The third trimester of pregnancy since the week begins. How should the third trimester of pregnancy be held: whether sex is possible to start 3 trimester since what week

Very often, pregnant women are misleading and cannot understand, 3 trimester begins with some week. Sometimes doubts relate to its duration and occurring events.

How to determine the 3rd trimester of pregnancy?

Very often, future mothers are perplexed, because they do not know, there are several variations, according to which this period falls on different periods.

But the basis of the separation of pregnancy for periods is a single principle. In the first trimester, the fetus begin to form important organs and systems. In the second, he is improving and grows. 6 month of pregnancy completes this trimester, and the woman begins to feel that it will soon become a mother. The first movements and shocks of the child occur in the third trimester. During this period, the baby is preferably gaining a fat mass, its body's system is endowed with important qualities that will be able to provide viability in the first weeks after birth.

Some classifications argue that the beginning of 3 trimester is compared from the 24th week. Others start the countdown of this period from the 26th and even the 28th week.

Now the doctors are very rarely calculating the trimesters, preferring to use only a week to count.

How long does the 3rd trimester last?

The beginning of the generic activity of each woman depends entirely on its body. Some others give birth ahead of time. And all this is customary to be the norm.

No need to forget that the doctors can only approximately determine the term of conception. But be that as it may, from what week 3 trimester begins, still remains an open question. It is important that in the normal period this period lasts at least 12 and not more than 16 weeks.

The final stage of pregnancy should not be completed earlier than the deadline, so it is important to comply with the recommendations of the doctors, often be in the fresh air, balanced and eliminate physical and emotional loads.

Regular consultations at the observant physician will help to quickly get rid of health problems.

What happens in the 3rd trimester?

You already know when 3 trimesters of pregnancy begins, so it's time to talk about what is happening during this period with a future mother. Preceding the final stage of 6 month of pregnancy forms a stable emotional state of a woman. As a rule, appetite preferences remain stable, the likelihood of the development of a depressive state is reduced, increased fatigue.

An important stage of the last trimester is a care for maternity leave. By this time, a woman becomes harder to fulfill the usual work, so she should relax more.

After the onset of the third trimester, future mothers begin to actively add kilograms. During this period, it is necessary to accurately carefully follow their own power, because the excess fat will be laid out both in a woman and the baby.

The big weight of the child can significantly complicate childbirth, and sometimes it is to cause cesarean section. Also, excess weight is often the cause of the expansion of veins and hypertension.

Third trimester: Processes occurring in the female organism

At the beginning of this period, the distance from the bottom of the uterus to the navel is 2-3 cm. Gradually, the uterus begins to press the internal organs of the female organism and move them up. As a result, the movements of the diaphragm are disturbed, there is a sense of discomfort under the ribs, difficulty breathing and

At this time, the woman recruits weekly for 400. Closer to the end of the 7th month, future mothers are first faced with which most often proceeds painlessly. The big belly can cause insomnia, so it is better to immediately try to sleep on the side.

Signs that can detect pregnant during this period:

· Strengthening;

· Problems of the digestive system;

· Spriage stretching at the bottom of the abdomen, pain syndrome;

· Selection of breast colostrum;

· Vomiting and nausea;

· Training bouts;

· CFR seizures;

· Active fetal behavior;

· Cumbucing television.

Food in 3 trimester pregnancy

On this time, it's more important to eat right. Experts say that balanced food at times reduces the likelihood of the development of gestosis. Each future mother is able to follow the rules that will help her and the child.

In the diet, you need to include lean fish and meat, but these products should not have in the evening. It is not necessary to forget about chocolate, nuts, citrus, sharp, acidic, fried dishes, conservation.

But nutrition in the 3 trimester should not be limited. You should not lean on sweet and flour dishes, you should give preference to vegetables and croups. The fiber, which is contained in these categories of products, will help to normalize digestion and will give a sense of satiety for a long time.

Norms during this period

During the future mother, there is a lot of procedures that allow to monitor the state of the fetus and the level of its development, including ultrasound. 3 Trimester is the final, and this study is very important. Ultrasound diagnostics is a way to detect severe disorders of the development of the fetus, it is carried out in a complex with surrendering of hormone tests.

