A program of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children with disabilities "ABC health". Educational portal for classes for children with OVD

Nazarenko Oksana Ivanovna


Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children with disabilities through the use of modern health-saving technologies in extracurricular time.

Mathematic teacher



The problem of education of a healthy generation is currently important. Disappointing statistics data indicate that a long time is a tendency to deteriorate the health of children of all ages. Psychology-practitioners noted the violation of the emotional and personal development of students, growing aggressiveness and cruelty in their relationship with other children and adults. These negative phenomena are interconnected and due to many economic and social reasons, as well as lifestyle. Against the background of the complex economic conditions of our time, health problem is particularly acute. That is why I teach my pupils to realize myself as part of nature and understand the responsibility of society for the state of your health. The relevance of the topic chosen by me is the generally accepted fact that health is the basic need of a person, and human health determines the way of life. In the organizing boarding schoolVIII. I am working as a teacher of 13 years. The contingent of my class students make up children with a clinical diagnosis of Oligophrenia with many concomitant health violations. Everyone wants to see children healthy and happy. But how to make the child live in Lada with himself, with the world surrounding, with people? The secret of this harmony is simple: a healthy lifestyle. It includes and maintaining physical health, and the desire to assist those who need it and the absence of bad habits. I believe that the result of my work with the children of oligophrenami is the awareness of the positive impact of compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene, the meaning of sports for the creative and life success of a person, awareness of the danger of bad habits for life and health.

Purpose my activity is to provide a pupil sustainable motivation for a healthy lifestyle, the development of behavioral skills and responsible attitude to their own health and its conservation.

Tasks : Promote the development of the ability to determine their health status through emotional and physical sensations; awaken in children interest in the physiology of the body and the relationship of the basic functions of some systems, such as digestion, breathing, musculoskeletal system, vision, etc.; promote the development of ideas about what is useful and harmful to the body; Create conditions for the development of a conscious attitude to their behavior and activities in the aspect of a healthy lifestyle, the sustainability of healthy behavioral skills and some ways to self-help, self-correction and self-improvement.

Leading Pedagogical Experience Idea

The leading pedagogical idea of \u200b\u200bexperience is to study modern health-saving technologies used in extracurricular time in a correctional school, as a means aimed at creating knowledge, skills and skills about a healthy lifestyle in children with disabilities.

Range of experience

The range of experience is represented by the author's didactic system of work as an educator for the formation of knowledge, skills and skills of a healthy lifestyle in younger students as a result of using modern health-saving technologies in extracurricular time in a correctional school.

Novelty of experience

Novelty of experience is to create a system for the use of health-saving technologies in extracurricular time in junior class of correctional school to increase the health of children with disabilities.

Outstanding teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "Health care is the most important work of the educator." Their cognitive activity, knowledge strength, belief in their strength and opportunities and spiritual life as a whole depends on the health and cheerfulness of our younger generation. The idea of \u200b\u200bforming a healthy lifestyle is reflected in many modern methodological guides: the program G. K. Zaitseva "Health Lessons", E. A. Strebelieva and E. A. Eyukanova "Technology, strengthening health, in the training system of correctional and educational special pre-school institutions ", The educational program" Know your body ", developed by the American Health Fund, Methodical Guide" Know yourself "M. L. Lazareva, etc.

Working on this problem, I decided that it was necessary to systematize all methods and techniques for the formation of the head and developed the work program "I am healthy"

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is a holistic process covering all aspects of the development of a child in the system of its relations with its inner world, with nature and society. The child's health is formed under the influence of a combination of social, economic, natural and genetic factors. In the process of its work, I take into account that the child's health has four components:

physical - creates the basis for posture, coordination of movements, growth, weight, mobility;

somatic - justifies the formation, development and operation of all organism systems, its internal organs;

spiritual - includes the moral potential of a person, ensures the essential component of his life;

mental - ensures the integrity of the perception of the surrounding reality and the adequacy of reactions to its items and phenomena, as well as the attitude of a person to himself and to others. The complexity of solving all the tasks set is that my pupils are mentally retarded children. They have a persistent, irreversible violation, mostly cognitive sphere, resulting from organic lesion of the cortex of a brain having a diffuse (spilled) character. A characteristic feature of the defect with mental retardation is a violation of higher mental functions. Violation of the reflection and regulation of behavior and activity is expressed in violation of cognitive processes. Emotionally suffer - volitional sphere, motility, personality as a whole. Children are lagging behind in the development of normally developing peers, later begin to walk, speak, in a later dates are mastered by the skills of self-service. They are awkwards, physically weak, often sick. They are little interested in others: they do not investigate items, do not seek to learn about them in adults, indifferent to the processes and phenomena occurring in nature and social life. By the end of the preschool age, their active dictionary is poor. Phrases are single. Children cannot convey elementary connected content. Passive dictionary is also significantly less in volume than normal. They do not understand the designs with denial, instructions consisting of two or three words, even at school age it is difficult to maintain a conversation, as they are not always well understood by the questions of the interlocutor. Communication of children with normally developing peers is difficult: they are not taken into the game, as they do not know how to play. They become rejected in the peer environment and are forced to play with children who are much younger than them.

