. Berdyaev gave a collective-tribal principle to the development of the Russian national character and to the fate of Russia. According to Berdyaev, "spiritual collectivism", "spiritual conciliarism" is "a high type of brotherhood of people." Such collectivism is the future. But there is another collectivism. This is "irresponsible collectivism", which dictates to a person the need to "be like everyone else." The Russian man, Berdyaev believed, is drowning in such collectivism, he feels himself immersed in the collective. Hence the lack of personal dignity and intolerance towards those who are not like others, who, thanks to their work and abilities, have the right to more.

In the Russian people there is a proverb: “ Better to die standing than live on your knees". This proverb figuratively reflects the belligerence of the Russian people. The Russian people are distinguished from other peoples by their belligerence. The reason is that a sense of honor plays an important role. A sense of honor is an unbreakable foundation laid in Russians. It cannot be destroyed.

Holidays are the most reliable sources of information about the national character, since there is no individual behind them, their creator is the people, they are collective creativity. Of the many Russian national holidays, Maslenitsa is the brightest, funniest, widest and most spectacular Russian holiday, it is distinguished by unique traditions and rituals, provides rich material for a comprehensive study of the character traits of the nation. In the long process of the development of Russian culture and history, Maslenitsa honestly captures in its semantics peculiar Russian cultural attitudes and stereotypes, directly or indirectly reflects the views of the Russian people, the ideology of its era, and the peculiarities of the Russian national character. Therefore, we chose the Maslenitsa holiday as our subject of research, through the prism of this holiday we analyze the features of the Russian national character, which is our goal of the study.

Based on this goal, the following tasks are distinguished:

1) Present the basic information of Shrovetide;

2) Find out the origin and important traditions of the celebration of Maslenitsa;

3) Point out how Maslenitsa affects the modern Russian society;

4) Analyze the traits of the Russian national character using the traditions and customs of Maslenitsa.

To solve the set tasks, the following methods are used: continuous sampling method; contextual observation method; contextual analysis method; method of comparison and generalization.

The significance of the study lies in identifying one of the most important Russian holidays - Maslenitsa, in a deeper and more comprehensive knowledge of the features of the Russian national character. All this is of great importance for learners of the Russian language or people who deal with Russians.

Chapter 1 General information about Maslenitsae

1.1. The origin of Shrovetides

Shrovetide is a Russian folk holiday, rooted in ancient times, originated in those times when the Slavs did not yet know Christianity, were pagans, then the beginning of the New Year was celebrated not in winter, but with the arrival of spring, on the first of March. It is believed that it was a Slavic holiday of farewell to winter, and at the same time there was a farewell to the old year and a meeting of the new one. With the introduction of Christianity to Russia, the church tried to ban the noisy pagan Slavic ritual actions, to eradicate cheerful folk festivals, but nothing came of it. Thus, in Shrovetide, agrarian and family ritual actions, echoes of pagan and Christian ideas about the human being and the structure of the surrounding world were intertwined.

Shrovetide is called differently, all these names have the same thoughts. Due to the abstinence from meat, the name of meat-and-mouth came about; from eating cheese - cheesy week; from the widespread use of oil - Shrovetide, which lasts a whole week before Lent. In the calendar and church books, the name of the cheese week is used. During this time Russians do not eat anything meat, but they can eat fish, milk, eggs and cheese. Therefore, the well-known name of this week throughout Russia is Maslenitsa.

Russians celebrate Maslenitsa in the last week before Lent, which lasts seven weeks and ends with Easter. During Great Lent, the Church instructs believers to abstain from fast foods (meat, butter, etc.), amusements and entertainment - this is the people who seek to have fun "for the future." An ancient proverb says: "As you meet the new year, so you will spend it." Therefore, Maslenitsa was celebrated on a large scale: they sang songs, danced in round dances, called for Spring, burned a scarecrow of winter. Each ritual had a special meaning. In this holiday, the cult of ancestors, agrarian and family cult are well traced. It is believed that the cult of ancestors can be traced in the tradition of baking ritual pancakes (part of the memorial food), as well as in the tradition of Forgiven Sunday. The family and generic nature of the holiday can also be associated with the name of the Maslenitsa days. The agrarian cult can be traced in many holidays, including the rituals of Maslenitsa.

Pancakes are the main symbol of Maslenitsa. They symbolize light, victory over evil and the arrival of spring. This symbolism of the pancake is quite understandable, because it is as hot, golden and round as the sun. It is also believed that the more pancakes you eat for Shrovetide, the richer and happier you will live the year.

1.2. Shrovetide traditions

During the Maslenitsa celebrations, Orthodox traditions play an important role in history. The last preparatory week for Great Lent is called Cheese Week. This week - this time in the church calendar is associated with reflections on the coming end of evil and the victory of good after the Last Judgment - during this week Christians should feel "the joy of the expected coming of the Kingdom of God."

According to tradition, festive feasts with family and friends are supposed to be held on Shrove Tuesday, visiting each other - all this brings together, gives a reason to ask grievances and discontent that have accumulated over the year, because at the end of this week, on the day before Great Lent, the forgiveness Sunday.

The Church warns the flock against any immoderation. Drunkenness, frivolous actions and dangerous games at this time - while having fun one should not forget about the high preparatory purpose of this bright, joyful week. " Peace with the forefathers may weep bitterly: fallen with the fallen for sweet food”, Sounds in the hymns of Cheese Week - this is how the fall of Adam and Eve from intemperance is recalled, and the praise of fasting with its saving fruits is contained. With this reading, the Church reminds us that we must do good deeds, and calls sinners to repentance, reminding us that we will have to answer for all sins. On Cheese Week, the Sacrament of Wedding is no longer performed, the Liturgy is not served on Wednesday and Friday, and a prayer is said at the Clock.

Maslenitsa folk traditions also occupy an important place. On Shrovetide, during the whole week, fun, traditions and fun always have an established sequence, which is expressed in the name of Shrovetide days. On Monday - Maslenitsa meeting, on Tuesday - flirting. On Wednesday, Shrove Tuesday, mother-in-law invited sons-in-law and wives to pancakes. This custom was especially observed in relation to the young, recently married, hence the expression "to the mother-in-law for pancakes." The most crowded tobogganing took place on wide Thursday. On Friday - mother-in-law's evening - sons-in-law called mother-in-law for a treat. Saturday was reserved for sister-in-law gatherings. Sunday was called "forgiveness day", on this day everyone visited relatives, friends and acquaintances, exchanged kisses, bows and asked for forgiveness from each other if offended by words or actions. The whole week was called "honest, broad, cheerful, boyarynya-Maslenitsa, Mrs. Maslenitsa."

Monday is called meeting. On this day, ice slides, swings and booths were being completed, the Maslenitsa effigy was dressed up in old women's clothes. They put him on a big pole and took him on a sleigh with cheerful, glorious songs. Then the scarecrow was installed on an ice slide, from which sledding was arranged. On Monday, pancakes were baked, and the first pancake was usually received by the beggars in commemoration of the dead.