Targets of the third planning screening

Examine in the womb helps ultrasound. 3 Trimester is a difficult period in pregnancy, so it is so important to progress and determine the knowledge strategy in advance to be used.

The ultrasound study of the fetus allows you to clarify its anatomical indicators: approximate weight, dimensions, compliance with the current stage of pregnancy. It is important not only to know, from what week 3 trimester begins, but also to fix the vices, infections that have not been detected earlier.

Screening in the last trimester provides data on the changes that occurred in the cerebral cortex. In addition, this procedure is used to measure the volume of spindlewater waters and eliminating possible complications in the process of childbirth.

It is very important to take timely surveys appointed by the attending doctor. Systemativity is not a whim of a doctor, but a vital necessity for both a pregnant woman and for the baby. Stressful situations and poor state of ecology are unfavorable external conditions that adversely affect the health of future mothers and their children.

The deviation of water volumes can talk about significant changes in the anatomy of a developing child. Ultrasound examination is also a chance to discover complications that may prevent natural childbirth. We are talking about the development of neoplasms, the insolvency of the cervix.

A pregnant woman must first think about the child, so it is so important to eat correctly, not worrying and undergoing procedures appointed by the doctor.

Sometimes it is difficult to figure it out for pregnant women, from what week 3 trimesters of pregnancy begins and how much it will continue. There is nothing complicated here, but inexperienced future mothers may be required to clarify.

How to conduct calculations

It may seem difficult to clearly understand when it starts the third trimester of pregnancy and what time it will last. This is because the beginning of it in accordance with accepted classifications can accounted for different dates, depending on which classification uses the lead pregnancy gynecologist.

The whole term of pregnancy is not separated precisely on equal parts. The separation is carried out depending on the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy as follows:

  1. First trimester. During this time, the formation of systems and an embryo organs occurs.
  2. Second trimester. The stubborn embryo is now called the fruit that continues to grow and develop.
  3. Third trimester. The child is gaining mass.

While the third trimester of pregnancy lasts, the child is mainly engaged in the fact that he saves subcutaneous fat. In addition to the usual fat that everyone has, the special is still inserted - the brown, which the child will spend in the first few days after birth.

Thanks to this stock, the baby will get the heat that he needs, and nutrients. Such fat is accumulated in the field of blades. In the same period, organs will be improved, the systems of the child's body are strengthened.

For example, the breathing system of the baby, although formed by this moment completely, is not perfect. If it happens that the birth of a child will have to begin trimester, it will introduce special drugs that will not allow easy to stick.

The immune system during this period also did not have time to form until the end, so the child's body is easily amenable to a variety of infections.

How do calculations do during pregnancy

According to approximate calculations, the first of the trimesters usually make up the first three months of pregnancy. The following three is the second trimester. The third is the remaining months. If you perform calculations for weeks, it turns out a little differently, but you will not go outside the limits of one month.

Since some week, you can consider the third trimester, if you do not count the months? Many of the classifications consider it since the twenty-fourth week, in other versions - twenty-sixth or even twenty-eighth weeks.

But it should be borne in mind that the doctors usually calculate the term of pregnancy using the concept of the week. As for such categories of calculation, as a month and trimester, they are used much less often. Therefore, when clarifying trimester, it is better to navigate the classification that the gynecologist is used, leading pregnancy.

What is the difference between this period from others

The demarcation of pregnancy for periods is carried out because there is a difference in the approach to certain moments of pregnancy. This makes it possible to carefully monitor the state of the future mother. For example, if the lady happened to get sick in the first months after it became pregnant, it is possible to avoid reception of drugs. But during the third trimester of pregnancy, everything is somewhat simpler - the placenta is able to fully function and protect the child's body from unnecessary substances and harmful microorganisms.

For a variety of procedures that should be carried out during pregnancy, the division of trimesters is also important. The doctor will be easier and more convenient to work with the determination of the state of the woman and the appointments of drugs or procedures.