The main directions of my work are:

study of the health of students;

admission to a healthy lifestyle;

development of motor abilities;

extension of the horizon;

education of the culture of communication, the formation of moral and volitional qualities;

Organization of physical education and health and preventive measures. Studying the health status of students consists in close contact with the work of the medical service. When a child arrives at school, I study his medical care card, where the physical and mental parameters of its health are reflected. And throughout the child's child, the school leads to the fulfillment of the recommendations of doctors. I spend parent meetings, as well as individual conversations with parents. Together with the social teacher, we regularly attend the family of their pupils in order to examine their housing and living conditions. Organize with children Diverse classes This: conversation, didactic game, healthtime minutes, creative and business games, performance games, a set of exercises, communication with nature, which contributes to the expansion of the horizon, education of the culture of communication, the formation of moral and volitional qualities. My job includes not only physical, but also spiritual health. With younger school age, I teach children of love for yourself, to people, to life. Only a person living in harmony with himself and the world will be really healthy. Conversations that I spend with my pupils include issues of hygiene, nutrition, hardening, man structure; Questions related to factors that strengthen and destroy health. In one conversation, one or several directions may be affected. Without the subsection "Food and Health" I spend in the dining room. During these classes, teaching children the rules of good tone, forming and fixing the principles of healthy nutrition, teaching the table serving. The theory is fixed with the practice during the duty of students on the dining room. In class, pupils receive knowledge about what our health depends, self-improvement skills acquire. Given the low level of physical development in this contingent of students, I pay great attention to the upbringing of the need for exercise, the development of individual physical education technologies, the formation of responsibility for their health, the development of sanitary skills to automatism and special attention - the use of psychoactive substances. I have been engaged in the development of motor abilities of children from the first class. I spend morning exercises; During self-preparations and conversations - Phys. minutes; Moving games during walks; sports watch; Days of health, etc. In healthy minutes, include a complex of physical exercise and relaxation exercises, which allows you to give certain knowledge and form skills and skills necessary to every pupil to strengthen your health, relieving fatigue, finding calm. I make an emphasis to create conditions for the formation of the transfer of the assimilated skill and the associated submission from the educational situation in everyday life. The method of work is in the direction of personal-oriented interaction with children. Each of my occupation contains cognitive material corresponding to the age and psychophysical features of children with intelligence impaired, and combines practical tasks (training, wellness minutes, etc.) necessary for the development of the child's skill. In the elementary classes, the content of classes I filled with game and fabulous plots, characters. The introduction of the game in the occupation allowed to maintain the specifics of younger school age.

In the end, all classes bring joy to children, a sense of satisfaction, understanding the importance of studying this direction. It is impossible to raise a child without a personal example. Only a personal example gives rise in children with impaired intellect sincere interest. You can not talk about good attitude to others and at the same time be angry, irritated, you can not talk about proper nutrition and at the same time jump out from the table, there is standing. It is impossible to talk about the dangers of certain products and at the same time use them in food itself. You can not talk about the benefits of sports, but to avoid it yourself. I am engaged in fitness, attend the pool and participate in all sports compets passing in the walls of our school.

Summing up your work, I want to note that all children of my group visit various creative associations and sports sections.

Natalia Yastrebova
Formation in children with a positive attitude to their health and healthy lifestyle

State budgetary General education

Establishment of the Krasnodar Region

School boarding school St-tsy Nikolaev



Educator GBOU

boarding schools

sT-TSI Nikolaev

Yastrebova N. V.


« Formation in children with a positive attitude to their health and healthy lifestyle».

goal: contribute forming the motivation of children to a healthy lifestyle and their responsible behavior of preservation and strengthening his health.


- Form Schoolchildren have conviction as necessary healthy lifestyle(use of free time with benefit for health, compliance with the day mode, negative development relations To such bad habits, like smoking, drunkenness, drug addiction, self-medication).

Development of U. children leadership qualities and skills independently work with peers for the promotion of the head.

Education of the sense of responsibility for the state his health, Possibilities of love for physical education and sports.

"Purchase health - courage,

And skillfully dispose of them - art "

Francois Volter.

Health - one of the important components of the holistic development of a person who characterizes it viability In the unity of physical and mental characteristics.

As part of the modernization of the system education One of the main tasks is to upbringing students, providing the necessary informationallowing to save and strengthen health, formation hygienic skills, norms and rules healthy lifestyle, belief in the need to save his health. Assistance from schoolchildren responsibility for their own health and health surrounding.

Most childrenentering special correction schools possess "Bouquet" Different diseases are nervously - mental disorders, violation of motor skills and coordination of movement, scoliosis, decrease in hearing acuteness and vision, caries, etc.

These negative phenomena are interconnected and interdepended by many economic and social reasons, as well as way of life. The considerable percentage of students with limited intelligence lives in disadvantaged families, where they do not receive not only full nutrition, the skills of the culture of behavior, but even the elementary concepts about healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle - one of the topical topics of our time, more and more people, schoolchildren with new technologies, large loads, are incorrect lifestyle. In the 21st century, a large number of books devoted to these issues are published and reprinted. And only laziness can prevent the modern person to find the right one. information about Tomhow important it is to eat right, moving lifestyleObserve hygiene.

Problem forming a healthy lifestyle Not fully received in the special literature detailed theoretical and methodological development. In my opinion, formation of values In the special system education And the upbringing should turn on:

Determination of goal and objectives;

Interdisciplinary approach to consideration of substantive material on values health and healthy lifestyle;

Accounting of national and regional features as an important part of the content of material about health;

Activation of objective and practical activities children on the assimilation and assignment of the principles of a healthy lifestyle;

A prerequisite for the pedagogical process is its positive emotional background. Modern pedagogy claims that the unbearable no kids. Purpose formation of the values \u200b\u200bof health and healthy lifestyle Pupils with limited development opportunities can be considered the training of each child ways to maintain and save health, upbringing and development children based on health-saving knowledge, skills and skills as well formation Emotional-value relationships to your health and health of other people. This goal will contribute to the main goal of learning and education - to achieve every student as possible independence and independence.

I as an educator of 3 groups, I organize the most optimal for your children Educational process.

Planned classes in formation of a healthy lifestyle divided into three blok:

"Basics health and healthy lifestyle» .

"Do not harm yourself"

"The world of each soul".

In the first block, I included those lessons that are directed to formation in children needs in a healthy lifestyle, formation moral beliefs.

Classes for the prevention of colds, intestinal infections, injuries, sunshine, etc., which will help to avoid trouble. In the classroom of this block, we organized workshops on the application of the knowledge gained knowledge, and also constituted the rules together in case of injury or sunshine, as well as rules on how to catch a cold and not catch any infection.

Practical work in this area will allow children well adapt to independent life outside the school walls. Lessons "Window to the world around. Protection of Vision », "Travel sandwich, take care of the teeth", "Our internal pump" Expand knowledge children On the structure and functions of human organs. Knowing how the body is arranged, children will be able to understand it better and if necessary seek help to a doctor.