Tuesday is called "flirting". In the morning, young people rode down the mountains and ate pancakes, and also invited relatives and friends to visit: “We have mountains ready, and pancakes are baked - please welcome.” Theatrical performances with the participation of Petrushka and Maslenitsa grandfather were given in wooden booths. The buffoons sang ditties. It was customary to build ice fortresses, to arrange comic battles. At the end of the 18th century, festivities were organized in St. Petersburg on St. Isaac's Square, where booths and merry-go-rounds were installed, and ice slides were built. In Moscow we went sledding along the Moscow River and the Neglinka River. They held masquerades on the Moscow streets.

On Wednesday, at the “gourmands”, tables were set in every family, offering guests pancakes, dishes made from fish, eggs, cottage cheese, and milk. In some regions of Russia special attention on this day mother-in-law gave to their sons-in-law - "mother-in-law pancakes". In cities and towns, trading tents were set up, where they offered hot sbitni, Russian gingerbread, nuts, boiling tea from a samovar.

Thursday was the middle of games and fun. Perhaps it was then that the hot Maslenitsa fist fights took place, fists, originating from Ancient Russia. They also had their own strict rules. It was impossible, for example, to beat a lying person, “they don’t beat a person while lying down,” two of them could not attack one person “two fight - the third one don’t go in”, beat below the belt or “one on one”. In addition, everyone enjoyed riding on ice slides, swings and horses, organizing feasts, carnivals, and starting carols. They walked from morning to evening, danced, danced in circles, and sang ditties. In vain is Thursday also called "wide revelry."

Friday was famous for "mother-in-law evenings". A number of Shrovetide customs were aimed at speeding up weddings, helping young people to find a mate. And how much attention and honors were given to the newlyweds at Shrovetide! Tradition requires that they go out in a smart manner "on people" in painted sleighs, pay visits to everyone who walked at their wedding, so that they solemnly roll down the icy mountain with songs. However, the most important event associated with the newlyweds was the visit of the mother-in-law by the sons-in-law, for whom she baked pancakes and made a real feast (if, of course, the son-in-law was to her liking). In some places, "mother-in-law pancakes" took place for gourmets, that is, on Wednesday during Shrovetide week, but could coincide with Friday. If on Wednesday the sons-in-law were visiting their mother-in-law, then on Friday the sons-in-law organized “mother-in-law evenings” and invited them to pancakes. A former boyfriend usually showed up, playing the same role as at the wedding, and receiving a gift for his troubles. The invited mother-in-law (there was also such a custom) was obliged to send in the evening everything necessary for baking pancakes: a frying pan, a ladle, etc., and the father-in-law sent a bag of buckwheat groats and cow butter. The son-in-law's disrespect for this event was considered dishonor and insult, and was the reason for eternal enmity between him and his mother-in-law

Saturday - sister-in-law's gatherings. The sister-in-law is the husband's sister. So, on this Saturday, young daughters-in-law received their relatives and gave them gifts. Everything is obvious, on this "Fatty Shrovetide" every day of this generous week was accompanied by a special feast.

The last day of Maslenitsa week was called “Forgiveness Sunday”: relatives and friends did not go to celebrate each other, but with “obedience”, asked for forgiveness for intentional and accidental offenses and griefs caused in the current year. When meeting sometimes “even with a stranger,” it was necessary to stop and with three bows and “tearful words” to ask for mutual forgiveness: “Forgive me for what I am guilty of or have sinned in front of you”. “God forgive you, and I forgive,” the interlocutor answered, after which he had to kiss as a sign of reconciliation. The festivities ended, fires were made on the ice slides to melt the ice and drive away the cold. On this day of final farewell to winter, an effigy of Maslenitsa was burned, and the ashes were scattered across the fields so that there was a good harvest.

1.3. The impact of Maslenitsa on modern Russian society

Everyone knows that a holiday creates a sense of community, which is facilitated by various ceremonies, holiday rites, in which words, music, movement, light, color, artistically embody the idea, all this creates a special atmosphere. Its participants experience a feeling of "cleansing the soul", therefore, the peculiarity of the festive culture is manifested not only in the pragmatic side, but also in the spiritual side.

Paganism, as the first religion of the Slavs, gave the Russians Maslenitsa, magnificent wedding ceremonies and Christmas divination. Weddings were played in the fall or winter, in the intervals between long fasts. The most popular was the so-called "wedding" - the period from Christmas to Maslenitsa.

Modern wedding customs have changed somewhat over time, but have not changed ruinously. Many Russian weddings take place during this period - from Christmas to Maslenitsa.

A peculiar symbol of Maslenitsa is a golden, round and hot pancake, which symbolizes happiness, fun, hope, light and faith in the future. He is traditional dish Butter week. Now more and more Russians treat their loved ones and guests with delicious pancakes.

The influence of Shrovetide is reflected in works of art of various kinds, such as literature, music, drawing, films, etc. For example, the famous Russian film "The Barber of Siberia" is popular throughout Russia, in which director Nikita Mikhalkov recreated the full Maslenitsa with the help of the presentation of the traditions and customs of Maslenitsa.

Modern Russians love Shrovetide for the mood that it gives and do not think about what this holiday gives, why it has survived to this day. The fact is that Maslenitsa combines not only the tradition of seeing off winter and welcoming spring, but also serves as a factor in strengthening the family and reconciling all relatives.

Maslenitsa contributes to the modern Russian society to stability, prosperity and energy.

Chapter 2 Traits of the Russian national character through the prism of Maslenitsa

The Russian national character, its uniqueness and incomprehensibility, has long awakened among scientists the keenest interest and desire to understand, explain one or another of its characteristic features, to find the roots of the tragic circumstances accompanying the history of Russia. However, it seems that the Russian people still cannot understand themselves, explain or at least justify their behavior in a given situation.

Today the Russian people are experiencing a turning point in their history. One of the irreplaceable losses that befell Russia in the 20th century is associated with the decline of national self-awareness and the loss of age-old spiritual values. The awakening of Russia, of course, must begin with the spiritual revival of its people, i.e. with the attempt of the Russian people to understand themselves, to resurrect their best qualities and eradicate shortcomings.

In the process of studying the traits of the Russian national character, we notice that such traits as religiosity, belligerence, hospitality, and collegiality always occupy an absolutely important place in the history of Russia. In the future, we completely represent these four main features of the Russian national character through the prism of the Maslenitsa holiday.

2.1. Religiosity

Religion is a special form of understanding the world, conditioned by belief in the supernatural, which includes a set of moral norms and types of behavior, rituals, cult actions and uniting people in an organization. She, too, is the prevailing worldview in most countries of the world; the majority of those surveyed consider themselves to be one of the religions.