Women's condition in the last weeks of pregnancy

When the last trimester of pregnancy begins, the woman is time to gather on maternity leave. At this time, she has already added a lot of weight, the tummy is quite big, it moves harder, sitting or standing is inconvenient. At this stage, more time must be given to rest and sleep. It's time to be completely given to work, it's time to forget.

At the end of pregnancy, a woman is gaining a lot of weight. It should be careful about its diet, when moving, not only the future mother will recover, but the baby will get a lot of weight, and this seriously complicates childbirth. Mom has excess weights often cause hypertension, varicose veins. Sex in the third trimester becomes painful for many theme. It is necessary to get the consultation of the gynecologist, leading pregnancy.

How much trimester will last

Women are not only interested when the last trimester of pregnancy should begin, but also when it is over.

Dates for each pregnant woman is individual, it must be remembered. Sometimes the childbirth comes a little earlier than it should be, sometimes a pregnancy is transferred for a couple of weeks. It does not go beyond the norm. Moment of conception in most cases is determined approximately, so it is impossible to conclude with complete confidence, which day, the baby will appear. With ordinary pregnancy in 40 weeks, the last trimester can be 16-12 weeks.

Sometimes childbirth begins ahead of time. To avoid this, it is necessary to comply with some important rules. This is primarily control over physical and emotional loads. Secondly, it is necessary to comply with the regime and attentive attitude to its own power. It is important to attend a doctor regularly. For the slightest complications, the doctor will be able to notice the problem and prescribe treatment.

A child in this period is increasingly growing and adds in weight. He is improved by hearing and vision organs. The mother from the increasing load, the back pain is rapidly, training contractions appear, the uterus can put pressure on the nerve endings, therefore it is important to constantly observe the doctor. If necessary, a woman will put in a hospital in a timely manner, where with the help of medical procedures will stabilize its condition.

This is really a difficult period, and the difficulties of the day of the day are only increasing. It is at this time that gestosis may develop, late toxicosis, which is manifested by trouble with pressure and frequent edema.

Certificate and chronic diseases, complications of breathing, heartburn can be manifested. In this period, the doctor in particular gravity of the state can assign a woman to stimulate premature birth if it should save the situation with her health.

Pregnancy - an important period in the life of every woman. What happens at this stage? How long does the 3 trimester begins? How to develop a menu? We will answer all these questions in our article.

Pregnancy and its current

Becoming Mom is a big responsibility. It is for this reason that the appearance of the first child causes a huge number of questions. How to protect yourself? What can be used to develop a child normally?

It is worth noting that such issues with the second pregnancy does not arise. An experienced woman already knows what and how to do so that the baby be born is healthy.

There are several main stages of pregnancy:

  • 1st trimester;
  • 2nd trimester;
  • 3rd trimester.

Thus, the entire service life of the child is clearly divided into trimesters. Before determining, from what week 3 trimesters begins, we will discuss the first two.

First trimester of pregnancy

As a rule, not every future mother knows the exact time and day of the child's conception. It is for this reason that the first trimester for each woman doctors consider special care. This will allow not to miss important events in the development of the fetus.

The first trimester begins with the 1st week and lasts until the 13th. It is considered the shortest, although for some women it stretches for quite a long time. This fact is due to subjective sensations and changes in psyche. The body of the future mother during this period is adapted to a new state.

Note. In the early period of pregnancy, the woman is extremely careful about its body.

And it is right, because not only emotional bursts appear, but also other mental states. They also observe unusual they can be painful, because the egg cell is already beginning to grow, and the fruit in it is to develop. There may be tingling at the bottom of the abdomen. All this is considered normal to a certain degree of pain syndrome, especially at an early stage of pregnancy.

Important. If painful sensations in the abdomen are observed, doctors recommend to make a physical examination.

This will help identify various pathology of pregnancy and eliminate them. During the course of the first trimester, a woman should regain into the clinic. As a rule, the production begins with the 4th week.

