On the best qualities of the human soul. Be noble good? How nobility is manifested

Everyone can become a noble husband. It is the honor, nobility and knightly behavior - an integral traction of the character of a successful and strong modern man.

There are few people in this world who can give their lives for the sake of honor and the right to be called a person. To do this, you need to possess a considerable courage ... "Samurai X"

The knighthood dies, but now there is no terrible war, on which the swords are dying under the blows and fall under the hail of the noble men. The knighthood and nobility dies slowly, every year gradually.

In war died in the color of the people. Live of the best are preserved a few. And children did not become better than fathers, although it is impossible to condemn any generation entirely. So, maybe, so now, few people risk rush to the boss on the ambrusura, protecting their own and someone else's honor ... Yuri Bondarev

More honest, noble and bold men-knights more often during history. The fact is that they hold the word at any situation, do not retreat before danger and are ready to take over all responsibility. So the best representatives of the power of gloomy in battles, duels, fights, shot to preserve their pure name and honor. But it is the honor, nobility and knightly behavior - an integral traction of the character of a successful and strong modern man.

Some men ceased to consider chivalry and nobility worthy of attention in the 21st century, and in vain. It is impossible to say that the knighthood shown in the cinema can be taken for a clean coin, but learn from the noble knights of the past has something.

Honor of a man

"Take care of honor as a dream dress. Honor is your dignity, as you understand it. If you see the disrespect of your personality, then it should be preparing. " Cathedral code of 1649 "On honor and dishonor".

Still back the word "honor" was worth more than life. For him fought on duels and shot. But now it is difficult to imagine. People are ready to endure humiliation, lie, hypocrite. Few people can take responsibility, and not to blame her to another. Perhaps the concept of honor is well preserved only in Japan. It was there that, even senior executives are able to recognize their guilt and reaplish her blood. What about us?

Honor is the concept of morality and ethics, this is the advantage of a person. The fact that a person appreciates its name, family or that part of the case for which he answers. Honor, nobility and knightly behavior should be learned since childhood. It was then that each of us will learn to respect others and do the appropriate. Male word and honor inherent. A man must be responsible for his actions, words and the situation as a whole. This is how modern leaders in society look like, and they are not enough now.

The honor implies to be faithful to his friends, beloved, family, ideals and homeland.

Nobility of a man

"A noble man is above offense, injustice, grief, ridicule; He would be invulnerable, whether he is alien to compassion. " Jean Labryuer.

Nobility is the qualities of a real man, which is characterized by high morality, dedication and honesty. A strong person is able to act and behave in society noble, not a spot of his own behalf and honor. A noble man never goes low, pursuing her skin interests. In life, nobility is found not very often, but such persons tend to actually turn out to be strong, respected and prosperous people.

More noble people practically do not use abnormative vocabulary. They remember the words of King Ivan the Terrible: "It does not fit the noble sovereign, as shit over coins."

Knight's behavior of a man

In addition to the more frequent death of noble people in history, a lot is guilty of the disappearance of knightly behavior and the fall in the cultural level of society as a whole. Culture, with the weakening of the role of classical literature, disappears, and television and the Internet do not cope with this role. Modern cinema rarely creates films on the similarity of "Gardenaryarina, forward!" or "d'Artagnan and three Musketeer." In fashion, criminals, hooligans, drug addicts. About the Internet and nobility, honor, I do not want to speak.

In the destruction of the chivalry partially guilty and women. Dave Cheptpell claimed: "The knighthood was killed by female magazines" and he is partially right. With his feminism, equality, the desire to manage men, to be careerists, the woman's arrogant branches undermined a respectful attitude towards the beautiful floor. Sometimes it is difficult to treat the knightly to women who communicate with matters that smelled constantly drinking and cigarettes who lost femininity, which only beautiful things are interested, expensive cars and nightclubs.

But the real beautiful ladies exist ...

How do knights behave

"Genuine knighthood is enclosed in the human heart: it is capable of love. Knight's behavior grows from the depths of the heart. " Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Knights always spend a woman to home and to the door. Previously, they met the butler and a man could be free, but now, instead of the butler, a local swan, drug addicts and bums sit down in the entrance. You should spend a woman safe and preservation to the door of the apartment, passing it from all kinds of dubious personalities.

Modern knights are always ready to protect the lady and weak from injustice. Now the duels are rare and wearing the sword are forbidden, but you have to show a hand-to-hand combat.

Knights open all doors, ranging from the car and ending with doorways. Knights move chairs, carry bags, do hard work, do not complain about life and provide a family with everything necessary.

The knight will never reproach a woman that she is poorly cooking, but silently, die from food poisoning. But, and seriously, the knight behavior implies a gallant and respectful attitude towards a woman.

Your wellness Mrs. Luck, for whom you are kind, and who otherwise ...

Honor, the nobility and the knight's behavior of men will not often meet in the 21st century, but be better, stronger and more honest - it is worth it. Be a real man. It may not be unnoticed and will surely play a role in your life and will help to achieve greater in pursuit of success. It is best to finish the words of Confucius: "Everyone can become a noble husband. We just need to decide to become. "

Writing the exam in the text:"Only weak people, constantly needing to compensate for their insufficiency, usually weave intrigue, they are building a goat, the cheekbone shall strike ..."(according to B. Bim-Badu).

Full text

(1) Only weak people, constantly needing to compensate for their insufficiency, usually weave intrigues, they are building a goat, the empty is applied. (2) A great strength is always generous. (3) I knew SuperSyllu, who in his entire long hectares did not touch anyone with his finger, not wanting evil to anyone. (4) The soulful force and nobility go hand in hand, and this explains why in our time the nobility has become recently demanded, appreciated and so widely practiced that sometimes turns out to be almost a mass profession. (5) in the rescue armies smart risk and True nobility is inseparable. (6) Salvation craft naturally filters people in their mental qualities. (7) As a result of debts, only strong people are delayed, capable of protecting the weak falling in trouble. (8) So, who wants to go to work in the Tsentrospas squad, it is not enough to have an impeccable military or sports past behind the shoulders and own the necessary set of specialties. (9) "Good" medical school is not a key to success. (10) Almost a thousand properly chosen responses of psychological testing also does not guarantee a candidate of the place in the state of the elite division. (11) The novice needs to prove to future colleagues in the process of internship, which in any situation can be reeded that it manifests the kindness and tolerance required in their daily missions. (12) To cope with their duties, a person must have a noble soul, complete best qualities. (13) But why, even possessing virtuous qualities, a person makes immoral actions? (14) Replied to such a question: "All people are close to each other in nature, but disagree among themselves during the education. (15) A person may lose noble qualities under the influence of bad communication. (16) Therefore, that all members of the Company fulfill their civil duties and human norms, it is necessary to raise a person in the spirit of virtue. "(17) Education of culture, getting rid of bad manners and inclinations aimed against the arrogance, arrogance, hassle, malice, envy, feelings own inferiority, undisciplined, excessive suspicion, treachery, hypocrisy, doubles, cunning, meanness and pegs. (18) Just getting rid of bad manners and inclinations, clearing his own soul, driving everything bad out of it, you can count on fast progress and achieving perfection in skill. (19) Nobody from people of inconspicuous, bore-hidden, cruel, cunning and secretive, cruel, crucible and secretly managed to achieve any significant success, and if they managed, the celebration lasted for a long time. (20) In the end, everything ended in deplorable both for themselves and for others. (21) A noble man will perish surrounded by competition and anger? (22) No! (23) It is he who will win. (24) Since the nobility is based on the power of the Spirit. (25) To win in life, win beautiful and durable, firmly, thoroughly, to have a high soul. (26) Good character. (27) The most reliable in our world is the nobility of the Spirit. (28) Not by birth, not by blood, but by the mind and honor.

What is nobility? First of all, nobility is a strong spirit of man. This ability to protect weak, high morality, and, of course, mind and honor. At a noble person, you can rely on any situation, and to know exactly what he will not lead to anything. In the proposed text, the author raises the problem of nobility.

Reflecting on this topic, the narrator is remembered by a strongman, who, despite its power, never wanted evil to anyone. He also brings an example of the importance of nobility in the profession of a lifeguard, because there are so necessary all these positive qualities associated with nobility. The rescuer has little medical approval - much more important than respect for comrades who can entrust life to him. And in contrast it gives examples when the lack of positive qualities in the soul of man prevented him to achieve special heights in life.

I fully share this position. It is impossible to defeat in life, "building a goat" and "inflicting beats.

A good example of literature may be Rodion Raskolnikov, the hero of the work of Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". It is mistakenly assumed that only with the help of cruelty can be Lord in this world, the splitters are solved for killing. He doubts, but still acts. However, his triumph was not long, and soon it turns out that this way in life is nothing but cautious, it is impossible to achieve. Whether in his soul, the nobility, kindness, mind and honor - all this would not have happened, and perhaps he would have managed to achieve the heights of much larger than self-affirmation for someone else's account.

In real life, the mass of examples for both nobility and its absence. In the summary of sports news daily, scandals about the scandalism, "doping", deceptions. All this makes people dishonest, evil, selfish. Perhaps they turn out to be on the tops of the tournament tables, however, it is only worth opening their deception - and the celebration ends as quickly as it began. Hardly such an act will serve as a good reason to advance through the career ladder or will be a impetus for participation in some more competitor. But if such people were at least for a short time would remember the morality and honor, the Cups and medals to this day would be in their hands.

It seems to me that I managed to prove the thought of the author that the nobility is something that is so important for our life success, regardless of their scale.

At all times, the nobility was considered as an important component in relationship with people. Even today, in our cynical age, this quality is assessed by advantage. The nobility has become popular, but it cannot be purchased without mental strength. People possessing this quality live according to the laws of decency, compassion and no-indulgence. Nobility is a real gift that does not need awards.

What is a nobility?

This word consists of two others: good and genus. This implies not only a reasonable genus, but also good education, as well as a sense of responsibility. In the modern world, this phenomenon is also a place: almost every person for at least once in his life, forbidden to someone's resentment or helped those who needed it. Nobility can be considered any act, which is based on good.

By thinking about what the nobility is, the meaning of this word is difficult to express definitely. For its manifestation, no prescriptions and laws are needed. A person performs noble acts just because it is typical of his essence. Fortunately, today it is not necessary to have this quality. It is the actions that are highly appreciated, because they reveals the character of a person and his part. Despite its disadvantages, people can come noble: to stretch the hand of help, listen, keep the promise or worry about the righteous path.