The religious system of representing the world is based on religious faith and is associated with the relationship of a person to the superhuman spiritual world, a kind of superhuman reality about which a person knows something, and on which he must orient his life in some way. Faith can be reinforced by mystical experience.

The foundations of the religious concepts of most of the world's religions are written down by people in sacred texts, which, according to believers, are either dictated by the gods, or written by people who have reached the highest spiritual state from the point of view of each specific religion, great teachers, especially enlightened or dedicated, saints, etc. ...

ON. Berdyaev notes that the Russian people are religious in their type and in their spiritual structure. Slavic paganism is a fragment of the ancient Indo-European religion that developed independently in the first millennium of the Russian era, represented in ancient Indian and ancient Roman texts. The main features of Slavic paganism as a worldview are the spiritualization of nature, the cult of ancestors and supernatural forces, the belief in their constant presence and participation in people's lives, developed lower mythology, belief in the possibility of influencing the state of affairs in the world by means of primitive magic, anthropocentrism. Under Vladimir Svyatoslavich in 988, Christianity became the state religion in Ancient Rus. The adoption of Christianity as state religion inevitably entailed the elimination of pagan cults, which had previously enjoyed the grand ducal patronage. But the clergy condemned pagan rites and festivals (some of them persisted for a long time due to the fact that some researchers qualify them as religious syncretism or dual faith).

The ritual side of Maslenitsa is very complex and multi-part, combining elements of both Slavic mythology and folk Christianity. It includes rituals related to the cult of ancestors, and to the turning point - the beginning of a new cycle, and to the stimulation of fertility.

Soviet folklorist V. Ya. Propp, developing the ideas of W. Vannhardt and J. Fraser, considered the main goal of the Maslenitsa rituals to stimulate fertility, which is especially relevant in connection with the upcoming start of field work.

The personification of the holiday is the stuffed carnival, which is an echo of an archaic dying and resurrecting deity. An effigy of Maslenitsa was presented, according to V.Ya. Propp, the focus of fertility and fertility, and the rituals of his seeing off were supposed to communicate this fertility to the earth: as you know. Ashes from a scarecrow, or a torn scarecrow butter, were scattered across the fields.

For the peasant, the fertility of the land was extremely important, so he tried to influence him in this way. This was especially important in the spring, when the earth will soon awaken from its winter sleep and begin to bear fruit. The function of stimulating fertility is the burning of old and dried up fertility, death for future birth, an impetus for a new revival of fertile forces. Many Shrovetide rituals, such as "tselovnik" (forgiven day), reviews of newlyweds, their guesting, skiing from the mountains and sledding, comic pursuit of single men, are associated with newlyweds and unmarried youth. By this, the society showed the exceptional importance of marriage for the reproduction of the population, and therefore honored young people of reproductive age. The fertility of people in the popular mind was inextricably linked with the fertility of the land and the fertility of livestock.

The third side of Maslenitsa is connected with the stimulation of fertility - the memorial. The ancestors of the marching, according to the ideas of the peasants, were simultaneously in the other world and in the land, which means they could influence its fertility. Therefore, it was extremely important not to anger the ancestors and honor them with your attention. For this, in Maslenitsa there is a wide layer of memorial rituals: elements of funeral feast (fist fights, horse races, etc.), sometimes - visiting cemeteries, always - plentiful meals (initially memorial), which necessarily included pancakes, which have become the main attribute of Maslenitsa in the modern mass consciousness ...

According to the modern Russian folklorist A.B. Moroz, claims that Maslenitsa is its own pagan holiday. Shrovetide rituals rethink what the Church offers. In particular, fasting in traditional culture is understood primarily as food restrictions, therefore, before starting the fast, it is necessary to eat as much as possible. The main feature in which the pagan essence of Shrovetide is usually seen is the manufacture and burning of a stuffed animal. But in reality, this scarecrow was never considered a semblance of an idol, and the rite itself, apparently, has game roots.

All the evidence proves that some of the rituals are pagan, and many come from the Orthodox. This phenomenon is called dual faith. The concept of dual faith, often used in relation to the traditional culture of the Slavs. For the bearers of the tradition, the system of beliefs was unified and organically combined the worship of Christian God and the forces of nature and powerful ancestors.

Dual faith reflects the features of Russians in the rites of the holidays. Maslenitsa not only has pagan rituals, but also has Orthodox rites. Thus, we can see that Russian writers and philosophers, analyzing the traits of the Russian character arising from the foundations of Russian culture - Orthodoxy and Paganism, note their duality and contradiction: on the one hand, height, spirituality, craving for justice, and on the other - laziness, inactivity, irresponsibility.

It should be noted that it was Orthodoxy that organically lay on those character traits that are "inborn, childlike" inherent in the Eastern Slavs: "openness, straightforwardness, natural ease, simplicity in behavior (up to a fair amount of simplicity)", non-vanity, humor, generosity, livability the ease of human relations ("strangers in a minute meeting can feel close" - G. Fedotov); responsiveness, the ability to understand everything; breadth of character, scope of decisions (" than live with crying, so die with songs»).

According to N. Lossky, all social (both the upper and lower) strata of Russia have adopted Christianity to such an extent that the ideal of the people has become not a mighty, not rich, but “Holy Russia”. S.L. Frank writes that the Russian spirit is permeated with religiosity.

On the other hand, according to the historian and philosopher L.P. Karsavin's essential aspect of the Russian spirit is religiosity; Russian Orthodoxy has a serious drawback - its passivity, inaction. Solzhenitsyn himself notes that confidence in future deification provides the present. If the Russian doubts the absolute ideal, then he can reach the extreme bestiality or indifference to everything. Uniform methodology, perseverance, internal discipline - most painfully lacking in the Russian character, this may be the main vice of the Russian people.

Among the shortcomings of the Russian character, which are the reverse side of its merits, A. Solzhenitsyn listed: the well-known Russian patience, supported by bodily and spiritual endurance; undeveloped sense of justice, replaced by a craving for living justice; the age-old alienation of the Russian people from politics and social activities; lack of desire for power: the Russian person shunned power and despised it as a source of inevitable impurity, temptations and sins; contrary to this - the thirst for strong and righteous actions of the ruler, the thirst for a miracle; hence - a destructively small ability to combine forces, to self-organization.

2.2. Militancy

Fist fights were held in winter during Christmas time on Maslenitsa and sometimes in Semik. At the same time, preference was given to Maslenitsa, the wild nature of which made it possible for the male part of the village to show their daring and youth in front of everyone. The teams were formed on the basis of the social or territorial community of the participants.

Two villages could fight each other, residents of opposite ends of one large village, monastery peasants with landowners, etc. Fistfights were prepared in advance: the teams jointly chose a place for the battle, agreed on the rules of the game and the number of participants, and chose chieftains.