Features of the first trimester

During this period, the origin of the baby occurs and the initial development of the baby. Fertilized egg movement moves in the uterine pipes. In the uterus it turns out to be 7-8 days after conception. Then the active formation of the embryo begins. By the end of the third week, the size of the future child is 2 mm. On the fourth - a heartbeat listens to the embryo.

On the sixth week, the rigids of the nervous and digestive systems are formed. Also during this period, the initial elements of the brain begin to develop. At the eighth week, the baby already appears limbs, head and licho.

Note. At this stage of the development of the child, doctors recommend to pass overall analyzes and do ultrasound. This will allow you to identify various deviations in the development of the fetus and to eliminate them in a timely manner.

The ninth week is the development of kidneys. Already on the 12-13th weeks, the kid actively flexs and extension his limbs.

Dangerous periods of this trimester - 8-12 weeks. If the placenta has a woman does not develop, the fruit may die. To prevent these irreversible consequences, you must constantly observe the doctor. Now such a deviation in the body of a woman is perfectly treated with medicines.

Second trimester

It is considered the most interesting stage of pregnancy. How long does the 3 trimester begins? If the second trimester begins from 14 weeks and ends the 25th, then it is from the last point of the reference that you can prepare for childbirth. On 26 weeks and the last trimester begins.

During this period, a woman has a swelling of the mammary glands. In some cases, pain syndromes in the abdomen are observed. It is determined by the fact that the child is stably and correctly developing, and the uterus increases in size. So that it fit, the internal organs are slid slightly.

Council. With any pain syndromes, you need to seek advice from the doctor.

On the second trimester, you can already unmistakably determine the floor of the future child. The fruit begins to move that sometimes it gives a lot of trouble. Especially at night.

The baby receives all the necessary vitamins, enzymes and food from mothers. It is now that a woman begins to use much more food. It should be borne in mind that a normal weight gain during pregnancy is 8-12 kg. Sometimes it can reach 14 kg. It all depends on the physique of a woman and its body.

Features of the second trimester

This period can also pass with the development of various pathologies, both placenta and baby. Sometimes there is a discharge, pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen. To avoid negative consequences, you need to immediately consult a doctor.

Third trimester

At this time, the woman's body is effectively preparing for generic activities. How long does the 3 trimester begins? From the 25th week you can already count the days before the toddler appears. The end of the 3rd trimester is the 42nd week.

By the 27th week, the baby's weight is about 1 kg, and the height is 35 cm. When a woman already has 28-29 weeks of pregnancy, the child is effectively gaining a mass, he appears subcutaneous fat. You can forget about a calm dream, because the baby is actively moving.

Dangerous weeks during pregnancy in 3 trimester

If the development of the fetus proceeds normally, it is not worth afraid of something. Especially under the supervision of an experienced physician. Despite this, it is worth being vigilant, since a new dangerous period is 28-29 weeks of pregnancy. It can last until the 32nd week. It all depends on the characteristics of the female organism.

The doctor must assess the state of the placenta and the intrauterine development of the fetus. This can be done with the help of ultrasound. If there are some deviations, prescribed medication treatment. It will not hurt the child and help keep pregnancy.

It is worth noting that at this stage in some cases premature labor is observed. The child can already survive, especially with the qualified help of doctors.

Power supply during pregnancy

To properly compile a diet of the future mother, it is necessary to clearly know when pregnancy trimesters begin and ends (the table is given above).

In the first trimester, the diet of a pregnant woman is no different from the usual. It is necessary to comply with some recommendations that will help to avoid toxicosis.

In the daily diet, you need to include green salads with vegetable oil. It is also necessary to use fish that is rich in phosphorus and other minerals. It is necessary to ensure your body with iodine, vitamin C and folic acid. They contribute to the proper development of the fetus at an early stage.

Coffee is better to exclude from the diet, as it helps to increase the pressure. It is better to drink green tea, but also in limited quantities - up to 3 cups per day.

Important. The use of citrus, exotic fruits and berries should be minimized, as they are potential allergens.