Nobility and freedom

Nobility is a certain moral code for which you need to live. He is aimed at creating, and not for destruction. People possessing this quality love all living things and simply cannot pass by the one who needs their support and help.

Deciding to live according to the laws of kindness and compassion, a person feels more free: he no longer care for public opinion or the noise of the crowd. He chose his way and overcomes it with dignity. Such a brave and firm position allows you to look with confidence in tomorrow and do not feel shame for your behavior. After all, a person proud of himself does not need public approval, he is self-sufficient and is responsible for his actions.

"Golden Rule

The nobility is a property that is inherent to a person living according to certain rules that is called "golden". To the main one can be attributed:

What is dangerous absence of nobility?

People who are insecrated in themselves and are compacted, subconsciously consider themselves not good enough to show nobility. They try to self-harden for someone else's account, humiliating others. They are inherent aggressiveness, vitality, and their actions are destructive. As a rule, they apply all the shocks and constantly weave intrigue.

Under the influence of a bad society, people lose such quality as nobility. Therefore, it follows from the very birth to raise in children virtue and not forget about human norms.

How to become noble?

Not everyone understands, it is difficult to interpret it unequivocally. In order to detect this quality, it is not necessary to belong to a noble family or be a deeply believer person. There are simple rules that help raise nobility. A person will not only feel their benefits, but will make his contribution to the relationship between people. Perhaps someone wants to follow his example.

How does the nobility manifest?

Nobility is an internal culture that, unfortunately, is not present. It can not be expressed in clothes or in posture. The inner rod manifests itself through actions, only they reveal the true but respect for people, the ability to sacrifice their interests and mental generosity if desired can be developed. Always keeps his word, because it understands the whole degree of responsibility to other people.


Nobility and dignity will always go around. A person who has these qualities adequately perceives its value. He understands that the main thing is to be, and not seem.

People with a feeling of anyone and do not prove anything, they also know who are. They do not expect approval and do not self-affirmation for someone else's account. But always with interest they will listen to another point of view and perhaps they will even bring something useful for himself.

High self-esteem is not manifested in self-examination, but in self-esteem and faith in their own strength. A person believes that he is worthy of a good life and knows how to defend his own interests, not infrainment of the rights of others.

Noble and not afraid of difficulties. They perceive them as a natural part of life. In any situation, they try to maintain composure, not to humiliate and not humiliate others. The nobility of a person is also in equality. Compare yourself with other people - the occupation is not only useless, but also dangerous. Sometimes it causes a sharp feeling of dissatisfaction and discontent with himself, which is often absolutely groundless.

How to awaken a sense of self-esteem?

First of all, it is necessary to relate to itself as a full person. After that, the feeling of this will come. To develop this quality, you need to remember the recommendations of psychologists:

  • Know and appreciate your strengths.
  • Quietly refers to their own imperfection.
  • Collect your achievements and form self-esteem.
  • Follow internal landmarks, and not the opinion of people.
  • Maintain yourself and praise.
  • Refuse self-confidence and calmly recognize your own mistakes and correct them.
  • To strive to be "hereby" and more often to repeat the words of nobility, which are creative.

Culture is common sense, for it is mental health. Culture is a beauty, for it is physical health. Culture is dignity and conscience, for it is moral health. And the culture is loyalty to the father and mother, the faithfulness of the genus and the Fatherland, this is the truthfulness and tenderness, kindness and fearlessness, which are always together, because the compassion is courage to the soul. So, culture is a devotion to all their origins, in a word, she is love, she is health, she is loyalty. All these words are equivalent in meaning. Unclean air, dirty water, poisoned soil - the consequence of the fact that genuine culture is replaced as if on the official "socialcultum".

Genuine culture is not so much to form how much to upbringing. Culture There is something that does not have specialization, it is not amenable to counting, indecomposable and what can not be purchased with a diploma or degree, and even more so with the post. Therefore, the peasant can be deeply cultivated, and Academician - Ham, an officer can be highly cultured, and the cultureologist is ignorant, and even just, according to K. Marx, "professional cretin".

Culture is not learn by the book, for it is all in the act, in action, in a living word. Having lost a common sense where it is necessary to make a decision at the level of a whole body, we call on the advisers of specialists, professionals, academics, that is, those who have built the part of the whole life, and confuse completely, forgetting that the Nobel winner can, let's say to split the atom, But be a complete olchom in an indecomposable life and politics. All our century is confused with professors oraclaces. One professor, like Freud, flatly refused to consider the person above the belt, economist-professor no forces not to tear off the stomach, technocrat - the poorest of all - believes and science, another professor-oracle - Corbusier - Delica, and give people a typical sunbeal No need for revolutions, nor religions, and after all, this idiocy of decades has been replicated with decades. Another linguist-structuralist - Levi-Strauss said that there is no secret in man at all, and instead of the soul - a well-viewed crystal lattice. All of them together and individually "painted" their portraits and impose them to others. That was why we came to these herbicides in culture or suddenly saw how the dertie would say: "Many years Taiga go - do not understand."

And V. I. Lenin tried, warned and bequeathed: "Neither of these professors who can give the most valuable work in special areas of chemistry, history, physics cannot be trusted in a single word, since it comes to philosophy." Words are allocated by Vladimir Ilicich Lenin.

We tried to get closer to the initial concept, which was concluded in the word "culture". As for the armed forces, everyone believes that in the words "army" or "fleet" there are no mysteries for him, and in part right, and it is partly, even if he served in the armed forces.

What is the army? What is the point, spirit and appointment of this ancient support of Russian and Soviet statehood? The people since realized themselves, lives in the well-known framework of community, where the armed forces are the guarantor of her calm. The army is the most important power from the cornerstone security stones. The people embodied these ideas into the image of the epic velves, which are the first "officer corps". The princes of warriors are depicted on the pillars of the temples to give parishioners a visual lesson of statehood, and our ancestor has been rejected by the idea of \u200b\u200bhis own power every day. PAKAR and without propaganda knew that without military squad, he was a light preparation of greedy, treacherous and restless neighbors. The mystery of Russian statehood and the army is that historically Russian people led a continuous war for their physical existence. In all centuries, the princes and later the kings will be at the head of this millennial confrontation. The names of Monomakh, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy became nationwide symbols. This is the main reason for the long faith of the people in the royal power and its infallibility. Princes and thousands of other husbands, such as Bobrock, Ermak, Peresvet, Kolovrat, Plates, Suvorov, and Finally, Zhukov, are bosses, governors and commander of Russian forces, all the same officer corps. These are the people of the highest spirituality and main in society carriers of genuine culture, for if there is no greater love in the world, than "soul to put in each other", therefore, there is no higher culture ...

The Russian and Soviet army, through the best of their sons, proven more than once, and it is still on this principle, and therefore the lie is the island of Damansky, Afghanistan, deadly reactors of Chernobyl ... Such an army is culture. On the fractures of history, the army turned out to be the main, real hope of the people.

The actor lives in other people's characters, reincarnated. The officer holds on loyalty to himself. This opposition seems artificial, but it is not more contrived than hidden opposition concluded in the "Army and Culture". We will not oppose the difference not to deepen the difference, but for the relief flashing of features, lighted and captured by incorrect and frequent use.

Sometime Konstantin Leontyev (about him below), sacrificing "Anna Karenina," said defiant: "We are more quantity and more expensive than the lion of Tolstoy. Without these thick, it is possible to live a great people for a long time, and we will not live and eat and half a century. " But Leontov sincerely bowed to the strength of the artistic pen of Tolstoy and himself was not the last writer.

What is in the statement of this person, whom Lion Tolstoy will kindly call the "glass breakdown": only the diminution of the writer or in his opposition of the Guards officer, the famous wrister, besides paradoxicality, is also in-depth, hidden from the eye of the mass reader, which, by the way, is there a mass culture forerunner? Will we dismiss this from this, after hanging out on Leontiev's tag "conservative"? Leontyev, we want this or not, the figure is large, the identity is deep and significant. The first desire that comes to mind with unconsciously implemented regressiveness of thinking is and in fact hang the "reactionary" label and in the corner of the dusty, so as not to interfere. But Leontyeva does not eat it, he was proud of his involvement in conservatism. Maybe we will not hide head under the wing?

When the Celentano, the Italian pop singer arrived in Moscow, then the "heroes" of perestroika - the newsprints arranged a fight in Sheremetyev in order to take the first interview. When the heroes of the Soviet Union flew in Moscow, the "Afghans" Ruslan Aushev, V. S. Kot, V. E. Pavlov, and E. Slyusar - People who showed the highest samples of debt and courage, none of them met them. People who in any country would be folk heroes are surrounded by silence.

Why are strange, shivering, tight creatures with guitars are imposed by television as idols? Is it not to make youth healthier, bravely, more honest? Or is it a special mercy, attached to borrow, shout and hoarse on someone else's manner? Has the festival of songs of warriors and internationalists in Moscow takes place on the backyards of stadiums like "Avangard"? Young veterans are flying there from all over the country, wheelchairs and children go. Before us is truly popular phenomenon. They resort to it with unclean intentions of representatives of some foreign television companies, and from us to the episode come only from the television "Look".

Why did they say, essentially all the newspapers, when the Grand Festival of Slavic Writing in Novgorod was held in May 1988, and all as one, choking and interrupting each other talk about Rock? Why all his own, native, domestic causes silence, and all foreign, alien, especially if it is not contemptively, causes a job? Will we be able to convince the same west to lead with us worthy, honest and direct dialogue, if we are bacon show, how do we feel the ultra-degraded and ridiculous and how do we despise and do not respect and do not deserve it approval? Do we bring up a labor and honest generation if since childhood we will teach the fact that Emmanuel Kant with an exhaustive and merciless directness called "voluptuous self-carrying"?

Why is the entertainment given by indisputable priority before upbringing? Rightly, those who do not "serve the Soviet Union" have on television that the whole people looks, the best time and priority before those who serve the Soviet Union? Never of genuine leisure was not entertainment. It is always creative. Do you think: incorrect, destructive installation takes the beginning in stagnant times of the order of the order? Oh no.