In addition, the moral and physical training of the fighters was necessary. Men and boys steamed in the baths, tried to eat more meat and bread, which, according to legend, gave strength and courage. Some participants resorted to various kinds of magical techniques to increase their fighting courage and power.

So, for example, one of the old Russian medical books contains the following advice: “ Kill the black snake with a saber or a knife, and take out the tongue from it, and screw it into the green and black taffeta, and put it in the boot in the left one, and put your shoes in the same place. Walking away, don't look back, and whoever asks where you were, don't say anything to him».

Fist fights in Russia could take place not only with fists, but also with sticks, while fist fighting was more often chosen. The fighters were supposed to have special uniforms: thick, tow-hemmed checkers and fur mittens that softened the blow. Fighting could be carried out in two versions: "wall to wall" and "clutch-dump".

In a wall-to-wall battle, the fighters, lining up in one row, had to keep him under the pressure of the enemy's "wall". It was a battle in which various tactical military techniques were used. The soldiers held the front, walked in a wedge - "pig", changed the soldiers of the first, second, third row, retreated into an ambush, etc. The battle ended with the breakthrough of the "wall", the enemy and the flight of the enemies. It is generally accepted that this type of fist fight took shape not earlier than the 18th century.

During the battle "clutch-dump", each chose an opponent according to his strength and did not retreat until complete victory, after which he "grappled" into battle with another. The Russian fist fight, in contrast to the fight, was carried out in compliance with certain rules, which included the following: "do not hit the lying person", "do not fight in a crippled way", "do not beat a smear", that is, if the enemy has blood, finish with him fight. It was impossible to strike from behind, from the rear, but to fight only face to face.

An important point of the fist fight was the fact that its participants always belonged to the same age group. The battle was usually started by teenagers, they were replaced on the field by guys, and then young married men - "strong fighters" entered the battle.

This arrangement maintained equality of arms. The battle began with the passage of the main fighters, that is, guys and men, surrounded by teenagers along the village street to the chosen place of the battle. On the field, the guys became two "walls" - teams against each other, demonstrating their strength in front of the enemy, slightly bullying him, assuming warlike poses, encouraging themselves with appropriate shouts.

At this time, in the middle of the field, teenagers were arranging a "junkyard dump", preparing for future battles. Then the chieftain's cry was heard, followed by a general roar, whistle, shout: "Give me a fight," and the battle began. The most powerful fighters joined the battle at the very end.

The old men who watched the fistfights discussed the actions of the young, gave advice to those who had not yet entered the battle. The battle ended with the flight of the enemy from the field and the general merry drinking of the guys and men who participated in it. Fist fights have accompanied Russian festivities for many centuries.

A detailed description of the battles of "good fellows of fist fighters" was given by foreigners who visited Muscovy in the XVI-XVII centuries. Fist fights educated men in endurance, the ability to withstand blows, stamina, agility and courage. Participation in them was considered a matter of honor for every guy and young man.

The heroic deeds of the fighters were praised at men's feasts. Passed by word of mouth, found their reflection in the remote songs, epics:

Yes, they came together with spears

Only the spears, you in the rings were knocked.

Yes, the heroes gathered with sticks

Only the sticks turned away from the chipped bumps.

They jumped off their good horses,

Yes, they grabbed hand-to-hand combat.

The Russian people are initially and historically warlike! This is where the rebellious spirit, vengefulness, thirst to fight until victory originates! The most famous robbers and the best warriors belonged to the Russian people. And even now the words "Russian mafia" or "Russian army" cause unpleasant sensations in the fifth point for all Russian enemies.

The whole history of the Russian people is saturated with military valor. Regardless of the profession, all men and many women knew the art of war. And all the main Russian gods were warriors, in addition to their direct duties. What can we say about dances, songs, games and tales. For example, at the word round dance, a person represents girls and boys who dance in bast shoes around a birch to mournful songs. But in fact, there were also military dances. Purely male, when hands are on their shoulders, and the roar from powerful throats reaches the heavens.

The glory of the military valor of Russian ancestors resounded not only throughout Europe. Many ancient historians reported on the glory and power of the Russian people. All huge Russian territories were captured and held in wars. And the Russian ancestors were all wars, this is evident from traditions, customs and history.

The fact is that the severity of the climate and the location of the land were strongly reflected in the character of the Russian people. Severe winters, lasting up to six months, have formed in the Russian people tremendous willpower, perseverance in the struggle for survival in a cold climate. Long winters made Russians patient and melancholy. They gained the ability to sharply mobilize forces, due to the need for emergency work in the summer months. The climate and adversity made the Russian person prudent and pragmatic, but at the same time able to act "headlong", because even a sound calculation was not always able to protect from the whims of nature. Also, in the harsh climate, the Russians simply needed community and a sense of community. The vast spaces gave the Russian people breadth of soul, liberty and striving for freedom.

The very need to defend their vast and tasty territories for other territories contributed to the military spirit.

2.3. Hospitality

Hospitality is a universal tradition of everyday life culture, which prescribes the obligatory hospitality and care for the guest. It has always been a characteristic feature of the Russian character. According to A. Padchin, “For the ancient Slavs, a guest was sacred, to offend a guest meant to offend the entire tribe. In the Slavic lands there were practically no robbers, and among the Slavs there were thieves, but if, due to poverty, a person could not well receive a guest, then he could even go for theft. The mores of our ancestors allowed this. "

In the minds of Russians, the word "guest" always evokes feelings of "happiness" and "joy": Guest to Guest joy to the owner. Guest on the doorstep - happiness to the house... When the guests arrived, the Russians were happy immediately. For a good guest and the gate is wide open... And everything is ready for the guest in the house: the attention of the owners, and care, and the best place, and the best treat from the heart. The statement of one foreign tourist about Russia: "Guests come to Russia with one suitcase, and leave with two and many plastic bags with zucchini, salad, jam, books and souvenirs." They call it "Russian hospitality."

In the word hospitality in the foreground is a person's readiness to let a stranger into his home or even to provide him with shelter. For a hospitable person, his home is not a fortress, but a place where he is happy to invite guests. And a guest for him is a joy in any situation: "Although he is not rich, he is glad to have guests."

The third day of Maslenitsa—« gourmet» ... The Russian people had such songs that are dedicated to the third day of Maslenitsa.

Aunt Barbara,

my mother sent me:

Give me pans and a frying pan,

torment and grease.

The water is in the oven, wants the oven pancakes.

Where are the pancakes, here we are.

On this day, people feasted on pancakes and other Shrovetide dishes. Pancakes were baked with an endless variety: wheat, barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, from unleavened and sour dough. People used to say: "A pancake is not a wedge, it will not open the belly." Mother-in-law invited their sons-in-law to pancakes for the "gourmet", and for the fun of their beloved son-in-law they called all their relatives.