Outcome: The guys actively participated in the practical work: Drew pictures, released wall newspaper, communicated with honey. school employee.

In the second block, the topics of classes, which are aimed at preventing drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco, on formation of a negative attitude towards bad habits.

These are such classes: "About bad habits can not be silent", "Harmful habit or illness", "Artificial Paradise", "Do not allow my soul to scold ...", "Drink or not to drink - to be or not to be!"

For greater persuasiveness of the destructive influence of these habits, I do not simply bring examples, and I find pictures, videos, presentations and other means that act on the emotional side of the person. Attract children To compile memos about the dangers of smoking and alcoholism.

Outcome: At the final lesson on this block: "Once again about bad habits"Guys understood for themselves that harmful habits can lead to trouble, they also released wall newsnets, made memo, painted drawings.

The third block provides forming a positive attitude to oneself, the need for self-development, formation of the experience of moral relations with the surrounding world, development of the spiritual sphere of personality. So how are u children Motivation and level of self-esteem reduced with OVD, it is necessary to show the child, what he can express himself and reinforce this, creating a situation of success. I use gaming classes for this purpose, where the child can fully show itself. This is a quiz "Language of streets and roads", a game "Motion rules know as a multiplication table", outdoor games "Cheerful starts", competition competition "Tightening - not benissed!" and etc.

Outcome: During quiz, classes, conversations in this block, students learned to express their opinion, as well as listen to the opinions of others.

Output: As a result of my work, it did the conclusion that children during the discussion come to the conclusion that health - This is one of the most important values \u200b\u200bof human life, It is given to man as a priceless gift, it cannot be bought, so it is more expensive than wealth.

And in conclusion, I would like to tell you the parable of the butterfly.

In ancient times, there was one sage, to which people came for advice. He helped everyone, people trusted him and very respected his age, life experience and wisdom. And once one envious man decided to overlook the sage in the presence of many people.

The envious and the singers came up with a whole plan as it to do: "I will catch the butterfly and in closed palms I will bring the sage, then I will ask him how he thinks, live in my hand in my hands or dead. If the sage says that live, I'm samba tight palm, I will give the butterfly and, open the hand, I will say that our great sage was wrong. If the sage says that the butterfly is dead, I will open the palm, the butterfly will fly away and unharmed and say that our great sage was mistaken. " So did the envious, caught the butterfly and went to the sage. When he asked the sage, what his own butterfly in his palms, sage replied: "All in your hands".

So we will want - we can get into a series of problems, difficulties, hopelessness, but we want to paint our a life Bright paints of joy and meaning.

Take care of their health Must every person. The main thing is to want to be healthy!


1. Education and training children With developmental impairment. J. No. 6, 2001.

2. Amosov N. Healthy lifestyle // Education of schoolchildren. 1994. №2-3.

3. Alexandrov V. How to live long healthy and young // Education of schoolchildren. 1992. "2-5.

4. Tikhvinsky S. B. The role of physical education in health teenager. - M., 1988.

Man is the highest product of the earthly nature.

Man is the most complicated and the finest system. But in order to enjoy

treasures of nature, man must

be healthy, strong and smart.

I.P. Pavlov

The preservation and strengthening of children's health is one of the main strategic tasks of the country. It is governed and ensured by such regulatory documents as the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education.

The deterioration of the health of children, adolescents and young people of Russia is due to the socio-economic crisis, a decrease in living standards, disadvantages in health care and the internal causes of the education system.

In accordance with this, one of the key areas of modern education is to preserve and strengthen the health of the younger generation, the development and implementation of the health of saving technologies. The most important condition for the formation of a healthy lifestyle is a saturated, interesting and fascinating school life.

According to the GEF of primary general education, the system of forming a healthy and safe lifestyle culture in general educational institutions should be a comprehensive program for the formation of knowledge, installations, personal landmarks and behaviors that ensure the preservation and strengthening of the physical, psychological and social health of students on the initial general education levels as one Of the value components that contribute to the cognitive and emotional development of the child, the achievement of the planned results of the development of the main educational program of primary general education. The standard is focused on the formation of the primary characteristics of the elementary school graduate, one of which requires the upbringing of the study, performing the rules of healthy and safe for himself and the surrounding lifestyle.

The purpose of the modern school is to prepare children for life ... to life in the world, full of a huge amount of information. Information for schoolchildren and teachers at the present stage is increasingly realized as an important pedagogical resource. The requirements of modern reality are becoming increasingly obvious to use educational information, mining it, perceive, analyze, broadcast. Of course, every educated person today is not enough books and textbooks, it needs - computer literacy and experience in practical use of computers. Lessons should be different in high intensity and require highly concentration and voltage of strength from students. Therefore, the teacher should always remember the health of schoolchildren, about creating such conditions that would provide high performance for children throughout the lesson would allow them to avoid overwork.

in the physical plane - health allows him to cope with the training load, the child can overcome fatigue; -

socially - he is sociable, sociable; -

in the emotional plan - the child is balanced, is able to surprise and admire; -

in intellectual plan - the student shows good mental abilities; -

in a moral plan - he recognizes basic universal values.

Naturally, the pedagogical community is increasingly aware that the teacher can do for a schoolboy in terms of preserving health more than the doctor.

But for this, the primary school teacher needs to learn the health of saving educational technologies, allowing to work so as not to damage the health of their students and also in their lessons, and in the general work program.

What is the health of saving educational technologies? Under the health of saving educational technologies in an extended sense, we understand all the technologies whose use in the educational process goes to the health of students. If the health of the saving educational technologies to communicate with a narrower health of the saving task with a narrower health, then pedagogical techniques, methods, technologies that do not apply directly or indirect harm to the health of students will provide them with safe conditions of stay, learning in the educational process. The term health of the saving educational technologies (zod) can be viewed both as a qualitative characteristic of any educational technology, its "health safety certificate", and as a combination of those principles, techniques, methods of pedagogical work, which complement traditional teaching and education technologies, give them a sign of health saving.