Valerian Mikekov, the son of the warrior of 1812 Nikolai Maikova and brother of the famous poet of Apollo Majkova, noted a few years after Mikhail Lermontov's death: "Everyone fell into the so-called elegant literature, all began or writing, or read romantic elegances, poems, novels, drama; There was no one to think about Slavsima or Europeanism in Russia. Then came the "library for reading", and then, according to her own consciousness, he began in Russian literature such a laughter and such fun, that serious questions were made, finally, completely inappropriate. "

We have a long tradition of jokes, pop giggling, unrespressive irony. Another Pushkin noticed that stupid criticism is not as noticeable as stupid praise. The creative common sense and responsibility replaced critics and picking in disadvantages with flawed attention to all unhealthy. We fissure everything and everything until complete liquefaction and relaxation. In journals, the sluggish fiction is higher than the rank than a delta deep article of a thinker historian. The first is closed by a large font, the body, although it is closer to entertainment, and the historian will always be dialed with a small blind petite. Here we are the aesthetes and expert connoisseurs. Solow from the roofs with rapid cows, but on the art of pop and ballet will give the last.

When the first hero of the Soviet Union was died, Colonel-General N. P. Kamanin, a man who led the cosmonaut detachment, the necrologist was not signed by the head of the state. When the pop singer L. O. Rockov died in the same month, under the necrologist stood the signature of the first person of the state. Rocks, that although the whole era in the stage. But soon the actress from the Baltic state was left, whose name never had to hear, and the obituary again signs the head of the Great Power. What are we waiting for youth how we can raise respect for labor, honor, to produce and family, if the hero of the country's Colonel General Camanin in the Merit of Merit to the Motherland stands below the pop singer? Recall how many times we saw on the TV of pop singers and how many times outstanding military doctors in Afghanistan or glorified - alas, in narrow circles! - Heroes - commanders of nuclear submarines.

Perestroika is rearrangement of forces before the onset. Can the army be defeated if she confronts the enemy with no advanced parts, and putting forward the sumports and heroes of the rear, and moves to the enemy with the avant-garde of the extra charge and tight guitarists, who are stunning with fear of themselves and the enemy by electrical decibels? Ahead is entrepreneurial newsletters, an archer aerobics, grinning parodists, women's dancers, because "in the field of ballet we are ahead of the rest of the world." At the tip of the attack - the Ministry of Culture, more precisely, the Ministry of Entertainment and Entertainment, and Komsomol, who is trying to be a fleet over the fleet and the army, is essentially to replace the champion about leisure and cooperation. So, one with a compartment - seven with a guitar.

You can understand the bitterness that employees of the military registration and enlistment offices are tested at the sight of current conscripts educated by the Ministry of Entertainment and Past Society. The teenager is convinced that a full-fledged person who listens to the "magician" and knows a dozen in memory of "Dryg" - scamples (the word "rock" must be translated exactly: it means "spinning and touched". Otherwise "Rock" in Russian is right It has a fatal, meaningful depth). Today Rock is already the day before yesterday, as well as "porn", sex is spawn by AIDS in the West. American schoolchildren in the first place among the values \u200b\u200bcosts health, and we have been made up to the fact that our children have health in the scale of valuables in the seventh place. It may not be unimaging the alarm. There can be neither a soldier, no pahahar, no fisherman, no engineer, no father, nor mother with a similar degenerative scale of values.

Hooliganism and lawlessness, which occurred in the environment of servicemen, we replaced the streamlined formulation "non-skill relationships". These deformities brought into the troops from the outside should learn from the army environment. But there is no "illness" of only the army. There is not a single team "on a citizen", in which there would be no unrelated relationship in one form or another. If any would not exist in life, or rather, if they did not take such an ugly character, then the police, courts, the prosecutor's office should be dissolved tomorrow. Standard relationships permeate the life of each school, brigade, hostels, institute. And the name of them is "unwritten rules".

Eastern relationships in the army exist as much as the army itself. When society is great, then they can be full and nobility, mutualists, combat partnership. Such examples in the army are now more than criminated, which is uncomfortable. All closed educational institutions are held on non-statutory relations. By the way, than aristocratic in the west, a closed college, the harsh of it in it, the hungry life, and the richest seeds live in winter in the abpense rooms. This is because they have not had the happiness to read the books of our "teachers and innovators" who would like to make one big experiment from our school, and to turn into a continuous "show", where children are sitting on pedsovers with teachers. School is noble conservative. The Company does not always trust innovators not from retrograde, but from a deep and saving feeling that childhood cannot be the subject of experiment for enthusiasts. Life is not a holiday, and the school is designed to prepare young people to life. Therefore, in a good school should be honest, light, joyfully, but always difficult. In the teaching should always be very difficult. The school cannot be neither a union show-platform nor a sullen barracks. For the health of children and young people, no leisure and non-telezerosis are needed, but order, rigor, justice, fraternal kindness and help ...

The army last seventy years was and there is the only institution of society, the path of which is full of victims. The army was always paid by its best sons and never, even in the scary years, did not stain themselves with reprints, nor a chowbery, nor a tiny. The army does not consist of saints. There are different people in it. But she courageously performed her duty, even when the stones shouted in the so-called peaceful days, and silently died when the Motherland demanded. This is a lie that they cry and shouted nearby: "For Stalin!". Scream only to the movies. In battle work, not a meaning.

In a word, who wants to eradicate disgrace in the army, he must put the Major Life Principle of the motto "Honor - Smalod", and at the tip of restructuring, to put those who have machines, on Pasha, in hospitals, in schools, in Afghan Passages and in the World Ocean shows What is the honor in action.

The first step for this should be a call for all fronts of Komsomol, schools and the Ministry of Consignment to turn face to indigenous domestic values \u200b\u200band traditions. In the West already in the main fashion frequency among young people (after hippie, punk and rock) entered the fashion "Yappen", that is, loyalty to his flag, their own country, its values, harmful clothes, honest state career. The West has already begun to cultivate patriotism everywhere.

"Until 1825, everyone who wore a village dress recognized the superiority of EPULA. To hear a secular man, it was necessary to stop two years in the guard or at least in the cavalry. The officers were a soul of society, the heroes of the holidays, and, by saying the truth, this preference had their foundations. The military were more independent and kept more worthily than cowardly and reptiles. " These words belong to A. I. Herzen. The army was not taken for her golden sewing, but for heroism, manifested in battles for Borodino, Leipzig, Ulm, Dresden, Paris ...

In 1825, Russian officers have proven their love for Fatherland, coming out on December 14 at the Senate Square ...

And today, the question was able to save the precious traditions of the Russian military, the officer corps, while the very brave and most educated in the world, the answer is unequivocal: the traditions are preserved and multiplied.

The army, where the most healthy forces of the people are going, in the Suvorov covers there should be a nation school. Napoleon at one time recognized that the victory in the war was only a quarter depends on material factors. Three quarters of the martial spirit. The army is not isolated from society. She is inseparable with the people. Nearners of society are reflected on it directly. Officers carry the burden of upbringing. There is not a single commander who would not be a teacher, only the pedagogy this is the most difficult and most true, because the officer acts on the principle of "do as me."

The whole story of Russian literature since the creation of Peter I of the new army is permeated by the idea of \u200b\u200bpeacefulness. She served the officers of Derzhavin, Chemnitzer, Lermontov, Generals Denis Davydov and Pavel Katrenin, Engineer-lieutenant Fedor Dostoevsky and Lieutenant Lion Tolstoy, Cavalgaard Alexander Fet and Major Alexey Tolstoy.

The Soviet army saved this pillar tradition of peaceful, and when we pronounce "military-patriotic education", we invest in these three words that have become familiar from childhood, love for the native army and society. For their opposition in any countries was considered affected and criminal, and even more so it is unacceptable in the country with the People's Army. Propaganda of war with us is punished by law, it knows everyone. When the denial of war is replaced by the denying of the need and the importance of service in the army, when the struggle for the world is invited to lead through the "anti-war patriotic education" - it sounds at least ambiguous.

Who saved recently Poland from chaos, anarchy and humiliation of the national, who for the last time she kept her on the edge of the abyss? Polish army! It became, who is the enemy ink? Of course, those who are on the guard of the Socialist Fatherland - the People's Army.

Is there any deficiencies in our army? Of course, there is, and even, apparently, more than we would like. Should she change? Of course, for, as linguists say, "only the dead language does not change." But it must be admitted that these shortcomings are usually the result of our common flaws. If we are at school, vocational school, possessing and time, and all the means of exposure, did not wake up in the soul of a young man of high feelings, called patriotism, if the hardworking, durability, discipline, need to have the courage to ask themselves. It is impossible to think that, putting on a military uniform, the guy seems to be freed from all the bad, from the scale of confusion, irresponsibility ...

We have the right to submit the highest requirements for our army. But you should always remember that the army is us ourselves, our flesh and blood and our legends.

Memory is the defense factor. Today's warrior should be the same road feats of Kulikov's warriors and an unprecedented persistence of the heroes of the Elninsky battle, the first Soviet guardsmen. Our memory stores the feats of Panfilovts and defenders of Stalingrad, the unprecedented resistance of Leningraders ...

We all remember. The memory of the feats of grandfathers and fathers is our ideological weapon.

Recall Afghanistan, where all sides of our lives were subjected to the harsh exam. Were there in Afghanistan cases of moral damage among military personnel? I think yes. Any war accompany the crimes, if they are not even a peaceful life from them. Even such a war as the "sacred memory of the twelfth year". The angry order of Kutuzov is known, and not one, directed against the deserters and marauders of the Russian army. But there is a truth of People, which coincides with the artistic, and there is a truth of the "military commercial", the protocol, troops, rear, headquarters, tribunal and hundreds of other private facts, truth and curvators. Even the Lion Tolstoy, by the time of writing "War and the World" already convinced antimylistist who did not even miss the twitching muscles from the Napoleonic poking and a plump neck of Kutuzov, and he did not use shorts, marauders and deserters. He understood that this was not the folk truth about the war. With such a weighted wisdom we write about our army at the time of the tests that have fallen out to her share? Do we are true sons?

The army combines all the mental forces of society, all its layers and ages, all the productive forces of the Motherland. In the depths of consciousness, we silently give her all the best, because we consider the army and the fleet the cleanest, strong and elevated expression of our Fatherland. Others reproach officers into indifference to everything that does not concern their profession, in the fact that they burned out of society. Meanwhile, this happens more often from some kind of professional shyness, which can be referred to their merit. If in the past the officers and treated with prejudice to civilian, then only because it seemed to them that civilians were not enough jealousy to the glory of the Fatherland.