The Russians are distinguished by the fact that they love not only to receive guests, but also to visit. Therefore, n day of Maslenitsa - mother-in-law's evening guest day.They said: “ Though the mother-in-law's pancakes are sweet, but the mother-in-law is treated to the Butter-in-law».

On mother-in-law's evenings, sons-in-law treat their mother-in-law to pancakes. Invitations are honorable, with all relatives for dinner, or just for one dinner. In the old days, the son-in-law was obliged to personally invite his mother-in-law in the evening, and then in the morning he sent elegant invitees. The more there were called, the more honors the mother-in-law was.

The girls brought out pancakes at noon in a bowl on their heads. They walked towards the rolling slide. The guy who liked the girl was in a hurry to taste the blink, to recognize: will a good mistress come out of her? After all, she stood at the stove this morning, she created pancakes.

Shrovetide is not complete without delicious dishes on the Russian table. Yes, and you have to invite me to visit.

The sixth day of Maslenitsa sister-in-law gatherings.Shrovetide is already old. Finally, her farewell was noted. The young daughter-in-law invited her relatives to her sister-in-law's gatherings. If the sisters-in-law were still girls, then the daughter-in-law called her old girlfriends, girls, if they were married, then she invited the married relatives and, with the whole train, carried the guests to the sisters-in-law. The newlywed daughter-in-law was obliged to present her sister-in-law with gifts. Shrovetide was, as it were, an excuse to get together, to gossip about this and that.

This clearly and clearly shows Russian hospitality.

2.4. Collegiality

Sobornost is a concept with a bright Russian taste, introduced by the Russian philosopher A.S. Khomyakov, developed in the 19th by the Slavophiles, originally derived from the principle of the canonicity of the Church. Subsequently, it began to be interpreted much broader, covering the entire way of life, a complex of moral and ethical norms within the community. These norms unconditionally condemn individualism, the desire of an individual to oppose himself to the community of "co-religionists." Conciliarity rejects such a concept as personal "happiness", arguing that "it is impossible to be happy alone."

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the concept of collegiality was adopted and developed by Russian religious philosophy. And today it covered all spheres of the life of the people's organism, becoming one of the components of the definition of the concept of nationality, which "is the conciliarity of the clan, language and life of the country (fatherland, homeland), bound by faith, enlightenment and expediency predetermined by God."

Two Maslenitsa customs, including fistfights and the capture of a snow town, fully express the conciliarity of Russians. Such dangerous entertainments include the famous all of them on Shrovetide.

There are two types of fist fights. In the first case, two rivals fought, and in the second, they went wall to wall, not sorting out in the heat of the battle who was theirs and who was alien. Such a massacre allowed to relieve tension and let off steam. The men, flushed with alcohol and high-calorie foods, beat each other to death.

Taking a snowy town is a favorite fun of Siberians. This is, so to speak, the "visiting card" of the Siberian Maslenitsa. Although in the 19th century it was also known in the Tula, Penza, Simbirsk provinces, and in two versions - for children and adults, it never reached the scale and scope that was inherent in the "capture of a snow town" in Siberia. But in the southern regions of Russia, where there was no snow and ice, there was a variant of the Shrovetide game “capture of the city”. Under the "city" here was meant a company of girls, defending themselves from guys and young men.

As it is correct, not only fistfights, but also the capture of a snow town are going between two villages or villages. The reason is that it was the harsh climatic conditions and the requirement to protect from enemies that made it necessary to live and work together. Therefore, for centuries, Russian peasants, who constituted the overwhelming majority of the population of Russia until the beginning of the 20th century, lived in communities, which then were the basis of the molecule of social life. The community is the keeper of the main models and values \u200b\u200bof this life and the main mechanism for instilling these models and values \u200b\u200bin its members.

In general, "in Russia, as President V. Putin emphasizes, the action of the collective is always more important than the individual, it is a fact."


National character is an abstract generalization of all the properties of a people with a common tradition and culture; it is one of the most difficult, but also the main problems in the study of the mutual influence of cultures. At the present time, when mankind is entering the era of the "global village", the world civilization will mutually merge into one. National character, as a window to the history and life of a given nation, occupies a very important place in intercultural communication.

The character traits of a people are reflected in their national holidays celebrated by that people. Because in society the holidays are the most vital and imaginative part. Shrovetide, as the most popular, wide and merry national holiday in Russia, can reflect the features of the Russian national character through its unique customs, rituals and traditions.

In this thesis, on the basis of the customs, rituals, traditions of Maslenitsa, the main features of the Russian national character are analyzed: religiosity, militancy, hospitality and collegiality. In particular, dual faith as part of religiosity clearly reflects the mutual influence and connection between paganism and Orthodoxy. It should be noted that for the wide and mysterious Russian people, of course, this is not all. The main and important features of the Russian national character are perfectly reflected through the Maslenitsa holiday. Still other important Russian national holidays can reveal other traits of the Russian national character. We only want our humble initiative to find more worthy successors.

All nations are equal bearers of common human values. Each national soul has its own powerful and its own weaknesses, its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is necessary to mutually understand the difference in the soul of the people, to love the qualities of the people's souls of each other and to be condescending to their shortcomings. Thus, it will be possible to realize truly peaceful coexistence between different peoples in the world.

Shrovetide - what is it?

Shrovetide in 2020 - this preparatory week for Lent is dedicated in the Christian sense to one goal - reconciliation with neighbors, forgiveness of offenses, preparation for a repentant path to God - this is the Christian component of Shrovetide.

How to celebrate Maslenitsa in 2020?

In Russia, Maslenitsa was celebrated as a joyful holiday. At the word "Maslenitsa", pictures of merry winter days, filled with din and noise, delicious smells of pancakes, the chime of bells that adorned elegant troikas, come to mind. The domes of churches shining in the sun, copper samovars burning like heat, festivities, booths and ceremonial tea drinking under the festive light of the icon lamp near the images.

It is widely believed that Maslenitsa is a holiday (or custom) rather pagan than Orthodox. This is not entirely true.

This preparatory week for Lent is dedicated in the Christian sense to one goal - reconciliation with neighbors, forgiveness of offenses, preparation for a repentant path to God - this is the Christian component of Shrovetide. Shrovetide is the time that needs to be devoted to good communication with neighbors, relatives, friends, and charity.

The Church calls to remember that at no time is it worth having fun, losing your head and conscience.