Recently, the worsening of students' health becomes increasingly

14% of children are practically healthy,

50% have functional deviations,

35-40% Chronic diseases.

3 times - the pathology of the digestion and the urogenital system,

5 times - a violation of posture,

4 times - neuropsychic disorders.

In recent years, the number of low-speed children has increased 20 times.

Every year, more than 35% of young people are not able to bear military service for medical records.

By the end of the occupation deteriorates the well-being of students, many to prepare homework spend more than 2.5-3 hours,

More than 60% of the guys cannot immediately fall asleep, which indicates the nervous overwork.

About 1/3 of first-graders can be absolutely healthy and optimally adapted, in the already 6th grade the number of such students is reduced to 22.

In our school 78 students 35 of which are disabled. C1 in 5 class 12 disabled. Children are very complex, many cerebral palsy. In vision - 2 people, musculoskeletal system 2 people, epilepsy-1 person, have a general underdevelopment of speech - 6 people.

"Caring for human health, especially the child's health - ... This is, above all, care for the harmonious completeness of all physical and spiritual forces, and the crown of this harmony is the joy of creativity." V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases or physical defects. Health is physical, mental, social, moral and spiritual.

Functions of health-saving technologies.

Forming: carried out on the basis of biological and social laws of the formation of a person.

informative-communicative: ensures broadcast experience of conducting a healthy lifestyle.

diagnostic: lies in monitoring student development based on prognostic control.

adaptive: upbringing among the studies of the direction of healthy creativity.

reflexive: lies in rethinking preceding personal experience.

integrative: unites people's experience.

Types of technology.

Saving health (preventive vaccinations, motor activity, vitaminization, organization of healthy nutrition)

Wellness (physical training, physiotherapy, aromotherapy, hardening, gymnastics, massage, phytotherapy, artherapy)

Health teaching technology (including the appropriate topics in the objects of the general education cycle)

Education of health culture (optional student development classes, extracurricular and out-of-school events, festivals, competitions, etc.)

The requirements of the GEF are presented to the activities of the teacher, serious requirements for the conservation of children's health.

A number of performance indicators of the modern lesson are distinguished:

the logic of studying the educational material corresponds to the logic of presenting the material in the textbook;

the possibilities of a differentiated approach to the weakly speaker and most prepared disciples are used;

the norms of pedagogical ethics are observed;

the rate of lesson is optimal for this collective children;

for the course of the lesson, the optimal change for this class of activities;

the hygienic conditions of educational labor are observed;

conditions have been created to form business communication skills and to activate children; The didactic task of the lesson is solved.

Teacher in organizing and conducting a lesson must be considered

1) The situation and hygienic conditions in the classroom: temperature and freshness of air, the rationality of class lighting and boards, the presence \\ absence of monotone, unpleasant sound stimuli;

2) Number of activities: survey of students, letter, reading, listening, story, viewing of visual aids, answers to questions, solving examples (norm 4-7 types for lesson; frequent shifts of one activity other requires additional adaptation efforts from students);

3) the average duration and frequency of alternation of various types of training activities (approximate norm 7-10);

4) The number of types of teaching: verbal, visual, audiovisual, independent work (no less than three);

5) alternation of types of teaching (no longer later than in 10-15 minutes);

6) the place and duration of the TSO application (in accordance with the hygienic standards), the teacher's ability to use them as the possibility of initiating discussion;

7) In addition to these methods, the teacher needs to be included in the lessons of physical investigators. Norma for 10-15 minutes of lesson of P1 minutes from 3-light exercises with 3 repetitions of each:

Exercises for the formation of posture ;

Exercises for foot

Relaxation of hand brushes;

Massage of fingers hands;

Respiratory gymnastics, exercises aimed at developing rational breathing;

Warning eye fatigue and. etc.

Fizkultminthki affect brain activity, activate the cardiovascular and respiratory system, improve the blood supply to the internal organs, the performance of the nervous system.

When conducting physical attacks, the teacher needs to take into account the following requirements: -

They must be diverse; -

Held at the initial stage of fatigue;

Preference to give exercises for tired muscle groups.

8) It is necessary to follow the proper landing of the student at the desk:

the length of the chair's seat must match the baby's thigh length.

the height of the legs of the chair should be equal to the length of the shin.

ankle, knee, hip joints at seats form a straight corner.

between the edge of the table and the chest of the seated student, it is necessary to withstand the distance equal to the width of the baby's brush ..

the distance from the eyes to the table (notebook, books) corresponds to 30-35 cm.

the notebook when writing should lie on the table at an angle of 30 degrees

At least two times a year of students sitting on extreme rows, they change places without disturbing the compliance of furniture to their growth.

9) It is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the furniture and its labeling.

ten). In the equipment of training premises, the following sizes and distances in centimeters are observed:

From the standpoint of the health of the savings, the teacher should work on an increase in learning motivation.

Any lesson to finish:

"Throwing out" fatigue

- "face wash" with warmth closely brought to the face of hands;


Thus, the use of health-saving technologies plays a big role in the life of each student, it allows you to easier and more successfully master the necessary knowledge in the lesson, overcome the difficulties, achieve the goals and tasks of training.

The GEF NOO speaks of extracurricular activities, which is organized in the directions of personality development (sports and wellness, spiritual and moral, social, general, general, general cultural), including through such forms, as excursions, circles, sections, competitions. Thus, it is necessary to create conditions for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle through the organization of lessons and extracurricular activities.

In order for the habit of a healthy lifestyle to be the norm and need, a complex has been developed for extracurricular activities to form a healthy lifestyle.

In 1 and 2 "B" Classroom there is a course on extracurricular health savings "Movable games", "Planet Health".

The purpose of the complex: the creation of favorable conditions that ensure the possibility of conservation of health; the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and skills that contribute to maintaining a healthy lifestyle; The use of knowledge gained in practice in order to improve their own health.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle of a child based on the health of saving technologies should be a priority in the activities of the teacher working with children of younger school age.