Love for his army, loyalty to her traditions is the most faithful sign of the health of the nation. Attacks on the army always begin when they want to hide and not touch the deeper defects of society. Most often hostility to the army stems from unclean conscience and fear of service and debt.

Our army at any skews of the cassens and autocracy was almost always carrier of noble aspirations. In military textbooks of the whole world, the cadets of various countries comprehend military science on the ideas of the Englishman Henrich Lloyd, Swiss Zhurini and German Clausevitsa - and all three pillar of military thought at different times were fighting officers of the Russian army. Does this happen? Not. It's not by chance that the author of Polionize "Thunder Victory, distribute, having fun, brave Ross" Osip Kozlovsky, who junior officer who escaped from his native Poland, went by a volunteer to the Russian army and immediately - to the attack of Ocakov.

Afghanistan was just forced us to look at himself more stricter, as in combat calibration, to realistically and severely ask yourself, whether we are true to the native tradition, but not to run with the tubs of dirt.

In 1945, the eyewitnesses recalls, Metropolitan Joseph served a prayer for Soviet soldiers who fell over Yugoslavia, in the Cathedral of Belgrade. Suddenly he paused and became intently peering into the crowd. Parishioners were alerted - military alarms still lived in the hearts. He reigned in the church dead silence. Finally, Metropolitan found the look at those who were looking for, and slowly bowed to the belt. A thousandth crowd praying turned around and saw two Soviet officers. So the first heier of the Serbian Orthodox Church expressed his appreciation to the Soviet soldiers-liberators and in their face to all of our people. Russian soldiers did not first pierced through the mountain grinding the Balkans to the help of brothers.

The God of War is the Spirit, the fighting spirit of determination, patience, endurance and integrity. Spirit, they say, buzz where wants. But in battle, he pours into a soldier and acquires a shape, silhouette, aboutsledge of our warrior. We will find out this appearance from orphanage. The ego is the only way in our domestic history, which was different in a familiar modest and charming type of a combat Russian officer. Of all the categories of our citizens in a characteristic, special type only an officer was molded. We may often be unknowingly dissatisfied with our officers, because you used to measure them on a high scale of the Decembrists, Tolstsky Tushina, Bagrationion, Raevsky, Babelae, Nakhimo, Tellage and Roshchi from "Care of Flocks" and hundreds of others. We know from youth, what is he, a Russian officer, and jealously monitor the scale not to be reduced. True, often we tend to forgive a lot, and the officer is almost nothing. Our officer corps passed the Afghanistan exam. The enemies know it, because we are waiting for the most sophisticated, thin and elusive subcoops and the destruction of the name of the Soviet officer, or, as they themselves call, the "image" of the officer, that is, his image.

We are most often talking about the borders, the borders of the Fatherland and his defenders on the day of the border guard. The borders of the state is the topic of nationwide significance and one of the few, in our opinion, deserving constant attention. We are very losing, narrowing the problem of borders to the degree of political and administrative card.

Russia is the only country in the world, which highlighted the most energetic, viable and combat part of their people - Cossacks for protection. And that amazingly, allocated spontaneously. The Cossacks in turn, according to L. Tolstoy, "created Russia", attaching and having mastered the Urals, Siberia and the whole south of Russia. The borders are the concept of naturally historical and for our country a complete special meaning, starting with the Bogati-the-heading of the epic warriors. Unfortunately, these historical parallels never appear in print when it comes to modern border guards, and the relationship between them is obvious.

Border security is not only the struggle with spies and saboteurs. This is the protection of physical health of the people: along the whole southern border of the USSR there are unique anticipated stations, on which obsolete zoologists work, people of rare dedication. They are not only guarded, but when needed, they come to the rescue our neighbors.

The border ward, an anticipated station, customs, which fights the importation of drugs or subversive literature into our country - all of them protect the physical and moral health of the nation. On marine turns, these are watchdog ships. At all borders are captured on capes, banks, vertices, bays, islands and shedding the names of the glorious Russian sailors. On the coastal rocks, crosses and ship bells in memory of the dead suggest that the frontiers are relevant, exciting and daily. We need a new understanding of the border service.

We have already written too much about infinite spaces and inexhaustible wealth. A good owner has no limitless territory. Each span is meant, as Damansky showed.

"Unlimited" conversations caused huge damage to the psyche of young people. Infinity is akin to fault, the fact that it does not have the end and edges, does not fit into consciousness, does not have the outlines, does not have the limits. Infinity is finally akin to permissiveness, it is deprived of quality, national self-consciousness.

Culture and power begin with sensations of borders, from brakes, with imperatives. Without restrictions, without borders, no bans are no good nobility. That's what you need to promote borders, limits and frontiers under any pretext.

Love for the Fatherland and knowledge begin with borders. Not from the outlines on the map, but with the knowledge of borders in their historical perspective, with those victims that were given at the turns.

No people gave so much protection of frontiers, like Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. Even the overall favorite epic hero Ilya Muromets was one of the richiters of the Russian outpost, he is a border.

The same pillar tradition of the Bogatyr Ozada is carried by our sailors in the world ocean and warriors of the ground forces.

In minutes of danger, the people exhibit themselves to the end, and all the secret becomes clear, the resources and hopes of the nation are exposed. Who remembered on November 7, 1941 from the Tribune of the Mausoleum when the enemy was on the threshold? Why a minute of mortal danger did not remember either a string of razin nor Emelyan Pugacheva, but remembered Kuzma minina, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy? .. Here is a fact that gives a reason to develop the goals of the strategy in the promotion of military-patriotic education. In minutes of danger to help, the people call no destroyers (even if the noble seekers are truth), but defenders and creators. Now let's remember how many books, not counting the poems and poems, is dedicated to hein and how much minin. The Savior of the Fatherland Kuzma Minin is not a single book, not a single poem, not a single song.

The experience of the Great Patriotic War showed that the fight against fascism was headed by the Russian people in the Commonwealth with other peoples of our country. The fraternity of the peoples was and remains the platform of our entire ideology. But so that the union is monolithic, it is necessary that the leading people, the avant-garde people were always strong. The enemies know that the fortress of the Soviet Union depends primarily from the fortress of Russians. Therefore, they try to bring the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Russian people. Along the way, try to stun us inventy revolutions: "sexual", "fashionable", "challenge of fathers and children", a pseudomolic revolution, a green revolution, scientific, technical, electronic, etc. All these pseudorevolutions are needed for noise to humiliate a terrible revolution in Stories, for, as East Wisdom says, thief loves a noisy bazaar.

We have succumbed to such an extent to the trick of bourgeois propaganda, which they themselves did not notice how they began to glorify Russian history and culture with some kind of loaf, aspect and paint on his face. Landing step by step, we lose the offensive spirit and willingness to dissolve.

Afghanistan subjected to the most severe check all our cultural installations. Battle days gave rise to a rolling fraternity, but they also dropped as trash everything, which we now fill the leisure of young people. All musical "import", all jazy, rock, disco, like alien scale and foam, slept themselves. What songs demanded fighters? They wanted to listen only to the nanes of their homeland.

The creative activity of the Russian army is from the construction of ancient solid and die-cast damns, from the construction of cities in the Novorossiysk Territory, on the Azov-Mozdok line, laying the military-Georgian road, Chui tract, Transsib to the creation of Bama. We wrote about military builders on the bat in a low voice, deaf and string, and in fact it is a continuation of the Great Tradition. No european power had such a creative army and such a mobility officer corps as we.

What themes can we offer young people?

Taste to discipline. Discipline and nobility. Discipline and honor. Discipline as a manifestation of creative will. Conscious love for discipline. Discipline is an order. The order creates rhythm, and the rhythm gives birth to freedom. Without discipline there is no freedom. The mess is chaos. Chaos is a blowing. The mess is slavery.

The army is discipline. Here, just like when hardening steel, the main thing is not to cross the metal, for this it sometimes is "released."

Our publications should permeate the desire - to highly raise the prestige of the modern officer. Return a self-esteem to the officer, to captivate the youth of the magnitude of the soldiers' debt. The soldier in Russian society has always been surrounded by a special halo. Especially since it is important now when in the Soviet Army for the first time in the history of mankind, the entire officer corps - from the people. But the housing is not an abstract concept. These are living people, sometimes devoid of elementary social security in the sharp problems of life. In order for an officer to fulfill his duty, he must be calm for his personal "rear", for the family. As long as the family lives, live people and the army. While there is a Russian family, there are Russian people. The family perceives, develops and transmits from one generation to another through the millennium spiritual and national memory.

The family trembled a sense of national debt and conscience. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe birthplace-cradles - Lon of my birth and the Fatherland - the nests of my fathers arose from the subsoil of the family, embodying the body and spiritual (Motherland and Fatherland, mother and father), who in Live Unity express the idea of \u200b\u200bthe family. A healthy family hearth will warm and shine all their lives in labor, and in military weekdays. If the health of the people depends on the health of the family, then the defense of the family is the defense of the fatherland, because the protection of the family is the topic of military-patriotic.

Why is the income now in the family more than before the war, and children are smaller? Is the employment of women to blame only? Does not spill the spirit of consumerism in the air, the desire to "live"? To live for myself, and therefore, for your womb, not for the family and the Fatherland. Are there intentionally shouts about difficulties in connection with the upbringing and lack of kindergartens? Isn't it hidden for this whining the unclean conscience? Why lived before the poorer, and had children? Is there a family from three (father, mother, child) ugly family game? If two leave and remains one, it means that the nation is engaged in suicide. We need only a few generations so that it disappears. Leave after one child on the whole world without brothers and sisters, essentially, Syrota, is it not the goal of the game in the family? Here is the range of sobering and continuous issues that should go to the army printing from the room in the room as Nabath. What does this have to do with the army? Straight. There can be no strong powers with a weak family. Fortress of the family is the same defense factor, as well as memory.

This once again reminds us the Gimmler Plan "Ost". This is how the plan of the Nazis looked in the bloodless "peaceful" extermination of the Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples.

"The goal of the German policy regarding the population of Russian territories will be the desire to ensure that the fertility in the Russians held at a much lower level than the Germans ..."

"In these territories, we must consciously pursue a policy aimed at reducing population. With the help of propaganda, first of all in the press, on the radio, in movies, leaflets, brochures, etc., we must persistently inspire the population to have a lot of children - it's bad. It is necessary to emphasize what tremendous material costs requires education of children, how many of this amount can be purchased, what dangers will expose their health to women who have decided to give birth, etc. ".