Let us recall the instruction of St. Tikhon Zadonsky: “Cheese week is the threshold and the beginning of fasting, and therefore the true children of the Church should act in this week in everything much more abstinence than in previous days, although abstinence is always required. Do Christians, however, listen to the sweet words of the loving Mother of their Church? She bequeaths these days to be more reverent, and they are more outraged. She commands to abstain, and they more indulge in intemperance. She commands to sanctify the body and soul, and they defile them more. She orders to complain about the sins committed, and they add more lawlessness. She inspires to propitiate God, and they more anger the Almighty. She appoints fasting, and they overeat and revel more. She offers repentance, and they are more violent. I will say again that whoever spends Shrovetide in atrocities becomes an obvious disobedient to the Church and shows himself unworthy of the very name of a Christian. "

Lent services begin in the churches. On Wednesdays and Fridays, the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated; the Lenten prayer of Saint Ephraim the Syrian is read: “Lord and Master of my life, do not give me the spirit of idleness, despondency, love of command and idle talk! Grant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant. She, Lord King, grant me to see my transgressions and not to condemn my brother, as you are blessed forever and ever. Amen". This prayer is repeated many times during all Lenten services.

The last Sunday before the beginning of Great Lent is called the Church of Cheeseweed Week (it is on this day that the consumption of dairy products ends), or Forgiveness Sunday.

On this day, after the evening service in churches, a special rite of forgiveness is performed, when the clergy and parishioners mutually ask each other for forgiveness in order to enter Great Lent with a pure soul, reconciled with all their neighbors.

Shrovetide days in 2020

On Monday, the celebration was celebrated, swings, booths and other entertainment establishments for folk festivities were prepared around the city.

On Tuesday in Russia there were flirtations: single boys and girls looked closely at each other in order to get married after the end of Lent.

On Wednesday, the gourmet mother-in-law was supposed to set the table for the son-in-law and all relatives.

Thursday - February 27

On Thursday, revelry began, after family gatherings, people rushed to the booths, to the carousel and the square where the festivities were organized.

Friday - February 28

On Friday, the son-in-law invited the mother-in-law to Vespers, it could be a festive dinner for all the wife's relatives or a modest dinner in the family circle.

The daughter-in-law invited her husband's relatives, his sisters with their families to the sister-in-law's gatherings on Saturday.

Shrovetide week ends with Forgiveness Sunday.

Maslenitsa in 2020: how to combine with Christianity?

Shrovetide arose as a pagan custom of wiring the winter, which, gradually losing its pagan content, became an integral part of the cheese week. But why did the former pagan holiday suddenly not only adhere to Christianity, but also took root on this soil? Doesn't this indicate that Russian Orthodoxy is still sick with paganism?

Indeed, it originated from the pagan custom of the wire of winter. However, it should be borne in mind that all ethnocultural forms associated with time cycles are of pagan origin, because paganism is associated with the experience of time. Any spirituality that is higher than the natural pagan principle is to some extent overcoming time. But as for the question of whether Maslenitsa is compatible with Christianity, everything depends on priorities. In itself anxious anticipation of spring, it is difficult to suspect something godly, and none of the most inveterate Shrovetide fans sees in pancakes a symbol of the sun, unless he is specifically reminded of it. Therefore, if we remain Christians in all our fundamental things, then I ask myself the question: what will be bad if we, in the transition from the annoying winter to the long-awaited spring, modestly note its approach?

professor David Gzgzyan

Lecturer at the St. Philaret Orthodox Institute, member of the Inter-Council Presence

Tatiana Ivashkova

The pagan roots of Shrovetide

The holiday of farewell to winter and at the same time meeting of spring is among most peoples. Since ancient times, it was timed to coincide with the vernal equinox. For many nationalities, a new year began on this day. Historians attribute the Slavic holiday of Komoeditsa to the time of the Neolithic. In Babylon, for 12 days, there were celebrations dedicated to the sun god Marduk. In Egypt, the goddess of fertility, Isis, was honored, in Greece - the goddesses Cora, Demeter and Athena, in Rome, for five days after the equinox, celebrations were held in honor of the goddess Minerva. With the adoption of Christianity in Europe, pagan holidays were filled with new content, nevertheless retaining many archaic features.

In pagan Russia, Maslenitsa week, which began on the day of the vernal equinox, became the heir to the more ancient Slavic Komoeditsa, associated with the cult of the bear that woke up in the spring and named from the baked lumps of pea flour - the prototypes of the later pancakes. Komoeditsa has been partially preserved in Belarus as part of the Maslenitsa celebrations. The bear in Russia remained one of the important characters of the festive festivities, however, having ceded the supremacy to the goddess of death and winter Marena and the sun god Yarila. As for the butter pancake, a symbol of the sun and life, it has become the main pancake delicacy.

What rules should be followed during Shrovetide week?

Traditionally, the week before Great Lent, popularly called, raises many doubts - is it paganism or an Orthodox tradition, whether it is necessary to "break away" before the start of strict abstinence, or already now it is necessary to tune in to a prayer mode, pancakes are a religious symbol or just a wonderful delicacy … And around the noise, din, festive celebrations. What to do?

The last week before is the time when we say goodbye not only to certain foods, but also to various entertainments. Entertainment is not necessarily something sinful, wrong, or bad. During this period, we usually have festive concerts in St. Vladimir's gymnasium. It is as if we are trying with the children to be happy and have fun for the future.

When we sit at the table together, sing songs, play something, listen to each other - this also works for creation, teaches us, among other things, to love each other. During Maslenitsa all this is experienced, it seems to me, especially acutely. Because we also part with this, we also refuse to some extent. To focus on God, learn to love Him.

archpriest Alexy Uminsky

rector of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Khokhly

Oksana Golovko

Carnival effigy: to burn or not to burn?

At Shrove Tuesday, bonfires begin to blaze in our legally secular country, including in schoolyards. Along with eating pancakes, playing games and other fun, burning a stuffed carnival of Maslenitsa has become one of the attributes of festive festivities.

Could such an action cause psychological harm to a child? Psychologist Ekaterina Burmistrova and Archpriest Maxim Pervozvansky are answering.

What is the symbolic burning of Shrovetide? A pagan act from pre-Christian times. Then people believed that they were driving away by burning. This has nothing to do with our time - from a spiritual point of view, because we have the Gospel.

Everything pagan was so long ago that it lost its meaning. Burning Shrovetide is on a par with other pagan rites. Now no one bury his wives, children, horse together with the deceased ... All this has long since disappeared from our lives. And therefore, of course, when we burn a scarecrow, we do not tell the child any of this.

There are a number of other points here. If you made Shrovetide with your own hands, painted, decorated, and then see how it is burned, this can be a great stress for them. Children of this age have "mystical" thinking, they animate everything. And it turns out that they burn an animated creature ... A sight that is clearly not useful for the child's psyche. For schoolchildren, in general, this action is a senseless action on the verge of hooliganism, akin to setting fire to trash cans and benches. The pre-Christian days are over. The symbolic meaning of burning an effigy has been lost. Remained bad, bad folklore, not at all necessary for a person living in the Christian era.