Menu - 3 trimester of pregnancy:

  • vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins;
  • special vitamin complexes based on folic acid;
  • minerals - iodine, calcium;
  • vegetarian dishes;
  • boiled poultry and fish meat;
  • non-fat meat broths;
  • bakery products in limited quantity.

Do not forget about the use of liquid. It is better to limit its number to 1-1.5 liters, since the kidneys are already servicing the body not only by the future mother, but also the baby. You need to try so that the child be born healthy.

Often in future mothers, a confusion occurs when counting the period of pregnancy, especially when it comes to trimesters. Under this temporary gap, it is customary to understand 3 calendar months. However, most often the duration of gestation is considered in the so-called obstetric months. The last from the calendar is distinguished by the fact that there are exactly 4 weeks. Let's focus in more detail on the features of the term counting and give an answer to the question of how long the 3 trimester of pregnancy begins, which precedes childbirth.

How long does the entire period of gestation last?

Before you call the time when 3 trimesters of pregnancy begins, consider the whole process of gestation for weeks.

So, according to all the pregnancy in the norm lasts 280 days. At the same time, the starting day of the last day of menstruation is served to start the reference of this time segment. For greater convenience and the correctness of the counting, obstetrics usually divide the entire pregnancy on trimesters.

The first trimester, or as it is also called early fetal, starts directly from conception and lasts up to 13 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, there is an implantation of a fetal egg in the endometrium, which is actually talking about the beginning of pregnancy. The period itself is characterized, first of all, the formation of axial organs and systems of the future kid.

The second trimester originates from 14 weeks and ends 27. It is characterized by the ripening and the growth of already formed organs.

If we talk about whether 3 trimesters begins with how many weeks, then this is 28 weeks of gestation. This time segment is characterized by a significant increase in the already formed child. He ends with childbirth, which is normal to the gestational process.

What changes are the 3 trimester of pregnancy at Mom and the kid?

Having understood when, or rather, how many weeks the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins, let us give a brief description of this temporary period.

Every day the child grows, which leads to an increase in the standing height of the bottom of the uterus. For example, on the 28th week, this parameter is 29-30 cm, and already at 36 weeks 37 cm. That is why the future mother is quite often it becomes difficult to breathe, shortness of breath, which is enhanced after exercise, for example, after lifting the stairs.

Also, it is also impossible not to say about training fights, which at this time are marked increasingly (can be fixed up to 10 times a day). At the same time, the woman should know exactly how to properly distinguish them from the birth, because There is always a likelihood of premature labor.

As for the kid himself, on this term, all systems and organs are formed, and are actively functioning. Except, perhaps, only the respiratory system, which begins to work with the advent of the baby to the light.

Lungs before birth are in non-collected state. In order for this to happen, since 20 weeks it begins to synthesize such a substance as a surfactant, which prevents the alvetol decline. It is worth noting that this system matures only by the 36 week of gestation. Therefore, the appearance of the baby to the light of the previously specified period may be accompanied by a violation of the respiratory system.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, 3 trimesters of pregnancy is no less responsible than 2 previous ones. At this time, the future mother should actively prepare for the upcoming generic process and strictly follow the instructions of the doctor. If a woman noticed something strange, there was pain in the lower abdomen, - it is necessary to report this to the doctor.

The third trimester of pregnancy is a fruit, or later fetal, lasts from 29 to 40 weeks. This is a trimester, which is characterized by the preparation of the mother and the child to the upcoming birth, the final intrauterine, the formation of organs and systems to the extent that it is necessary to go to the surrounding world. The rest of the formation processes, and growth will occur outside the maternal womb, and so that these processes go through normally, in the perinatal period, development should be carried out by normal course. This period requires compliance with the requirements for a pregnant woman, and medical control.