"At the same time, the contraceptive means should be widely promoted. The use of these tools, like abortion, should not be limited to the greatestly. It is necessary to fully contribute to the expansion of networks producing abortion points. For example, you can organize for these purposes special retraining of midwives and paramedic. The abortions will be more successful, the more confidence will experience the population for us. "

"Of course, abortion production should be allowed to be allowed. There should be no violation of medical ethics in this. "

"Along with the introduction in the health sector of all listed measures, it is impossible to put any obstacles to the divorce. No advantages should be advised - neither cash payments or in addition to earnings or in the form of any privileges. In any case, these advantages should not be any effective. "

"For us, the Germans, it is important to exeve the Russian people to such an extent that he never gains the opportunity to prevent German domination in Europe."

"We can achieve this goal specified by the means ..."

In this treasury-raised doctrine, made by the SS general, there is no nordic warehouse of thinking, but there is knowledge that any nation can be removed from the story of the story, without resorting to the shots, as well as knowledge that the country can be rided to the ground, disturbing its borders.

From the mid-50s, since the time of the Khrushchev rotten "thaw", we remind the ship without the system and the survision service. For more than 30 years, we cultivate the divorces, abortions, childlessness, we already have a million orphans with living mothers, we own ourselves provoking panic rumors about the irreversible decay of the family. In short, we, forgetting about civil principles, about the debt to the past generations, we lost hundreds of millions of children from abortions in the past 30 years, we are without someone else's evil will carry out the Nazis program of the fascists. We go to the shops that department stores are temples, and GUM is a cathedral. The only thing that is enough for that is to look for a scapegoat and engage in a voluptuous demagogue. Did we answer in 40 years on the program "Ost" at least one program of the creation of a family? But without a strong family there is no and can not be a combat-ready army and just a healthy contingent of soldiers.

We use several theses, which leads the Colonel-General D. A. Volkogonov in the book "Psychological War". "There is a deeper strategy - the war in intellectual, psychological weapon" is Hitler. "Four newspapers will be able to cause the enemy more evil than the hundredsmatic army," this is Napoleon. The scale and circulation have changed, now four newspapers can more than a millionth army. How? Disinformation, speaking in Russian, lie.

The French specialist in the theory of psychological war Pierre Nor in his book "Disinformation" argues that there is a "absolute weapon of a subversive war". Polymatot workers would have to make the problem at least an officer family of one of the main components of their work, along with moral and political preparation.

Can we having a million orphans in the country, have only eight Suvorov schools? Is it reasonable to have a fleet in the World Ocean and only one Nakhimovskaya school? Shouldn't our senior military schools have suvorov schools with them? For the Military Medical Academy, for example, it would be a Pirogovsky School. Today, when when entering the Ryazan Airborne School, the competition is more than in theatrical, we do not keep up with the time and inquiries of young people.

In which part of our society, honesty, responsiveness and chivalry are not recommended, but are introduced into the harsh points of the charter? I quote the disciplinary charter, st. 3: "Standing to endure all the burden and deprivation of military service, do not spare your blood and life in the fulfillment of military debt; With dignity and honor to behave outside the arrangement of the part, not allowed and retain others from public order violations, to fully promote the protection of honor and dignity of citizens. " There are words that are forgotten in our consumer time. Dignity and honor.

Life can only bloom in the secured force of being. We are so accustomed to the army, her sacrifice, which not only do not notice, but also consider it possible to grieve towards her. Only a strong, intelligent and good army, which people want to see her, may be the guarantor of the world. When the people are engaged in a peaceful restructuring of their lives, the role of the guards of his work and life increases.

The army is as a ridge of Russian statehood on many centuries ancient Russian Orthodox Church and ancient Slavic writing. Of all the testes, poems and chronicles, all folk aspirations and a folk view of the military expressed the author "Words about the regiment of Igor". The army arose when Belarusians, Ukrainians and Russians were a common people, with a single psychology, speech and thoughts. The army was the only structure in which this unity was preserved, despite the horrors of invasions and disasters.

Never, at any clashes, the Schish did not fight with Don. This covenant, left by the people next generations. When, after the split and especially Petrovsky reforms, the polarization of Russian spiritual culture increased, when the simple people and the tops divided the abyss of misunderstandings and they separated from each other, only the rolling fraternity of the best sons from the people and from the nobles continued to live, despite the skewers, serfdom and bureaucracy. Suvorovskaya, the father's wise tradition lived in the ranks of the troops.

Dostoevsky noticed with bitterness: "Our trouble is that in practice the people rejects us. This is a hindrance; This reason and should we see. We were born in Russia, fed and fled by the works of our native land, fathers and great-grandfathers were Russian origin. But, on trouble, all this is too little in order to get the "our" strongest pronoun from the people.

Most often, this top awards, the people honored the Officers of Suvorovskaya hardening, those who stood with them under the bullets. Today, when for the first time in history, the entire officer corps - from the people and the whole - "our", we must remember that we are all in debt to the army. This is the fact that the army is the flesh from the flesh of the people, and does not give peace to the enemies of our Fatherland.

The tradition of military mobility never ygasala in Russia. More Peter's combat officers easily moved from the army service to a civilian field. In the price of the Guards officers were intelligent, ram, volitional, they knew that they were not only Peter, but also Russia.

"I was happy for me that day when I was injured on the Poltavsky field," said Tatishchev, then the lieutenant of the Azov Dragun Region, he is a wonderful artilleryman, a geographer, a historian, leading a pedigree from the XIV century from Rurikovsky Prince Yuri Ivanovich Smolensky. They were with whom to take an example, smear and "specialists" to leisure were not in price. About Peter Klyuchevsky will say: "He worked like a sailor, dressed and smoked, as a German, drank vodka, like a soldier, swore and fought like a guards officer."

It's time for the wonderful era of restructuring and updating. In this stream, the army is designed to resent himself, to comprehend its place in the renewing society and history, to feel like a ridge and the Sacred Institute of Millennial Statehood, to understand with full responsibility that the more the society in a peaceful creative restructuring is deepened, the more increasing the combat readiness of the Armed Forces as a guarantor of peaceful labor. The task of this army will be able to fulfill if the millennial tradition of the People's Spirit and Culture is true.

Afghanistan set a number of cardinal problems that require a radical restructuring of the upbringing of society and training soldiers. In combat weekdays, the entire load of caskoruzli scholasticics, old forms and methods of raising warriors, the entire state, dogmatic, torn away from life visual agitation, the dry ragship of slogans, cut off exactly on the millennium, the bureaucratic method, even more developed from the statutory liability, has become harmful, heavy And just dangerous. Numerous meetings with warriors say that, in fact, only political upbringing for a long nine years has shown the inability to self-development, self-improvement and updating. Soldiers-youths, sacrificing life away from their homeland, found themselves essentially spiritual orphans.

We are all indebted to the army. We are to blame for her. None of the institute of the state for a thousand years did not bring so many victims to the altar of the fatherland as our military. The path of our troops has always been sacrificial, elevated and modest. What category of women can be today in terms of movements, moving, loneliness, inconveniences are raised next to the wives of our officers?! No. We are indebted and in front of them. We are indebted and in front of the mothers of those killed in Afghanistan, for they could not explain to them that their sons were not in vain that they became one row with the great sons of the Motherland, who fell on the borders of the Fatherland.

We suffer from chronic memory failures. The Afghan residents had heroic and recent predecessors. On the eve of the fascist aggression against the USSR in the sky of China with Japanese invaders, two thousand only volunteers pilots were fought. At the time, this is a huge figure. By 1940, 986 Japanese aircraft were destroyed on Earth and in the air. Then the 5200 Soviet trucks "ZIS-5" went on the Silzian Tract for China's supply. Think, in those years, we would not be able to use these five thousand cars at home?

We helped many. Thousands of mothers did not wait for their sons. Russian fighters continued the sacrificial tradition of the Russian man - do not spare lives for each other. Let it not always been appreciated, even if we were answered with black ungratefulness, but we did not help in the hope of exchanging courtesies, but in order to still keep the honor of the Russian name in the world. This spiritual precious tradition of attenuation and nobility inherited the Soviet army in the face of the best representatives. We will be the keepers of the lights of this thousand-year tradition of Russian steady glory. Here we often use the word "Russian" if only because we all stubbornly called "Russians" abroad. Let's be worthy of this name.

When the Russian valor was perfect and so brightly manifested itself, and foreigners agreed on the consequences of this war and Russian humiliation, as it seemed to them, then the new Chancellor of Russia, Pushkin's lyceum friend, Prince Gorchakov unveiled his memorandum in which he stated that Russia ceases to be interested in European affairs and is indifferent to the international Swad of the predatory powers that Russia turns face to their home, indigenous issues and proceeds to reforms and arrangement of the Russian Earth. Oddly enough for a superficial look, but it was precisely this led yesterday's enemies of Russia into confusion. They would like Russia to continue to interfere in all the treasures of the outside world and spent its resources and attention to it. With anxiety, they were conveyed to each other who became the words from the Mimorandum Gorchakov: "Russia is concentrated."

They have long been realized if Russia turns his face to his land, tomorrow will be truly great and unacceptable for them. They have long thought about the special purpose of Russia and anxiously asked themselves the same Gogol question: "What will this immense expanse prophesate?". There is nothing more relevant today than Karamzin prophecy, sounding as a program:

"For us, Russians, with a soul, one Russia is distinctive, one Russia truly exists; Everything else is only attitude towards her, thought, bringing. You can think, you can dream in Germany, France, Italy, and the case to do the only thing in Russia; or not a citizen, no man; There is only a bunch with a belly. "

Our domestic tradition is when the army lives one life with the people. Why the public wanders, calls on, breeding and updating the monuments of military glory, why is there anything other than the army in this choir of votes? Kazan temple was put on Red Square (opposite the GUM, where until recently there was a public toilet) not anyone, and the National Hero - Dmitry Pozharsky, the head of the Russian troops, and was built in honor of the exile from the limits of the country in 1612 of the intervention. This temple was at the beginning of the 20s at the direction of V. I. Lenin, despite devastation and hunger, was restored, and in 1935 he was demolished. Now it is decided to restore on folk donations. Participated in this movement army? Not. Why does our people's army itself protect and do not restore those monuments that have a direct relation to it? In Moscow, there is not almost a single temple, which would not be timed to the Great Military Victory for Russia's freedom, starting from the Pokrovsky Cathedral (Church of Vasily Blessed). All those who carry shoulder, right up to the police and civilian air fleet, should turn face to native monuments, for the army without historical memory is a broken army. We will never overcome non-stop deformities while we have destroyed monuments until the soldiers are spiritualized by the high idea of \u200b\u200bthe protection of their native heritage.