Ekaterina Burmistrova

family psychologist

It’s strange for me to hear when the burning of Shrovetide is equated, say, with the tradition of eating pancakes.
There is no pagan rite in the way we eat pancakes. After all, we bake them not because it is a symbol of the sun, but because it is a good pious Russian tradition, which is fully consistent with Shrove Week. And the burning of an effigy of Shrovetide is a completely specific ritual, in which there is no utilitarian meaning, such as that you can eat up before fasting, no, but only pagan roots. Therefore, I am categorically opposed to Christians participating in this pagan rite. Whatever you call it - "Farewell to Winter", "Burning of Winter" - it will still be a pagan rite.
I usually do not refuse when I am invited to the Shrovetide festivities, only to learn that they do not plan to burn Shrovetide there. It is clear that psychologically pagan rituals harm the child. But it is insignificant compared to spiritual harm. To talk about psychological harm, physical harm in this case - what to say, say, about the psychological harm of spiritualism ...

Archpriest Maxim Pervozvansky

Tatiana Ivashkova

Shrovetide in the Christian era

After the adoption of Christianity, it turned out that the traditional time of the holiday falls on Great Lent. Since festive revelry was contrary to the spirit of fasting, Maslenitsa had to be shifted to the last pre-fasting week, resigned to the fact that the meeting of spring now often falls on a fierce winter cold. In the church tradition, the buttered week is called cheese or meat-eating week - since on Sunday there is a plot for meat. While the streets are buzzing with joy, church services are gradually taking on a fasting character: so, on Wednesday and Friday the liturgy is not served, the prayer of repentance of Ephraim the Syrian is read, on Sunday, Adam's expulsion from paradise is recalled and the rite of forgiveness is performed. It is believed that these seven days should be devoted not to revelry and gluttony, but to reconciliation with neighbors, forgiveness of offenses and preparation for fasting.

Nevertheless, the main attributes of the national holiday are feasts and festivities. Saying goodbye to light food for seven weeks, during the seven days of the holiday, people try to gorge themselves on dairy products, eggs, fish - and, of course, the main dish, pancakes. Every Shrovetide day has its own name and content. However, the countdown begins on Saturday - "Little Butter". On this day, children gathered old bast shoes around the village, watched those returning from the bazaar on the road and beat those who did not "carry Maslenitsa" - did not stock up on food. Sunday was devoted to visits, in particular, the father-in-law called his son-in-law "to finish the meat."

Tatiana Ivashkova

Maslenitsa festivities

Monday is called a meeting. On this day, the father-in-law with the mother-in-law send the daughter-in-law to her parents for a day, and in the evening they themselves come to visit the matchmakers. Pancakes begin to bake, the first pancake is given to beggars in commemoration of the dead. A scarecrow made of straw, symbolizing winter (Marena and Yarila have retired), they carry around the village with songs, set them up on a snowy mountain and begin sledding. Tuesday - "flirt". Bride shows take place, booths are arranged, mummers go home. On Wednesday, the "gourmet" begins the main delight, and mothers-in-law invite their sons-in-law to pancakes. Thursday - "take a walk", the fun reaches its climax. On this day, fistfights and the capture of a snowy town were previously organized, and a scarecrow of winter was taken around the village on a wheel. On Friday ("mother-in-law's evening"), the newlyweds are honored, mother-in-law come to the sons-in-law for pancakes with a return visit. On Saturday ("sister-in-law's gatherings"), the young take the rest of their relatives, the daughters-in-law give the sister-in-law.

On Forgiveness Sunday, according to Christian tradition, they ask for forgiveness and kiss three times as a sign of reconciliation, and then, with a clear conscience, they burn a scarecrow and see off Maslenitsa until next year.

Tatiana Ivashkova

Celebrating the coming of spring in Europe

In Europe, the scope of the spring holiday in a particular country depends on which Christian denomination is predominant. The celebration of the equinox and the onset of spring, which almost ceased during the early Middle Ages, resumed from the 9th-10th centuries. called "carnival" (according to one of the most common versions, this name comes from the Latin "carne vale" - "meat, goodbye"). The first carnivals began to be held in Italy (the Venetian carnival is the most famous to this day, competing only with the Brazilian one), then in France and in other countries.

Until the beginning of the 16th century. The church was tolerant of carnivals, but then changed its attitude to negative - although before that the holiday was celebrated even in monasteries. At the same time, the Protestant clergy opposed the carnivals much more decisively than the Catholic. As a result, in England, in the Scandinavian countries and in areas of Germany with a predominance of Protestants, Maslenitsa celebrations are held very modestly - in contrast to Catholic countries.

The traditional European carnival is longer than our Maslenitsa. It starts at different times in different countries. Most often - on “Fat Thursday” in the week preceding the beginning of Lent, but the festive markets begin to work on Saturday. The last day of the carnival, "Fat Tuesday", is celebrated especially magnificently, and the next day, on "Ash Wednesday", Catholics start fasting. Like Maslenitsa, the carnival is inconceivable without plentiful feasts, festivities, games and booths, but nevertheless, theatrical processions are the main component of the carnival.

Despite the general meaning and content of the carnival, in each country it has its own "zest". So, in England, where the celebrations are reduced to only one "confession Tuesday", the main event is the women's race with pancakes in a pan. In Brazil, the focus is on the samba competition of dance schools. The Lucerne Carnival (Switzerland) is inconceivable without fancy costumes on all participants and a night parade of musicians. "Mad Monday" of the Cologne carnival begins with a procession led by the Carnival Trinity: Prince, Virgin Colony and Peasant, and in the Rhine town of Blankenheim this day takes place "Procession of spirits" - mummers and witches. IN Eastern Europe the main characters of the holiday are bachelors.

In Poland, on the last day of festivities in village taverns, violinists "sell" unmarried girls. In Serbia, a bachelor can be driven around the village in a pig trough, and the figure of Straw Grandfather can be placed on the roof. And after the unrestrained gaiety, sedate days of reflection and prayer begin. Easter is coming ...

Shrovetide is a time to ask for forgiveness and prepare for fasting

Archpriest Anatoly Malinin

It is called so because during this period of time, i.e. during the week before, eating is allowed butteras well as dairy products and fish. In church language, this week is called cheese - it is the week before Great Lent, which ends with Holy Week, when the sufferings of Jesus Christ for our salvation and His glorious Resurrection are remembered. with us it happens not by numbers, therefore Shrovetide is also established not by numbers.

Usually, the people celebrate as a special time when you can indulge in various games, skating and many different entertainments, which are accompanied by abundant food and drink. Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, addressing his Voronezh flock, does not speak very approvingly about the celebration of Maslenitsa. He says that almost everyone expects Shrovetide as some kind of great holiday, they prepare various dishes, stock up on wine. And when the celebration comes, each other is invited to visit and visit each other.