For students with ABS, the violation of higher mental functions (attention, memory, perceptions, sensations, cognitive processes), low level of clearance, performance, high level of fatigue. For a long time the leading activity for them is the game. In most of them, along with the weakly pronounced organic insufficiency of the central nervous system or the signs of its functional immaturity, there is a general somatic weakness, the presence of diseases of various organs and organism systems. These children constitute a risk group for health and neuropsychic development, which affect the level of successful learning activities of this category of schoolchildren - its low indicators. For success in learning activities, health improvements, they need specially organized training and education. The formation of ideas and skills of a healthy lifestyle in younger students in specially organized conditions is one of the possible ways to improve their somatic, psychological state of health, and at the same time improving the success in learning activities.

The formation of the skills of the head is based on the principles characteristic of the characteristics of students with ABS: the principle of a systemic, integrated approach (work should be carried out constantly, in a complex with all school services and interaction with parents); The principle of accessibility and visibility. In the course of the development of ideas and skills of a healthy lifestyle, preference is better to give simple methods and techniques: games, cooling hours, days of health, practical exercises, conversations, reading, drawing, observation:

conversations (teachers, health workers, parents and legal representatives);

work with a book (reading and discussion);

events, Holidays Health

cool clock ("What is health?", "Path to Health", "Tips of Dr. Aibolit");

contests: drawings, posters

practical classes for hair care, nails, teeth, care for clothing and shoes;

discussion of situations "And if you do not wash your hands?", "Wearing the weather";

obzh and PDD classes;

Autumn excursion to the forest.

health lessons ("Eyes - windows into the world", "Beautiful teeth - a beautiful smile")

Health Day, Sports and Health Game "Znainka", participation in the ecological quest "Green Planet".

games, competitions, using knowledge of traffic rules, personal hygiene ("Visiting Moydodyra", "Lightforward");

Conversations are a very necessary form of children's work. Their circle can be the widest and first of all to address the problems, the most exciting children, for example, the prevention of bad habits. Another direction is the "ABC of Health": themes of hygiene, healthy behavioral habits, rational nutrition, prevention of fatigue through motor activity.

To create optimal conditions for a healthy lifestyle, we are conducting fizminutki, dynamic pauses that help to remove signs of fatigue in children. It is joy and an emotional rise, and not just satisfaction from properly made movements correspond to the needs of a growing organism. As a result of the use of physical attachments, we contribute to comprehensive, harmonious physical and mental development, the formation of the necessary skills, coordination of movements, dexterity.

During physical attacks, unexpected funny situations arise. it

causes sincere laughter in children. A relaxed fun atmosphere is a powerful therapeutic factor.

we carry out gymnastics for hands - we form a fine motility of your fingertips,

Respiratory Expirations - Preparation of the speech apparatus to the lesson.

To satisfy the motor needs of students throughout the school day, first of all, I definitely spend the morning charge before the start of lessons, which helps schoolchildren to actively turn on in the morning, brings up volitional qualities of character.

Thus, all work on health savings is aimed at achieving the following results:

The knowledge gained allows children to understand why they need to take care of their health, comply with the rules of a healthy lifestyle;

Children will be able to evaluate their regime in terms of compliance with the requirements of a healthy lifestyle and adjust inconsistencies;

Children will learn to manage their behavior in various situations, avoiding conflicts with others;

Children will receive knowledge and skills associated with the prevention of possible admission to foaming substances will learn how to refuse proposals that are considered dangerous.

The use of health-saving technologies in the educational process allows not only to avoid reducing the state of health, but also contributes to the development of cognitive processes, improving the performance, creative activity of students.

    Build your lessons according to the requirements of GEF from the health of the savings.

    Observe hygienic conditions in the class, according to Sanpina.

    It is more common to spend talks with school's health workers on the topic of zozh.

    Teach children with elementary receptions of a call, through cool clock.

    Elementary school for the next year to propose to work on the project "Preservation of children's health with ABS".

    Create a creative festival at school dedicated to preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren on which to conduct sports competitions, a drawing contest, setting a fairy tale on the topic of zozh.

Fizkultminthka. They are carried out at each lesson during self-preparation when children are tested in children. In middle classes at the 20th minute of the lesson. As it approaches older school and, accordingly, an increase in the volume of learning loads, the motor activity of students is significantly reduced, the time for rest and restoration of the body is reduced. Therefore, the holding of physical attacks in the middle of the lesson is also recommended for senior schoolchildren.

Requirements for physical attacks.

    Complexes are selected depending on the type of lesson, its content. Exercises should be diverse, since the monotony reduces interest in them, and therefore their effectiveness.

    Fizkultminutki must be carried out at the initial stage of fatigue, exercise performing with strong fatigue does not give the desired result. It is important to ensure a positive emotional attitude.

    Preferences need to be exercised for tired muscle groups.

    For each class, it is necessary to work out 2-3 conditional verbal behavioral signs, allowing faster and more efficiently to switch schoolchildren to another mode of activity.

It is joy and an emotional rise, and not just satisfaction from properly made movements correspond to the needs of a growing organism. As a result of the use of physical attachments, we contribute to comprehensive, harmonious physical and mental development, the formation of the necessary skills, coordination of movements, dexterity.

During physical attacks, unexpected funny situations arise. It causes sincere laughter in children. A relaxed fun atmosphere is a powerful therapeutic factor.

It is important to know the functional nature of physical attacks.

Fizkultpauses and physical attacks are mandatory for students of all classes. Distinguish shortened and full physical attacks.

The shortened consists of one exercise (rhythmic compressing and squeezing of fingers, shocking of brushes, etc.) and is used during written works in the first classes.

Full consists of one exercise type of sipping, 2-3 exercises for hands, legs and torso. Its content is based on the following scheme:

a) straightening the body with the movement with hands and breathing exercises;

b) hand exercises (rubbing and shaking with brushes, lifting and lowering hands, etc.);

c) exercises for the body (tilting, turns);

d) foot exercises (squats, rings, lifting and lowering legs).