The word "intellectual" in Russia used to be akin to the word "ascetic" - the one who gives people all of himself and because of all the richer. There is nothing more valuable in humans than life. By nature, according to internal readiness for danger and self-sacrifice, of all kinds of service, the most demanding suction readiness for the feat (from this word and mobility) army and fleet service, that is, those who swear and carry epaulets. According to the plan, the idea and non-discovered practice, the same fate falls on the share of militia. Of those who do not have a pursuit, the closer to daily moving among all categories of citizens are doctors.

We repeat once again: there is no more than that love in the world, who will put his soul "for his other".

The one who is faithful to this commandment is most cultured and intelligent, and not in the military godina, when almost everything is designed, and in peacetime, when fellow citizens, I'm not suspected, collecting mushrooms, resting on the beaches, go to tourists, sing, spend time on Disco or after a working day are collected behind the family table. That is why from all categories of citizens of our Fatherland, the most cultured and intelligent warrior. When society understands this, it means that it is still young, fresh and hard. But when the army becomes hired, bought, then this is a faithful sign, judging by the history, sunset and degradation of society, because the universal military duty makes society solid and organic, despite all visible costs.

Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union S. G. Gorshkov wrote to the "Sea Power of the State", that during the period of the heyday of the society, the fleet acquires active features. This thought is true for land, and for air forces, or, or rather, for the armed forces as a whole. For the best time of Russia, the most inquired and noble forces of the nation were collected in the army. So it was on the sticker field. and in Petrovsky, and in Suvorov times. It is conducted from Svyatoslav and Monomakh. And not at all because of the bumping weapons, the gold of helmets and glitter Epolet, not because of the aesthetic component of life, which was so important for the reactionary romance Konstantin Leontiev, the philosopher, writer, publicist and a military doctor, which has finished the monk of the optical desert. K. Leontyev, who challenged from Dostoevsky right to be in Russian youth by the ruler of the Dum, wrote that the main thought is a military (with all other equal conditions) above the staff according to the role, by appointment, by calling. For all other equal conditions - in it and benefits, and poetry more. It is as simple and true, like the fact that in Lev and Tiger more poetry and greatness than in the will and monkey (even in big, as Gorilla).

So, I repeat: the army is culture. This is not categorical and not a slogan, but a statement that could perhaps differ in the first string of an ancient and beautiful word - the charter.

I repeat, it's not about the fictional army, not about the perfect troops, no. We are talking about our relatives of the Soviet army, what it is today, with all the advantages and ailments and together with the fairly damned unknown relations. But that the picture is not deliberately distorted, the dignity and truth call us to always remember the exciting and sublime stopping relations born among our military youth in the mountains of Afghanistan, when the old-starving, which remained a month or another before dismissal, went to mines and under the bullet Dushmanov, not allowing non-trusted beginners to follow them until they acquire the experience of conducting hostilities with a cunning, well-armed opponent. Do you know anything more decens, touching and enlightened in our lives, full messages about the "Bukhara", "Kazakh" and "Sumgait" affairs, in society, full of cowardly seeds "Naunas" and the illegent rye and teaching us to live Awarded struggles after their foreign warriors, a society, where the venerable people are hard breathing, run for imports, where "Painonos citizens" unload trunkings from their entrances, and Million orphans jeep on maternal affairs with living mothers ...

In this stagnant period - suddenly, like a miracle! - Forgotten "Russian boys" show examples of the highest culture and intelligence in the fire. The army, which gives such soldiers, the people who have built them, the first in history, who created the new community of nations and brought unprecedented victims to the altar of this fraternity, can consider this noble dignity that he deserves this noble lot. That is why the officers who have passed the combat school of spirituality became the Gold Foundation of the Army, and the youth, who returned home after the mountain fights, is undoubtedly the best part of our youth, they are all the same "Russian boys", which the world Dostoevsky has announced. Their presence among us gives us an all moral chance to get out of stagnation of conscience. They would have to be supporting restructuring, creation and updates.

If life is a dialectical and wise balance between constancy and variability, between tradition and innovation, between barrel and leaves, between rooting and reform, then true culture is always and in all cases to constant, tradition, trunk, rootation, culture conservative in a noble sense of this word. Let's not shudder at the same time. If it were abusive, the British, the world's best connoisseurs of political culture, would not be proud of involvement in this word and the concept concluded in it, without which there is no reforms or renewal, nor restructuring. We will remember the words of a wonderful pianist-innovator and the musical thinker Buzoni, who somehow noticed that if there is something as bad in the world as a desire to delay progress, then this is a reckless forcing him.

The best part of the Russian and Soviet officer corps was always true to the Suvorov commandment: "Stripping in shrine, but for constant!". It must be remembered to everyone during the period of restructuring, so as not to shake and not lose sight of the horizon and do not forget that France, despite well-equipped, technically armed forces, was defeated by Germany for forty days. And all because between the two world wars, judging by Memoram de Gaulle and the reviews of contemporaries, was subjected to massive ridiculation, criticism and simply nelvisania from their own printing, and in thousands of different forms.

The people and the army were relaxed and disarmed with this psychological attack. It happened what the Colonel-General D. A. Volkogonov warns when the American psychology specialist quotes in the book "Psychological War", who declares the knowledge that with the help of man disorientation and disinformation "can be done helpless like a breast child: He will not be able to apply his strength. "

Will we take to the West, what did he realize the price of the national shame? Do we at least once with our "Russian happiness", to which another Gleb Uspensky called: "Now it is asked if we know (and our Russian happiness is that all this we can see and know, not briefing yourself By corrupting experience), if we know that such orders are as a result of the undoubted death of society, they have developed (which we know perfectly), why do we lack the ability to such a simple practical truth ... ". Further, the writer calls for a single health care medication, to an honest, open discussion of indigenous community tasks, not afraid of even harsh truth, which one can heal the wounds that cause itself. In a word, he called for publicity for everyone.

Memory has the power of spiritual and there is the main defense factor of Power. In Dopurerovskaya Moscow there was not a single one, as we say, a "cultural monument", which would not be defensive. Even on the city living space, in a close apartment, there is always work with the hands and the mind, and in the estates and is suppressed, because the problem of leisure, if it is invented now for lazy people, then it was not at all. We have conversations, "round tables", printed cries about the demolition and destruction of monuments have become already from the tragic phase to tragicomic. Because "Vaska listens and eats", and the public is spreads. Society for the protection of monuments was created without rights. It can not ban anything, but only hurt. So it will be so far as the cultural monuments will not deal with those who owe them to defend them, those who inherited them from the ancestors and is directly responsible for their conservation.

Dips in historical memory, and even more so atrophy - a terrible disaster for the entire people. Because of them, the nation, how powerful it was neither, spiritually defenseless before external influences, sometimes hostile, loses his face, does not value with its culture and originality and ultimately doomed to disappear.

When it comes to "terrible disaster," it comes, as the monomah told in teaching children, "Magnifier", it became, first of all those who wear epaulets. Memory has always been a male virtue.

Development in the unity of constancy and variability, and the constancy should be three fourth, the same balance of power works under tradition and innovation, history and innovations, base and add-in.

We really see on our ancestors and Zurcha only because we are standing on the shoulders of giants, that is, our grandfathers. At the same time, we betrayed the Testament of Lomonosov, which the whole amount of his reflection as a testament to the descendants left Shuvalov in a letter. The four main sections of this program-prophetic will have never sounded in our print. What are these sections? Here they are.

The first is "about the reproduction and preservation of the Russian people."

The second is "about the extermination of the idleness."

Third - "On the correction of morals on the larger people of the Enlightenment."

Fourth - "On the preservation of military art during a long-term world."

We can safely say that other sections devoted to the development of agriculture, crafts and arts - all this wise testament seemed personally personally to each of us and at the same time there is a guide for secretaries and mayors and all make practical policies.

We forgot the covenants of fathers and in pursuit of chimeras lose children who are not waiting for scholasticity, and warmth and hardness. Schiller, whom we know only as a poet-romance, was from the number of high teachers of the people and the compiler and editor of military charters. He noticed with bitterness even then: "The spirit of abstraction is devouring that the flame, near whom could warm up and ignite fantasy."

Philosophy, family, discipline forgotten because not three quarters fall on the spirit and a quarter to good, but on the contrary. The victory of restructuring will depend on whether we can rebuild these relationships in favor of conscience, discipline, honor, spirit.

Marshals of Napoleon with a sigh remembered the soldiers of his revolutionary adolescence. Then sneakers, dressed, poorly armed and hungry insurgents beat the woven parts of the enemy. Revolutionary battalions on the material part had even a quarter, and tithing. After exhausting transitions, hungry, becoming a bivuac in fruit gardens, did not break off a single fetus, so as not to stain the honor of the liberation army. These soldiers were not consumers before the battles. Life caught them. We think only about leisure for the kids who does not get tired at work, what else to "tackle" him.

We have not frightened to face with the words "Icon", "Virgin", "Prayer". Shining or simplifying this reservoir of spiritual life, we play the arm enemies. We must allocate from such an ancient and serious phenomenon, like religion, speculation, ignorance, salon coquetry and religious politicism incredit. Why get around the church is impossible here? Yes, because the church always and everywhere claims the role of the only keeper of the spiritual and cultural memory of the people. In the past, being the dominant ideology of society, she permeated all state bodies, all rituals and rites both in the army and outside it. Speaking about memory and be referring to the officer, reasonably, it seems, not to leave the military topics from his native topic, and simultaneously touching the current issue of honor of the military uniform and the social role of the officer in society.

There is no more correct sign of the collapse of the moral fastening of society and its historical doomes than the hired army.

Money and sacred debt are incompatible. We have nothing to adopt here from America. We are higher and stronger in spiritual potential. The trainer does not see this. This sphere is alien to him, and it is decisive in the cup of historical scales. The clearest of them all their technology would be happy to give for a small Tolik of this moral strength. Yes, only these values \u200b\u200bwill not buy, because nothing is so agile as much as money.