Festive companies, indulging in overeating and drunkenness, become insensitive, and in this state a person is incontinent and unbridled in all respects. And such a state of a person leads to various misfortunes. Saint Tikhon says: “Shame covers my face when I speak of how Orthodox Christians celebrate Maslenitsa,” then says that the very celebration of Maslenitsa is a pagan affair. The pagans had a false god, the inventor of every drunken drink, he was called in Greek Vahos. For this wicked god, the pagans established special holidays in the year, which to this day are called bacchanalia by their name, they are held in drunkenness, overeating, in outrageous games and various abominations. Such celebration of Maslenitsa makes a person unworthy even to be called a Christian, because he does not obey the instructions of the holy Church. For the period of Shrovetide week, the Church restricts its church children to food, does not allow eating meat, in the services on Wednesday and Friday the liturgy is not celebrated due to its solemnity, the church service is performed according to Lenten rite, with bows.

This week begins on Sunday, and the Gospel of the second coming of Jesus Christ and the Last Judgment is read at the liturgy on this day. This gospel reading The Church offers to tune in to the meeting of the righteous Judge, reminds of the Last Judgment and that each person will answer the righteous Judge when He asks each person about how he lived his life. And so that the Lord does not condemn for the sins committed, one must repent.

Shrovetide is one of the most fun and long-awaited holidays of the year, the celebration of which lasts seven days. At this time, people have fun, go to visit, arrange walks and eat pancakes. Maslenitsa in 2018 will start on February 12, and its end date will be February 18.

Pancake week is a popular celebration dedicated to the welcome of spring. Before entering Lent, the people say goodbye to winter, enjoy warm spring days, and, of course, bake delicious pancakes.

Shrovetide: traditions and customs

There are several names for this holiday:

  • meaty Shrovetide is called due to the fact that they refrain from eating meat during the celebration;
  • cheesy - because they eat a lot of cheese this week;
  • Shrovetide - because they consume a large amount of oil.

Many people await with trepidation the onset of Maslenitsa, the traditions of which are rooted in our history. Today, as in the old days, this holiday is celebrated on a grand scale, with chants, dances and competitions.

The most popular amusements that used to be organized in the villages were:

  • fist fights;
  • eating pancakes for a while;
  • sleigh rides;
  • climbing a pole for a prize;
  • games with a bear;
  • burning a stuffed animal;
  • swimming in ice holes.

The main treat both before and now are pancakes, which can have different fillings. They are baked every day in large quantities.

Our ancestors believed that those who do not have fun on Maslenitsa will live the coming year poorly and joylessly.

Shrovetide: what can and cannot be done?

  1. On Shrovetide, you cannot eat meat food. It is allowed to eat fish and dairy products. Pancakes should be the main course on the table in every home.
  2. You need to eat often and a lot on Shrovetide. Therefore, it is customary to invite guests and not skimp on treats, as well as to visit themselves.

Maslenitsa: history of the holiday

In fact, Maslenitsa is a pagan holiday, which was eventually changed to the "format" of the Orthodox Church. In pre-Christian Russia the celebration was called "Farewell to Winter".

Our ancestors revered the sun as a god. And with the onset of the first spring days, we were glad that the sun was beginning to warm the earth. Therefore, a tradition appeared to bake round, shaped like the sun, flat cakes. It was believed that after eating such a food, a person will receive a particle of sunlight and heat. Over time, pancakes were replaced by pancakes.

Maslenitsa: traditions of celebration

In the first three days of the holiday, there was an active preparation for the celebration:

  • they brought firewood for the fire;
  • decorated huts;
  • built mountains.

The main celebration took place from Thursday to Sunday. They came into the house in order to treat themselves to pancakes and drink hot tea.

In some villages, young people went from house to house with tambourines, horns, balalaikas, singing carols. City dwellers took part in holiday festivities:

  • dressed in the best outfits;
  • went to theatrical performances;
  • visited booths to look at buffoons and fun with a bear.

The main entertainment was the skating of children and young people from ice slides, which they tried to decorate with lanterns and flags. For riding used:

  • matting;
  • sledges;
  • skates;
  • skins;
  • ice floes;
  • wooden troughs.

Another fun event was the capture of the ice fortress. The guys built a snowy town with a gate, put guards there, and then went on the attack: burst into the gate and climbed the walls. The besieged defended themselves as best they could: snowballs, brooms and whips were used.

On Maslenitsa boys and young men showed their agility in fistfights. Residents of two villages, landowners and monastic peasants, residents of a large village living in opposite ends could participate in the battles.

Seriously preparing for battle:

  • steamed in baths;
  • ate hearty;
  • turned to the sorcerers with a request to give a special conspiracy to win.

Features of the rite of burning a scarecrow of winter on Maslenitsa

As many years ago, and today, the culmination of Maslenitsa is the burning of the effigy. This action symbolizes the coming of spring and the end of winter. The burning is preceded by games, round dances, songs and dances, accompanied by refreshments.

As a scarecrow, which is sacrificed, they made a large funny and at the same time terrible doll, personifying Maslenitsa. They made a doll from rags and straw. Then she was dressed up in women's clothing and left on the main street of the village during Pancake Week. And on Sunday they were solemnly carried outside the village. There the scarecrow was burned, drowned in an ice-hole, or torn to pieces, and the straw left over from it was scattered across the field.

The ritual burning of the doll had a deep meaning: it is necessary to destroy the symbol of winter in order to revive its power in spring.

Shrovetide: the meaning of every day

The holiday is celebrated from Monday to Sunday. At Shrove Tuesday, it is customary to spend every day in its own way, observing the traditions of our ancestors:

  1. Monday called "Shrovetide Meeting". On this day, pancakes begin to bake. It is customary to give the first pancake to poor and needy people. On Monday, our ancestors cooked a stuffed animal, dressed it in rags and put it on the main street of the village. It stood on public display until Sunday.
  2. Tuesday nicknamed "Flirting". It was dedicated to youth. On this day, festivities were organized: they rode sledges, ice slides, carousels.
  3. Wednesday - "Gourmet". On this day, guests (friends, relatives, neighbors) were invited to the house. They were treated to pancakes, honey cakes and pies. Also on Wednesday, it was customary to regale their sons-in-law with pancakes, hence the expression: “ Son-in-law came, where to get sour cream?". Also on this day, horse races and fist fights were held.
  4. Thursday popularly nicknamed "Razgulyay". From this day, the Wide Maslenitsa begins, which is accompanied by snowball games, sledding, merry round dances and chants.
  5. Friday nicknamed "Mother-in-law's evenings", because on that day the sons-in-law invited the mother-in-law to their house and treated them to delicious pancakes.
  6. Saturday - "Cousin's gatherings". The daughters-in-law invited her husband's sisters to their house, talked with them, treated them to pancakes and gave gifts.
  7. Sunday - the apotheosis of Maslenitsa. This day was named "Forgiveness Sunday". On Sunday they said goodbye to winter, saw off Maslenitsa and symbolically burned her effigy. On this day, it is customary to ask friends and family for forgiveness for the grievances that have accumulated over the year.

Proverbs and sayings on Maslenitsa

Video: history and traditions of the Maslenitsa holiday

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