Fizkultminutki I-IV classes are conducted 3-4 times during the day, and in V-XI - 2-3 times. Each exercise is repeated 4-6 times. In younger classes, organizes and conducts a physical attachment teacher, and in the V-XI classes of Fizorg class, starting from the second lesson, 20-30 minutes after its start.

The complex is performed by students in the aisles between the parties and, as an exception, standing, or sitting in the workplaces, in a wrapped room. Every 2-3 weeks, the exercises of the complex are replaced with new, previously destroyed in the lessons of physical culture. At the dual lessons, a physical assemblusion is carried out lasting 5-10 minutes. Its content is determined by the functional state of the body of students, as well as the characteristics of educational or production activities.

Fizkultpauses are satisfying the following conditions:

a) the exercise execution mode should not repeat the regime of employment;

b) the larger the physical activity, the more exercises for relaxation;

c) exercises should be selected so that the main load lay on the muscles, not participating in labor activity;

d) with a minor fatigue of students in the complex include mainly dynamic exercises with elements of relaxation, with severe fatigue - to relax working muscles;

e) the pace of execution must match the usual;

Fizkultpause complex can be compiled as follows:

a) walking on the spot with the movements of the hands;

b) exercises in pulling;

c) swelling or running on the spot;

d) slopes or turns of the body;

d) squats, falls back and forth, to the sides;

e) multi-way movements with hands up, on the parties, in a circle;

g) exercises to relax the muscles of the hands and body;

h) walking in place with tasks to attention.

During physical attacks, the following errors are possible:

Selection of exercises without taking into account the type of activity in this lesson;

An increase or decrease in exercise duration;

Perform movements with insufficient amplitude of movements.

In the process of mastering the skill of letters, the schoolboy writes not with hand, but "all the body." The muscles of the child supporting the pose and participating in the letter are in a state of motor statistical stress. For TOG To remove excessive statistical stress, we carry out dynamic exercises on the relaxation of various muscle groups (neck, shoulder belt, limbs, housing) on \u200b\u200bphysical investigators. These exercises are simple and effective, so we perform them in the class, in the Fizkultminthka program.

Most often tired eyes. Overwork or unusual load are often the cause of headaches. To relax the eye it is useful to look at green color.

Exercises of special respiratory gymnastics .
Exercise 1.

Calmly breathe through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Repeat 4 times.

Exercise 2.

Hands on the knees; Divide your arms to the sides - on the breath, put your hands on your knees - I exhale. Repeat 4 times.

Exercise 3.

Legs on the width of the shoulders; Raise your hands up - on the breath, lean down, get to the floor, straighten up. Repeat 4 times.

Exercise 4.

Hands before breasts; Make two jerk elbows back; Divide your arms to the sides. Repeat 6 years

Exercise 5.

Try to breathe through the nose, on the exhale, say the sound of S. repeated 6 times.

Exercise 6.

Fingers on ribers; On the breath - expand the chest to the sides, to exhale - squeeze the chest and straighten. Repeat 4 times.

Exercise 7.

Fingers hands to shoulders; With right knee, get the left elbow and vice versa. Repeat 6 times.

Exercise 8.

Having climbed onto the back of the chair, hold the seat, straighten your feet. In this position, inhale, the movement of the "bike" kicks - in exhalation. Repeat 6 times.

Exercise 9.

Hands on the knees; Divide your arms to the sides - on a breath, hug yourself and straighten up - to exhale. Repeat 4 times.

Exercise 10.

Hands on shoulders; Make circular movements with elbows at the expense of 4 - three times in each direction. Repeat 4 times.

Exercise 11.

Try to breathe through the nose, in exhalation, say the sound of S.

Repeat 6 times.

In perspective:

    Conduct special correction classes for children with impaired posture and flatfoot.

    In-depth medical examinations with a comprehensive health assessment.

    Organization of paid training sections (rhythm).

    Organization of classes in health groups, taking into account the individual approach separately for girls and boys.

1. Creative work.

1.1. Competition "Healthy Class"

You can declare in your school competition for the most healthy class. Participation in it takes the entire class, the class teacher, as well as parents.

The competition is held throughout the academic year (from September to May).

Participation in the class teams is assessed by members of the jury, which includes representatives of the administration, teachers, students, parents. The jury uses the following evaluation criteria:

    participation of class in local sports and recreational events;

    attracting parents to work on promoting a healthy lifestyle;

    skipping lessons for illness (points for each student);

    organizing the class of extracurricular sports and recreation cases for students of other classes;

    the release of sanitary ballots, health sheets in which a healthy lifestyle is promoted;

    organization of campaigns, excursions, walks;

    participation in sports sections, circles (tourist, dance, etc.).

    organization in the class of daily morning charging;

    the presence of harmful habits in students (points for each student are deducted).

1.2. School health festival

In your school a creative evening festival dedicated to the preservation of schoolchildren's health, which can perform agitbrigada; Spend mini competitions "Fun starts", mini-competition of poems about health, make a fairy tale on the topic "Healthy Food". Invite parents, other teachers.

1.3. Exhibition of Posters and Slogans

Organize with children the exhibition of posters and slogans on the topic "Healthy Lifestyle", spend propaganda among your school students, class.

2. Research work

2.1. Characteristic of morbidity

Learning the dynamics of morbidity. The incidence reflects the number of all diseases in these school students. You can characterize a separate age group.

For example, the incidence of 8th grade MOU SOSH ___


Number of


number of missed days for illness per year

the number of ill children

number of not ill children

medical Group

1-2 times a year

times a year

5-6 times a year

over 7 times a year




2.2. Characteristics of social living conditions

Indicators are obtained by questioning or oral polling of class (school students) about the number and composition of family, housing conditions and family income. The age and social composition is estimated, the incomes of the soul of family members and living conditions.

2.3. Monitoring the physical development of students

One of the important indicators of health is the physical development of a person. First of all, it is estimated using anthropometry at the state of the musculoskeletal system. Anthropometric studies include measuring the body lengths (height), body weight (weight), the circumference of the chest and the determination of anthropometric indicators of physical development (dynamometry - milling force, muscular strength of the hands; Little life capacity).