From the army, they always demanded that it would not intervene in the barren and dismissed political struggle, that it should remain the cleanest expression of the Fatherland himself, for example, by France, which, according to the expression in French society, "dwells forever." Because de Gaulle, having entered into our land, the first thing stated that he brought from the eternal France of Eternal Russia.

In 1813, when Russian shelves, breaking Napoleon, moved to free Germany, Bernadot, the former Marshal Bonaparte, who fought at the head of the Swedish troops against France, and later became the Swedish king, said the Swedes:

Imitate the Russians, nothing is impossible for them.

Today we must recognize with harsh realism that part of young people will not follow Bernadot's call, because she was taught to someone else's songs, they gledged to someone else's clothes, to someone else's thoughts.

Matisse, having arrived in Moscow in 1911, was shocked, seeing Russian icons, said that this is truly folk art. Here the original artist of artistic quest ... Russians do not suspect what artistic wealth they own. Everywhere the same brightness and manifestation of a lot of feelings. Your student youth has here, at home, incomparably the best samples of art ... than abroad. French artists should ride to learn to Russia. Italy in this area gives less. In 1947, Matisse confirmed his attitude towards Russian art, which "arouse the stronger, the more clearer you see that its achievements are supported by the tradition - and the tradition of ancient." Here, however, it will have to fix not only Matisse, but also our art historians, specialists in genre. Rublev did not write icons to delays the aesthetic feeling of their contemporaries and descendants. Our immense self-conceit prevents us from seeing that the "Trinity" of Rublev, according to the chronicler, written, "in order for the obstacle to the holy Trinity, the fear of the hated rosen of this world was concerned." To defeat fear, defeat, stand up, to triumph surrounded by enemies - that's why the silence of Inka, before taking over the brush.

The most honored icons carried in battles as a banner in front of the regiments. The presence in the Borodino battle of the icon of the Smolensk Mother Mother of God encouraged Russian warriors, she stirred them as if in spiritual lats, gave them strength and hardness. The warrior knew more than his childhood from childhood, that Russia was the goet of Our Lady and he fights for her. Each soldier stayed at home mother. The image of his native mother merged with the way homeland. These strongest two sons feelings, sprinkling, gave birth to the image of the Virgin, the mother of all the soldiers who stood in the siele near shoulder to shoulder.

The icon of the Don Town Lady, brought by Dmitry Donskoy, was in the most thick of the battle of the Kulikovsky battle, inspired Russian warriors. She was with the Russian army in the Kazan campaign of Ivan the Terrible.

Nothing inspired warriors - the defenders of Moscow, as exposed on the walls of the honorable icons. After the Kulikovsky battle of George, the patron sieve of all warriors, becomes a symbol of Moscow, only the intercession of the Vladimir Mother of God, the people attributed to the salvation of Rus from Tamerlane, who moved on Russia in 1395 and suddenly turned back. They say he was given the image of the Terrible wife. Well, now we will order us to gently giggle over your ancestors, if they believed that the image of angry Russia could catch out horror even at Tamerlan?

As you can see, the idea of \u200b\u200bchurch actually was rooted in the harsh reality of the people's life, she comforted and spiritualized a thousand years, the Lick of the Mother of God coincided with a collective manner of the mother's Motherland. In a strict liquefy of the Savior, who was taken with him to the hits of Suvorov and Kutuzov (there was not a single commander who would risen to emerge the enemy without a hiking icon), reflected the idea of \u200b\u200bthe highest spiritual instance, which he was obliged to give a report as in the face of conscience. Savior became a collective way of folk conscience.

Today, no person can pass by the problem of preserving cultural monuments, the problem that has long been political. Another leaders of fascism shouted;

"First of all, destroy monuments. Nation without monuments in the second generation will cease to exist. " Memory is the defense factor, as well as any cultural monument. The fact that the enemy would like to destroy first, we must protect primarily. The army, the meaning of the existence of which in the protection of the people, the first should contribute to the protection and preservation and restoration of the monuments of the Fatherland. The reverence of public-historical memory is included in the balance of high combat readiness. Only Vanki without kinship and without memory (for the last firmity is dementia) may think that the temple is only a cultural monument.

Each temple in the war became a warmer, every monastery - warrior.

The fact that there is a cultural monument was the centuries of a hard and shelter for children, old people and women.

As an icon is not an object of art, so the church is not a church cultural structure - in it the focus of the spirituality of the people.

In these temples were buried, baptized and crowned ancestors, they are already one for a sophisticated shrine for her sown feeling.

The conscience of the people in the military environment received alloyed additives from risk, courage, vigilance and male friendship and after the mirroring on the front line poured into the Bulat of Military Honor. Hence the ritual of military greetings. To give the honor - it means to confirm your loyalty to the military fraternity, remember the victims and traditions. Military greeting is the gesture of the highest spiritual equality, because they are exchanged and ordinary with Marshal. The rituals of the army are permeated with a deep meaning, they are all subordinated to one - to strengthen the army to sender, make it a single family.

If the youngest gave the honor, and the elder did not answer, the senior brought his laptian immediately into the destruction of the army. For the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Military Brotherhood turned into the idea of \u200b\u200bHoluzky sinovation. Such cases should be immediately punished. I watched the clock as the military who passed by the graves of an unknown soldier, did not give honor. I consider such phenomena shameful. The uniform and the ritual of military greetings is the only thing that distinguishes the warrior in the crowd of civilians. And every case of an integration is instantly recorded by hundreds of eyes. It is impossible to insult the army so much, how not to give the honor to each other.

Marshal Shaposhnikov in the memoirs tells how in St. Petersburg the army officers in violation of the charter did not post after Tsushima to give honor to sailors - so deep was the wound from defeat and so much meaning the real officer was investing in the ritual of returning the honor.

The appearance of the army primarily depends on the culture of the officer corps, from his readiness to serve, from his passage, from its collens, determination and loyalty of honor. The appearance of a real officer in Russia has always been inseparable with the appearance of the knight.

To form a true officer from the cadet-youth, the life and life of military schools should be arranged by the best traditions of the domestic officer corps. In our power to restore the "library of the officer" of the thirties and forties, return the forgotten democratic standards and the noble traditions of regimental chronicles to the officer meeting. It is impossible to put up so that in the military encyclopedia there were no such officers as Major General Pavel Katrenin and the officers of Pushkin Lyceum release - Generally Danzas, Vladimir Volkhovsky, Admiral Fyodor Matyushkin. Is it possible to call the encyclopedia of the military if the young officer does not find in it a single word about the outstanding figure of 1812 by Vice-Admiral Shishkov, whose appeals ignited Russia? The Lyceum Spirit should be the air of all our military schools, as was Pushkin sometimes.

We must return the people forgotten names, lost the names of the regiments, restore all destroyed monuments of military Russian glory and build new ones. It is time to reciprocal from the barracks and clubs a shuttlecraft, template agitation and routine. This requires the help of the whole society. It is time to create a reputable Council for the program "Army and Culture" to help in the spiritual and moral renewal of the army and fleet, to develop a new cultural strategy.

Education is always classically, always to primarily, to patriotism, to the hardworking and loyalty to the family. Our wonderful historians Tatishchev, Karamzin, Solovyev, Klyuchevsky, Sergeevich, Greeks and others should come to Army Libraries and all military schools. In military schools of any profile, it would be necessary to introduce courses of domestic history and literature, world culture and ethics and the history of military culture. The culture that gives the officer an irresistible charm and attracts soldiers to him.

Attacks on our country and the army have a long history, and there is no reason to hope for their end. But sometimes at the very first hostile attacks or unfair overweight in relation to the army on the faces of our officers, an expression of sorrowful bewilderment appears. Such a condition is not to the face of the face. The army must be prepared for the protection of its dignity printed and orally. There is no best protection in the world than good deals.

On the eve of the revolution, the officers of the General Staff became the initiators of a remarkable movement on the perpetuation of monuments of military glory. They created on the money collected by the Museum of Suvorov in St. Petersburg and many other monuments of stealing glory. The whole country is involved in the perpetuation of the memory of the fallen in battles with fascism. But are we knowing at least one monument created by the army for the last attachment with the depth of historical memory of a hundred or two hundred years, but is about the 300th anniversary of the Russian Fleet? Why does Sukharev Tower not restores the fleet, because with this tower, with a Petro naval school, all the fleet officers are leading in it?

Why does Kazan Cathedral on Red Square not restores the army again - because the Cathedral is built by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army Prince of Pozharski as a monument to the expulsion of the Intervention from the Russian Earth in 1612? Why does the intelligentsia and the fleet say on this occasion? This alienation and breeds in society bewilderment and dislike for the army.

Attacks on our army have, I repeat, long history. The first took the challenge and rebuffed the "slanders of Russia" Pushkin. Do you think the slander began today and only in connection with Afghanistan? Oh no. Following Pushkin, Fedor Tyutchev gave a fight - the nephew of the famous hero of 1812 Osterman-Tolstsgo. In the forties of the last century, a new wave of Russia and its military has gone. Fyodor Tyutchev gave enemies a fight on their territory - he was then on the diplomatic service in Germany. For him, Herzen, Chernyshevsky, Dostoevsky will pick up this relay. When it was a matter of the honor of the Russian military, all party roses disappeared, because the mobilical and sacrificial fate of Russian soldiers and officers were always our common shrine.

Fyodor Tyutchev reminded the Germans that it was the Russian soldiers that in 1813 saved Germany from Napoleonic tyranny and destruction. Then the blood of the Russians merged with the blood of the German fathers and brothers, washed away the shame of Germany and won independence.

Not for the first time on Russians attacked, trying to blur them, it was those who were saved yesterday. In the harsh convoy, Tyutchev remarked: "If you meet the veteran of the Napoleonic army ... Ask who of the opponents with whom he fought in the fields of Europe was the most worthy of respect ... You can put ten against one that Napoleon veteran will call you a Russian soldier. . Come on the departments of France ... and ask the inhabitants ... What a soldier from the enemy's troops constantly showed the greatest humanity, the strictest discipline, the smallest hostility towards civilians ... You can put a hundred against one that you will be called a Russian soldier. "

Where did our warriors arrive in Afghanistan come from? Most of them were put on the uniforms almost immediately after school - they vividly remembered more teachers and class. All of them, who hit the world by courage, are brought up by our so many times a scolded school, they are all recent students. With all the troubles, the family and school managed to preserve and transfer to children the fire of ancient mobility. Now our school has a terrible danger, which she has already experienced in the twenties, when the destructive wave of experiments has undergone, and the children became an object of ill-conceived "discoveries", anarchy and teacher elections. No country in the world did not experiment so much over the past 50 years as the United States. When "innovators" to the ground loosened the American system of enlightenment, they stopped enthusiasts there and came to an honest and courageous conclusion: no experiment has emerged and the old gymnasium with a harsh discipline and the reverence of the elders remains an inaccessible ideal in pedagogy. Pushkin and all Russian intellectuals went through this school.