In the third trimester, a woman must attend women's advice weekly and undergo a planned inspection. In the perfect version, a weekly visit to the doctor throughout the continuation of the toal process, but if everything proceeds normally and without visible negative signs, visits to consultation may not be so frequent. By 37-38 week, not only appears more time due to decorated maternity leave, but also the preparation for childbirth is launched, which should be under strict control. The change in the hormonal background, which happens by virtue of the natural course of events, during which the prevailing ends, and estrogens come into force, which begin to actively synthesize, as soon as the baby reaches a certain degree of readiness for life outside. Estrogen determine several processes at once:

  • the tone of the uterus increases;
  • training fights begin to appear;
  • the cervix ripens and shortens;
  • the cervical channel is opened;
  • departed mucosa;
  • the formation of generic dominants, the state, when all thoughts and aspirations are directed to the early birth of the child.

When estrogens reach the peak of their concentration, the fruit stimulates the production of prostaglandins in the parent organism, which becomes the start to start the delivery process. In addition to measuring blood pressure, weight, the base height of the uterus, diagnostic palpation in order to determine the tone of the uterus and auscultation of the fetus using a stethoscope, the future feeger is inspected for the presence of hidden edema in order to identify gestosis, which also happens in healthy women. The main goal of listening to the fleet is to define its heartbeat.

Analyzes in the third trimester of pregnancy

During this period, an exchange card is issued, which will be needed in the future, first of all, upon admission to the hospital. For registration of the exchange card, the following tests will be necessary:

  • once every 6 weeks - smear from the vagina;
  • biochemical blood test (blood test on HIV antibodies, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, which are surreated every half months over the past 2 months of trimester;
  • triple screening, in which an ultrasound, cardiotocogram, doppler and biochemical studies in the case of certain contraindications, or diagnosed violations;
  • to identify hidden inflammation processes;
  • every 2 weeks analysis of urine for monitoring the state of the kidneys and the absence of pathological processes in the body.

All these analyzes must be supplied, because on their basis, and on the results of visual inspection, palp and listening, the doctor may not only be a common clinical picture of the latter trimester, but also take measures if necessary, or the appearance of pathology, to state not only The preparedness of the body to childbirth, but also to reliably determine the time when childbirth will be held. Modern technologies allow not only to pass 3D / 4D-ultrasound, on which the child can be seen in motion in a volume of visual image, but also get a disk with a memory record.

Signs of frozen pregnancy in the third trimester

Future mothers at the very beginning of pregnancy often feel fear, hearing from all parties on the participation of cases of frozen pregnancy. Often it goes into obsessive thought.

Permanent monitoring with the help of data of laboratory research will make it possible to make the impression on how normally the fetus becomes normally, and whether its state corresponds to the parameters that in the averaged value indicates the norm on all components. The inconsistency of the sizes of the uterus is the deadline for pregnancy, the cessation of the palpitations of the fetus and the general negative feelings of strong ailment. To identify them and need planned surveys. Pregnant woman itself should also be alert, constantly tracking his condition and at first negative observations, she should immediately contact the doctor.

Pregnant State in the Third Trimester

In the third trimester, it is difficult to predict a possible scenario for the development of events. In some women, it is no longer growing in this period, and the placement of the fetus is due to the pelvic capacity. In small and thin, on the contrary, increases. The body of some pregnant women adds in weight, despite strict control and diet, more than the entire period of pregnancy, ku others, on the contrary, the weight is reduced. Because the body gets rid of excess fluid, rebuilding during the preparation process.

The process of activity of the body is purposefully directed towards the implementation of a single goal, it begins to decrease the placenta and the natural consequence of this becomes the launch of the respective hormones. The uterus in the last weeks of pregnancy tightly covers the fetus, whose adrenal glands begin to highlight the stress hormone, which contributes to the emergence of generic dominants, which is not only stimulated, but also pushing to the launch mechanism. A kind of barrier fence female organism from external response factors, a hormone produced by a pituitary gland (), stimulates preparatory activities.

In the third trimester, a woman's pelvic bones are spread, the cervix becomes elasticity, blood circulation becomes more active, training contractions appear. In this period, under the pressure of the increasing uterus and the growing fetus, the woman may experience pain in the back and lower back, and sometimes in the lower extremities, if the blood vessels are attached, it can progress the hemorrhoids, the process of defecation, the pressure on the bladder leads to more frequent urination, And the worsening work of the kidneys is to lead to the appearance of edema. A rather large percentage of pregnant women develop varicose veins, the danger of thrombing, other vascular pathologies occurs. All this is especially true of those who have already had unsuccessful pregnancies, or feminine after 35 years. The increased weight and size of the fetus lead to fast fatigue, a reduction in motor activity, and a large belly prevents leaving, tie up shoes and perform other familiar actions.