3. Practical work

As practical activities to improve the health status of schoolchildren are invited to organize an initiative group in your school. "Patrol of Health". This group includes school students, teachers, parents, administration. "Health patrol" coordinates all the work aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of students of your school, organizes and conducts shares "Stop drug!", "Enough smoking", "Health is your choice", etc.

GKOU CO "Yekaterinburg Children's House No. 5", Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region.

Permyakova E.V., Gaponenkova TS Formation of a healthy lifestyle culture in preschool children with disabilities with disabilities in orphanage // Sovice. 2015. N1..2015.N1.00014.HTML (Date of handling: 07/07/2019).

Health- One of the main values \u200b\u200bin the life of a person and occupies the highest level in the hierarchy of human needs. It should be noted that the implementation of intellectual, moral and spiritual, physical and reproductive potential is possible only in a healthy society. The concept of "health" has many definitions. The most informative, in our opinion, is the definition given by the World Health Organization:

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases or physical defects."

The culture of a healthy lifestyle contributes to the achievement of a person of active longevity and the full implementation of various social functions.

The main components of a healthy lifestyle are:

  • full, balanced nutrition nutrition;
  • finding outdoors, hardening, training immunity;
  • organization of an individual appropriate mode of motor activity, providing the daily need of the body in motion;
  • compliance with the regime of labor and recreation;
  • mental and emotional stability;
  • competent environmental behavior
  • compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards, personal hygiene;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • safe behavior.

Pre-school age is the most important period when a person's personality is being formed. And it is during this period that the foundations of the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture are laid. The child acquires many habits, including the skills of performing vital movements that significantly affect the work of organs and systems of the body, awareness of the values \u200b\u200bof personal hygiene, proper nutrition, an active lifestyle.

Caring for strengthening the health of the child, the problem is not only medical, but also pedagogical. The team of teachers of GKOU from "Yekaterinburg orphanage №5" for children with disabilities, it perfectly realizes that only correctly organized educational work with children ensures the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture, and this is not just hygienic events.

The health of our pupils is due to such factors as heredity, impairment in health, living conditions and education in the family and in the educational organization. The formation of a healthy personality of children and in particular children with disabilities is possible when ensuring an effective relationship between physical education with the targeted development of his personality, in a specially created and organized environment that promotes the development of independence, self-organization, self-regulation of their own actions.

Our task, as teachers, is to prepare pupils as much as possible to a meeting with various complex, and sometimes dangerous life situations. The most acute question is about the need to develop the individual capabilities of each child, the formation of vital competencies. Thus, the assimilation of the rules of health-saving behavior occurs through the formation of initial ideas about the social norms of interaction related primarily with the attitude towards themselves and others.

To date, the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture is reflected in the pedagogical theory and practice, however, this problem is little studied in relation to children with disabilities, raising in orphanages. The issues of forming a healthy lifestyle culture in children with sensory, motor, speech and intellectual disorders in the conditions of orphanages are not developed enough, despite the fact that it is these children who need specially organized conditions for learning and upbringing.

Features of the development of our pupils affect the formation of behavior, activity, emotionally volitional and cognitive sphere, which is undoubtedly reflected in the formation of ideas about the culture of a healthy lifestyle. The educators of our kindergarten are trying to take these features to implement a personal-oriented and differentiated approach to each child when teaching the skills to maintain and strengthen their health, taking into account its condition. In addition, the support for the personal experience of children when performing medical purposes contributes to the realization of the need for health care.

In the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture in children, we use (preschool age with disabilities) The following forms of work: observations, demonstration of ways of action, viewing video and photo of materials, illustrations, visual activities, didactic and plot - role-playing games; Teachers' stories, conversations, solving problem situations, experiments, exercises, wellness and hardware events.

From our practice, we see that when performing hygienic events, the greatest responsiveness in children causes sweatshops, booms. For example:

Ay, Lada, Lada, Lada,
We love water very much.
Purely wash
Milly smile.

Clean driver
Lico sachet with Sasha,
Vanechka - palms,
And fingers - Andryushka.

Rye - snapped with handles,
Polon soap pelvis.
Do not touch, thank you
Soapy handle eye.
And the driver is bouffags,
And the driver is foaming.
The famous will come
It will be born, dressing.

If you do not wash in the morning,
Fairy may be surprised.
Do not learn and get frightened.
Better we will wash.
(I. Gurina)

And also of particular interest cause:

  • game - Experimentation: "Clean and dirty hands", "make soap bubbles", "Who is reflected in the mirror?", "Wet sleeves and a towel";
  • game - travel: "confusion, or why do you need?", "Journey to a toothbrush country";
  • gaming situations: "Let's help the doll Masha gather to visit Dasha's doll", "Lost the sock at the rigging";
  • problem situations: "Dunno bruised the knee", "an unfamiliar man offers a walk for the territory of the orphanage";
  • conversations: "From where the disease is taken"; "What if a person got sick?", "Healthy Food", "Why does soap need?";
  • didactic game: Teach the Bear to fold your belongings "," Show Winnie the Puhow, how to wipe the face and hands with a towel "," We teach Katya to fasten buttons "," Tell the heel as you need to eat ";
  • wellness and hardening events: walking on a prophylactic rug, respiratory gymnastics, air baths, visiting the pool, rinsing of the oral cavity, etc.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle culture is extremely important in strengthening the health of the pupils of our orphanage, the development of independence, initiative, responsibility in conservation and health savings; knowledge of the characteristics of its body, possible pathologies of health and ways to correct them (the development of compensatory mechanisms); Knowledge of the basics of safe behavior in everyday life, society; Formation of self-regulation skills of their own actions and interaction with others.

List of references:
  1. Popov S.V. Valeology at school and at home. St. Petersburg: Union, 1998. 256 p.
  2. Avdeeva N.N. Security: Tutorial on the basics of safety of the life of children of senior preschool age / N.N.Avdeeva, N.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkina. St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2007. 144 p.