The battle at the sedan in 1870, according to Bismarck, won the German school teacher. The battle, which changed the fate of Germany and the map of Europe ... The battle at Waterloo was won on the sports fields of ITON - a closed educational institution where the captains of English politics, statehood and economy are preparing. We can directly declare that we won the battle for Stalingrad due to the fact that in the 20s, the "innovative" itch in school was resolutely. Experiments with the election of teachers loosened to the school and destroyed to the foundation of the public enlightenment, which was recognized as the best in the world.

We would not enter Berlin if the children were engaged in only "productive labor", and not arithmetic and history. "To educate - it means to solve fate," Belinsky said, "but not only the fate of one person, but also the powers in general." Do you need fresh trends? Yes. For it does not develop only a dead language. Can the children choose a teacher? This is the death of the school, and as we noticed on Waterloo, Sedan and Stalingrad, not only schools.

Only a society of officers can still judge the healthy about the dignity of a particular member, as it was in the old Russian army. Choose or serve? Rally or learn? Idleness or work? Neither in the army, nor in the third school is not given, because the nobility begins with voluntary obedience - these are the first steps to ministry work and a feat.

The teacher, claimed by F. M. Dostoevsky, is produced by centuries of people's life. The officer is an absolute standard of a teacher who not only tells, but also shows, often at the cost of life. The officer is the highest type of teacher, and it is produced by centuries in ministry, mind and folk experiences. Talking about the selection of teachers and officers must be intolerable as the propaganda of social pornography, for when it comes to the protection of childhood and the fatherland, then the dedicated liberalism is indulging. Children should learn the work only to inquisitive and creative through crafts and creation. Children's enterprises and children's "hostect" - one order with children's oncology. The works of children are not taught by the conveyor. Does this have a relation to the army? Yes. Nothing in the world has a more direct relation to the army than the school. For it come to the army, as if from one school to another. If the initial classes are not mentioned, according to the "Methodology" of Kabalevsky, Glink and dominates the "Methodology" of Nemensky: to learn not to create an image, but to destroy it, if in the same elementary school Mikhalkov and Marshak much more than Pushkin, Lomonosov, and Derzhavin and Zhukovsky will not find, then be sure: "the fate" is not solved "not in the interests of the people and the Power and the dirt of non-vesting relationships is inevitable. In the adolescence of a schoolchildren, the schoolchild is waiting for a devastating and someone else's Rock, and at the time of the man - a dating with a "little faith." Add to this "deficit" and "import", and the set is almost ready - now you can choose an officer in the company or teacher at the university.

Once the interest of the Russian educated society to pedagogy was caused by Articles N. I. Pirogov - the Creator of Military Field Surgery - in the "Maritime Collection". "The best mentors of the country" then worked in the army, teaching military youth. Invaluable merits of military teachers in lifting education in Russia. It did not have the time of the army and the fleet again to turn her face to school for "militarization", not for pigrate, but for bringing to school what the armed forces are on, - health, for the spiritual and physical hardening of the soldier is carried out at school. What is the school today, there will be an army and society tomorrow. The school should not be a platform for reflexes and experiments on children. The vocation of the school is to prepare for life, for weeks, to ministry and work. In learning should be difficult to make it easily in life. It should be difficult, but right. The school can not be revolutionary in any society. The school is conservative in the noble sense of the word, for it accumulates and the best thing that creates people. Society, guarding school, protects childhood from those who have already tried more than once in one fellible to make everyone.

In all memoirs of 1812, you will never meet expressions like "protect our mothers", although many stood under the booth in Borodina in 15-16 years. They said: "We will protect the peace of fathers." Mother is still a shrine that has not been pronounced publicly not across. "Protect fathers," and the father himself knows how to challenge mom, is his lot and duty. When a word is either a word even per minute of danger, it indicates an even greater supply of spiritual strength, talks about mighty reserves, about moral strength. Mother focused - this is the last reserve of a man. Now that the young man does not see men in the school, neither often in the family, almost never, for example, in the song "Afghans", do not hear appeal to your father. Didn't you have "Afghans"?

Do not start taking a bit, slowly, without giving oaths, silently, collected and honestly collect and create a family, as the only hope? And in the family to return to the "bridge" of the Father. Without a family there is no power and no order. "In the sky," say, "God, and in the sea - captain." Add: and in the family - father. Without a father there is no family, as there is no brigade without a brigadier, artelle without a leader, a ship without a captain, units without a commander, at home without a host, and states without chapter. And without respect for the Father there will be no obedience to the commander, respect for the boss, respect to Head of state.

Mother covenant - Live. She gave life. Because the mother will always forgive. In prison, captive, in trouble, hiking - but live!

Father's covenant is a report as you live. Remember Colonel Taras Boulabu? Father's principle is primarily moral. In this unity of love and debt and the innermost secret of the family and the power of society are concluded.

Goethe said somehow: so that the man was just decent in life, he should be heroic in thoughts. Here is a thought full of folk truth. From it, one can develop a whole doctrine of upbringing and lay it on the basis of the nationwide concept of education. If there is a military doctrine from the state, it cannot but be it and in the formation of a person, since the time again made the focus of our first concerns of the frames, which, however, always solved everything. Why did Guete told "to be heroic in thoughts"? Yes, because it is worth a person to be only decent in thoughts, as he will not stand the arts of everyday, somewhere headses, it will donate, sucks his conscience, will give a persuade, slides. To preserve heroic in thoughts, it is necessary to have an image before gaze, the ideal, without which it is not given to anyone. That is why the image and decorated the red corners of the termes and the borders. This image is always seen in the long-grade of Russian overcoat. This battle outfit we carried through the vague and heroic centuries of our story. From the "inaccess of simplicity," as Pushkin would say, and the failure of these warriors - devotees goes to us the saving transfer of loyalty and light.

Lermontov once called the Caucasian Circassian the best combat outfit in the world for men. To the mountain drawing as a clothing-symbol, you can now boldly rank another Russian officer chinel. It is perfect in shape, silhouette and cease, and most importantly, that happens in history rarely, it became after Borodin and Stalingrad National. Her ancient silhouette of the artist will distinguish on the frescoes of an old letter. Even if now all the restless designers of the world will be asked for work, they will not be able to create clothes perfectly and noble than a Russian chinel. "Not enough for something - as Taras Bulba would say, - Mouse them in nature." For this is the robe of the Russian combat partnership, which is rallied in the war with fascism in the Bratsky combat union of Tatars and Georgians, Latvian and Turkmen ...

Why do you like the youth of the most severe kind of armed forces? Youth traction in the school is a great social and moral indicator of the faithful of the people of the native army, the remaining faithful thousand-year tradition - to be the basis of the Patriotic statehood and the national school of patriots. It's not by chance that today there is not a single educational institution in the country, which would be more popular with young people than the Ryazan Airborne School. By the number of applicants in place, it has long left behind all universities and theatrical institutions. The young men live there in the corners, and even along dugouts in the forest in the hope that the vacancy would open and they will appeal. The boys know that the poet wounded in Afghanistan, saying: "You forgive us, the Great Rus, we are clean in front of our people," I expressed the most saving time at all times in Russia, the truth about the mobility purity of the military in long-grained stones with gold flicker on the chains.

"Our contemporary", 1990, №5

Somehow the school had a festive event, which was invited by parents and other relatives. I came ahead of time and ran away, probably at the time when the students, tired of the next lesson, break out of the classes and noisily express their "courtesy" to each other: someone rushed to play the catch-up, someone began to put on running the steps, who He pushed everyone in a row. Only more relaxed in the corners so that they do not interfere with them to chat with each other or call on the phone.

The girls did not lag behind the boys not only in physical entertainment, but also in the expressions of words, including with obscene brave.

But soon everyone was invited to the hall. When the program began to pass the game and the teacher Boyko invited bold disciples to participate in the game, for some reason, there were no bold - among the boys in general, and only two girls voluntarily volunteered to participate in the game. The remaining participants of the teacher had to be called in the face and under the pressure of the desired words ...

And then I remembered one case, witness and the involuntary member of which I became.

Somehow I go through the neighborhood to a friend. Ahead, right on the track, stood five guys, approximately 9-10 skills. They actively discussed their problem, lucually seasoning it with mats. At my approach to them, they completely did not react. Even after my phrase: "What, boys, in Russian words lacking for speech?" - The speech continued in the same spirit.

My friend was not long. Go back on the same path. There are the same guys, but this time they were so passionate about the friendly singing (by the way, quite a decent song) that they did not notice how I approached them. But seeing my approach, they immediately swallowed, and it would be necessary to see them !!! The modesty itself went down from heaven and painted all five grace. Having dropped the head, the guys turned away, drooped and began to wait when I go.

It turned out that they became very ashamed to sing a song with an unfamiliar woman, but to express the necnizur (with the same woman), it was granted.

Well, these are only five boys, but such moments of perverted understanding are good, it is not possible, it is impossible, it is beautiful, ugly, useful, harmful, today are observed everywhere. This perversion reigns everywhere and suffer from both mature people and children. That is, to boost, to silently, for some reason, most is much easier than expressing nobility, gratitude, beauty in your act - to express clean joy (without attributes of vulgarity), pleasant emotions, etc.

Recently it became very noticeable, how do people lose the landmarks that? Such good, and what? Such bad. Boiled, call each other in public transport or in the store, somewhere in the queue, at work or at home is not difficult for many. And on the Internet and more. Sometimes you read someone's comment and think it's good that there is no offender next to, and it's good that you have not come up with, as a distance to split the computer offender. And then would suffer as many !!!

And it is not better to demonstrate to each other not his animals habits and passions, and human, who show how much we can be humane, that is, noble, cultural, easily forgivers and ignorance of others.

Remember, didn't you personally help your nobility in life and wasn't it not pleasant when you were felt from others?

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