Nausea in the third trimester of pregnancy

Nausea in the third trimester, according to representatives of certain medical circles, may be a consequence of natural processes occurring in the body and be the same normal concomitant feature, as well as similar phenomena in the first trimester. However, the view is more common that nausea during this period becomes a sign of any negative diseases present in the body. If a pregnant woman regularly passes from the attending physician, and gives all the necessary analyzes, then she should certainly inform his doctor about a similar phenomenon.

In any case, the third trimester requires margin of marginal attention to the state of his health, and the indispensable notification of the doctor about the pathological condition. The reason must necessarily be revealed and eliminated in order for its action does not affect the fetus negatively. It should not be forgotten that nausea is a sign of certain kidney problems, which is very dangerous before future childbirth, and in the process of their flow.

Pain in the third trimester of pregnancy

Pain in the third trimester can wear both temporary and spastic character, and every women faces with this. It may be back pain and lower back due to the load on the spine, the abdominal pain caused by problems in the operation of the digestive tract, which is usually caused by the pressure of the fetus on the intestine. Pain can manifest itself during the removal of mucosa, or training fights that appear sometimes several weeks before delivery. Many doctors consider the main reason - hormonal dysfunction that implies an increase in the level of men's hormones. Women are most often faced with such problems long before conception. Hormonal dysfunction can provoke a frasonal pregnancy. If pain occurs, it is necessary to immediately apply to the hospital for survey.

If pain sensations are accompanied by long, unbearable attacks and bleeding, it may be a threat of interrupting pregnancy, or premature birth, if the term of normal delivery has not yet approached. In this case, it is necessary to call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital, where or will help calm down and dying pain, or help, or put on saving.

Selection in the third trimester of pregnancy

The pregnant woman in the norm should be pretended. This is a consequence of natural processes occurring in the body, therefore, if there is no selection, or they are very scarce, you should consult on this topic with your doctor. The consistency and volume of the whitely allocated, when the date of delivery is changed, they become more liquid and increase in volume. And this is also a normal process. During this period, brown discharge may appear, indicating the adjacent placenta, or reddish, which speak about the loss of blood vessels of the uterus. The appearance of yellow or green mucus and does not indicate pathogenic processes with which it is necessary to immediately contact the doctor.

Cold in the third trimester of pregnancy

Cool during this period - the phenomenon is extremely undesirable. Future mother must carefully follow their health. Dressed warmer in the winter season and avoid drafts and air conditioners in the heat. In any case, the reception of medicines at such a late period is extremely undesirable, therefore the treatment is carried out by proven folk remedies in the form of herbal teas, medicinal brazers, throat rinsing and other ways. It should be cautious to use raspberries, lemon and citrus, because they are potential allergens.

Temperature in the third trimester of pregnancy

Temperature in the third trimester 37-37.4 degrees may be the norm in some cases. A minor increase can be due to an elevated level in the body, or general changes in the hormonal background, the natural flow of pregnancy. The high temperature, without visible reasons in the form of a cold, serves as the basis for immediate appeal to the doctor, since it indicates the presence of an acute inflammatory process.


Power supply during pregnancy should be the most complete, balanced and ensure all the necessary nutritional components for full. If there are certain pathologies, a therapeutic diet is appointed, which must certainly be coordinated with a nutritionist, and meet the goals of its destination. In the normal option, the optimal will be fractional power to small portions, with careful chewing of food, not carrying the nature of redundancy, but also in no case forcing the body is hungry.

The size and weight of the fetus in the third trimester

The size and weight of the fetus is calculated by various formulas and depend on various individual indicators. 2 kg and 4 may be the norm, depending on many factors, such as the growth and weight of parents.

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