Rostovtseva Ekaterina Viktorovna,
Educator School No. 502 of St. Petersburg

The preservation and strengthening of children's health is one of the main strategic tasks of the country.

It is well known that human health by 20% depends on hereditary factors, by 20% - from the natural environment, by 7-10% - from the level of healthcare and by 50% from the lifestyle of a person.

In this regard, the problem of preserving the health and education of a healthy lifestyle culture in children is extremely relevant.

Health represents the condition of full physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not only the lack of diseases and development defects. The lifestyle is a set of specific forms of vital activity of people in all spheres of public life.

You can select common conservation tasks Schoolchildren's health characteristic of all programs used for educational institutions:

1. Teach children to determine their condition and sensation.

2. To form an active life position.

3. To form an idea of \u200b\u200byour body, the body.

4. Learn to strengthen and maintain your health.

5. Understand the need and role of movements in physical development.

6. Training security rules when performing physical exercises and various activities.

7. To be able to provide elementary assistance in injuries.

8. To form ideas that it is useful and what is harmful to the body.

Thus, it is necessary to constantly work on the development of the self-determination of younger students, one of its most important components is to preserve and strengthen the physical, mental, moral and social health.

A healthy lifestyle (s) is the basis for the prevention of diseases and strengthening the health of children and adolescents. The modern concept of the head defines it as a constant implementation of hygienic rules for strengthening and preserving individual and public health.

For schoolchildren, rational nutrition, motion activity, tall rest, high medical activity, high medical activity are the main components of the call elements. In modern complex socio-economic conditions, the absence of these elements in the behavior of a significant part of schoolchildren is a factor in the risk of diseases.

Given the health of children's children, in recent years, in recent years, work has significantly increased work on creating a health-saving system of an educational institution aimed at forming a healthy lifestyle skills in children.

The learning aspect of this system includes:

Development of educational programs on a healthy lifestyle;

Mastering benefits for teachers and students;

The creation of methodological librars for teachers of different categories on the problems of a healthy lifestyle;

Training teachers active methods for forming a healthy lifestyle skills, etc.

It is known that healthy habits are formed from the early age of the child. Therefore, the role and importance of the family, family education in this process is difficult to overestimate. Parents are required daily, day after day, imperceptibly and steadily leading up their child to realize the need to strengthen health and learned to this art. To successfully cope with this task, parents must have a certain theoretical and practical training in these issues.

Science offers them the following principles on which educating a healthy lifestyle of children:

1. Systems approach: A person is a complex system. It is impossible to preserve the body healthy, if you do not improve the emotionally, the ski sphere, if not working with the morality of the child. Successful solution to the tasks of raising a zozh is possible only when combining the educational efforts of the school and parents.

2. Activity approach. Culture in the field of health and healthy lifestyle is mastered by children in the process of joint activities with parents. It is necessary not to send children to the path of health, but to lead them along this path.

3. The principle "Do not harm!" It provides for the use of only safe techniques of rehabilitation, scientifically recognized and tested by millennial experience of humanity and officially recognized.

4. PRINCIPLE OF HUMANISM. In education in the field of health and the sorry of the child's identity is recognized. Moral guidelines of upbringing are universal values.

The priority direction of education in the field of health should be the formation of the moral qualities of the child, which are the foundation of health. To do this, it is necessary to develop kindness, friendliness, exposure, purposefulness, courage, optimistic attitude to life, feeling the joy of existence, the ability to feel happy, believe in your own strength and trust the world.

To form these qualities, spiritual harmony is needed, adequate positive self-esteem, which arise if the child is free from a feeling of anxiety and fear, lives with confidence in its security and security. It is important that in order for the culture of health care, each child was formed feelings of tenderness and love for themselves, the mood of a special joy from understanding their uniqueness, uniqueness, infinity of their creative opportunities, a sense of confidence in peace and people.

By organizing education in the field of health, remember:

If the child is often encouraged - he learns self-confidence,

If the child lives with a sense of security - he learns to believe

If the child can achieve the desired - he learns hope

If a child lives in a friendship atmosphere and feels needed - he learns to find in this world love.

It is necessary to form a moral attitude towards your health, which is expressed in the desire and need to be healthy, to lead a call. He must realize that human health is the most important value, the main condition for achieving any life goal, and everyone itself is responsible for the preservation and strengthening of its health. To motivate it on healthy behavior, it is necessary to interest, create positive emotions in mastering knowledge, give to feel the pleasure of the methods of recovery, use positive examples from the surrounding life, a personal example of parents.

The powerful source of the formation of children's heads is physical culture. Strategy of classes proceeds from the fact that the pleasure of motor activity develops into a habit, and from her need.

An important task that needs to be solved by exercising education in the field of health and zozh is to form the basics of personal hygiene: mastering the skills of body care, samomassage techniques, ways to harden, etc. It is no less important that the child makes the skills of psychoprophylaxis, self-regulation and reserves. opportunities of their body. To do this, it is necessary to develop and improve the functions of the analyzer systems (hearing, vision, tactile feeling, etc.), to learn how to control breathing, muscular tone, imagination, contribute to the establishment of an "inner observer" in the mind of the child (inner), form The ability to express their feelings with words, facial expressions, gestures, etc. Mastering these knowledge and skills, the child learns to manage its emotions and mental activity. This improves psychological well-being in school, contributes to more successful learning.

List of references:

1. Caraseva T.V. Modern aspects of the implementation of health-saving technologies // "Primary School", 2005. - № 11.

2. Mitina E.P. Heating technology today and tomorrow // "Primary School", 2006, No. 6.

3. Oshchenpkova T.L. Education of the need for zozh in children of primary school age // "Primary School", 2006, No. 8.

4. Petrov K. Zery-sabing activities in school // Education of schoolchildren.-2005.-№2.

5. Smirnov N.K. Healthy-saving educational technologies and health psychology in school / N.K. Smirnov. - M.Arkt, 2003.

6. Sukharev A.G. Health and physical education of children and adolescents. - M.: Medicine, 1991.

7. Shevchenko L.L. From health protection to success in studies // "Primary School", 2006, No. 8.

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